
Playing with other Supernatural’s: Misplaced.

This is a FanFiction of Goyya’s amazing novel, ‘Playing with other Supernaturals’ i by no means claim the layout of this story to be a work of mine. The only parts I am adding are the two people that are introduced in the prologue. I am also by no means trying to defame his noble and highly recommended reading his before you read mine because my starts when his is at around chapter 271.

Beserk_ · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs



Two individuals stood in the middle of a ruined village.

Each man was visibly worn from the battle they had shared, however one man held more physical injuries then the other.

"Out of everyone I could've seen, it just had to be a Quincy." The shorter of the two men spoke raggedly, His silver hair was stuck together from a mixture of sweat and dried blood, while his partially opened blue eyes looked intensely at his opponent.

The silver haired man's attire was nearly destroyed, his once long, white robe had been reduced to a few loosely hanging scraps that had been stuck to his body by blood, and His white hakama was in a similar situation, over the course of the battle blood and dirt had built up, coloring it a ghastly brownish-red.

"I feel the same way, Soul Reaper." The taller of the two spoke stoically, and though his body had no visible cuts or bruises, sweat was visibly dripping from his face.

This man was dressed in clothes that would be considered noble at a first look. His attire was a variation of the Sternritter's typical white uniform, consisting of the order's signature hooded-cloak, a calf-length trench coat commensurate of his rank with dark green fur running down from his left collar to the front of the coat, a green belt with a golden belt buckle, along with white trousers and shoes, He also carried a medium-sized double-edged long-handled cruciform broadsword in a black sheath at his hip.

His appearance however would've been labeled as God-like by some. He was rather tall, standing in at about 6'3, with a slightly chiseled face. Long, flowing Blonde hair streamed down his back freely, while his lime green eyes gazed sternly at the young Soul Reaper in front of him.

"I see….. I'm surprised this has gone on this long, considering how low your Reiryoku is." The silver haired man stated.

"Truthfully, the circumstances of my death left me without my full power. It's not very easy to adjust to this new change, especially having to do so in a fight." The blonde haired man responded truthfully.

Lowering his Wakizashi-style Zanpakutō, The silver haired man spoke once again. "So you are that powerful even when you aren't at full strength, How impressive."

Mimicking his actions, the Blonde also lowered his broadsword. "I could say the same to you, Gin Ichimaru."

Raising his eyebrows, Gin Questioned. "Oh? You know of me, that's rather odd don't you think?"

Shaking his head slightly the taller man responded, "You were only noticed due to certain circumstances."

Before Gin could question what the blonde said, the man spoke once again.

"My name is Jugram Haschwalth."

After that was nothing more then history, the two ceased battling and actually had a long draw-out conversation. Occasionally they did have to kill a few 'humans' who came to the village, there reason for doing so? Because humans can't and shouldn't know of the existence of the supernatural.

Over the passing years however, the two would learn that their choice to kill those humans was meaningless, as the existence of Magic, Gods, Monsters, and many other new topics that they had not seen before, was commonly accepted and spread around.

That behind them though, they did gain new and old strengths. How, you might ask. It's simple, When Gin awoke in this world after his death, he found out that something had 'attached' itself to his soul.

The Hōgyoku, well another Hōgyoku, inside of his soul lay a incomplete version of the Gem.

Gin reasoned that this only happened because the device reacted to his desires when it briefly came into contact with him.

Using the Hōgyoku, they first experimented with regaining old power, using Jugram as the first test.

Gin of course didn't know what type of power Jugram once held, so he had Jugram explain pretty much everything, From his child hood days all the way up to him getting hit with the Auswählen.

The Auswählen had effectively stripped Jugram of all of his power, only leaving him with minuscule amounts. He did manage to keep his ability, 'The Balance' through unknown means however, He explained to Gin that it should've been stripped from him upon getting hit by Auswählen.

When asked by Gin why he didn't use any of his abilities during their previous fight, Jugram simply stated that he didn't hold enough Spiritual Energy to manifest his 'Freund Schild' or use 'The Balance' without exposing himself to a potentially fatal situation.

So after the explanations and questions, Jugram and Gin wanted to achieve one thing, Boosting Jugram's Reiryoku levels to how they used to be and maybe more.

(The Almighty isn't included)

And after hours of fiddling and trying to get the Hōgyoku to react to their desires, it finally worked.

At first, Small amounts of Spiritual Energy poured from the gem into Jugrams' soul, empowering it.

However, out of nowhere it started to pump more Reiryoku then Jugram could handle at once.

Gin wanted to stop it, but to his surprise Jugram stopped him, Giving him the reasoning that the gem knew what it was doing and would only act in a reasonable manor.

Hours later, the Hōgyoku had finished its first 'operation', having successfully restored Jugram's once lost strength and even powering him up more, boosting his Reiatsu levels up to even higher levels then when he was alive.

Over the course of the next ten years however, Gin and Jugram experimented more.

First was Gin, using the Hōgyoku he acquired a power he had been involved with before, Hollowfication.

He was able to achieve the goal rather quickly, along with being able to gain control over his hollow after a few years of training.

(His mask appearance)

Next was Jugram's power up, and let's just say it wasn't exactly a good idea.

It was also Hollowfication.

Gin had managed to somehow talk Jugram into excepting the proposition, under the reason that they needn't hold any past grudges or prejudices against differing powers since they were no longer in their previous world and getting stronger will only benefit them in the long run.

Jugram excepted the proposition after a very long period of deliberation, and they immediately began the process.

And things immediately went wrong, because as soon as the hollow Reiatsu made contact with Jugram's own, the two immediately started to clash leading to them starting to breakdown and a event know as Soul Suicide started to take place.

Of course Gin could spot the immediate change in situation, but he allowed the Hōgyoku to continue believing that Jugram would have a higher chance of survival with the Hōgyoku.