
Playing Our Roles (By The Grim Blade on FF.Net)

Something unexpected happened to me. I'm stuck inside the body of the (future) greatest thief in Vale, with the power of The Gamer given to me for some unknown reason. All in all, it could be worse. For now I have given myself a mission, actually being the greatest thief in Vale! I also need to screw over Cinder, save Pyrrha and Penny, and not end up dead in the process. (Not My fanfic please go and support the original writer The Grim Blade on Fanfiction.net) (The picture is not mine) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12454951/1/Playing-Our-Roles

RomanTorchwick · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 7

Everything stolen from the store was promptly sorted and sold off as quickly as I could contact Walter. I made a tidy sum total of around one hundred grand, it was a medium sized store so there was a fair number of jewelry there, not the best haul all considered but not the worst. After a quick eight hour sleep I began my usual routine of donning a disguise, I actually got a skill when I first did that, and doing some hardcore running and parkouring around the industrial district with weights on. Since my scroll didn't go off, it seems my lackeys haven't gotten into any trouble since I left.

After spending the better part of the morning and a bit of the afternoon, I went back to my hideout and spent the rest of the day stabbing a knife repeatedly into my leg until I almost depleted my aura pool and healing myself with Aura Mend. Because if I depleted my aura then I'd get a thirty second debuff that prevents aura regeneration, also that cool static effect around my body. It was orange, like my hair, in case you were wondering.

[Aura Mend has risen 1 level!]

It finally hit that level mark I have been aiming for for a while now, the damn skill levels slowly and chews through Dust crystals like there's no tomorrow. I've taken to only using a Dust crystal when I really needed the MP and supplementing everything else through meditation, just to save myself the money. As it is now at level twenty, the skill will restore nine hundred and fifty health and aura when using a crystal. It has potential to be overpowered as hell if I had infinite Dust, as just using the skill once will restore any aura I initially used.

So, I made sure to keep a ton of Dust crystals sitting in my inventory at all times. Just in case.

Once night started to hit I decided that today's skill grinding had come to an end. I have a quest I needed to continue with and Junior's club should be open right about now. After a quick shower I strolled out of my living quarters and into the main warehouse, tapping my cane on the ground as I walked. Every one of my men went into a form of attention when they spotted me, some even stopping what they were doing with a box in their arms.

I strolled into the middle of the warehouse and pretended to think something over. "Alright, you there," I suddenly said, pointing to a random henchman, who jumped upon being selected, "You doing anything super important right now?"

He looked confused and looked over to a buddy of his, "Uh, no sir?"

I pointed at him again, "Wrong answer, but I'll let it slide for now. You are going to be my driver, I need to go to Junior's. You know where that is right?"

He nodded, "Yeah, boss."

"Wonderful! Let's go," I didn't give him any time to argue as I walked over to my van and took my place in its passenger side. I should think about investing in a nice car that's only used for light travel like this, a van used for thievery getaways isn't exactly the best car to be using to travel around with. But beggar's can't be choosers so I had to suck it up.

The henchman scrambled to the driver's side, another tossing him the keys as he neared the driver's side.

Once we left the warehouse the ride to the club was silent, neither of us having anything to talk about and me being far too busy thinking about what Junior could've found to make him react like that. We've had some on and off connection this past month, mostly when I needed some extra information about a place I was going to rob that my goons just couldn't get. Other times was kinda just social, he had a really good selection of alcohol at his bar. I, or anyone really, didn't know the extent of Roman's relationship with Junior in the series, but I guess it doesn't really matter now. I can make my own.

I had a few scenarios running through my head, maybe Neo was part of some secret assassin guild. Maybe she was a part of some other big crime lord's gang and I needed to knock the guy down and take his place. Maybe she was a mercenary with a really bad track record and Junior just wanted to make sure I don't recruit cancer. Blasphemous, that last thought, Neo was best girl and nothing could ever change that. Sorry Weiss.

The van came to a stop in front of the entrance to the club and I let myself out, "Park 'round the side and wait, this shouldn't take too long."

The goon nodded his affirmation and drove around to the parking spaces next to the club once I shut the door to the van. Cracking my neck I walked through the front doors, giving Junior's men a nod. I've become a regular enough sight that they nodded back and didn't give me the stink eye, they knew I wasn't trouble. The inside of the club was exactly as I remembered it, sweaty bodies and all. I pushed past all of the party goers and went straight to the bar, hoping to find Junior sitting there.

As luck would have it he was the one tending the bar, doing the typical bartender action of drying a glass with a towel. I knew he spotted me when he set his glass down and waved for one of his goons to take his place. Once I got close enough Junior waved me forward, likely wanting to talk when there wasn't extremely loud music blocking our voices. I followed him through the door behind the bar and he lead us to a small break room.

I took a seat at the small table in the room, propped my cane against the table, and waited for Junior.

Junior sighed and pinched his nose, "Look, Roman. I'm going to say this flat out before I tell you anything." He took a deep breath, "In my own personal opinion, I think you should stop trying to find this woman entirely."

Now he had my attention, I rose an eyebrow and replied, "I take it you formed this opinion of yours when you obtained some distressing news?"

Junior snorted and took a seat across from me, "Distressing is one way to put it. I didn't lose any contacts or men when I went searching for this mystery woman of yours, thank Oum,-"

"Huh, that's a thing here…"

"-but one of them had a close call. And it's where you will find the woman."

I leaned forward with my chin resting on my interlocked hands and said, "And where is that?"

"Vacuo. Specifically, around the south-eastern part of Vacuo near some of the outlying villages," Junior replied. "You could probably take a boat to Vacuo's docks and rent a car to drive to one of the villages, despite the desert and harsh weather they have roads that are maintained enough to drive on."

"I see… any clue to why she would be in that sort of backwater, so to speak, part of Remnant?" I honestly needed to know, I wasn't expecting to have to travel to the desert boonies. Though desert travel wouldn't be much of a problem for me, my inventory can store food that won't spoil and water bottles that won't ever lose their original stored temperature. I have the best survival toolkit on me at all times.

Junior pointed an index finger to me, a serious glare resting on his face, "That brings us to why I think you should drop this. Apparently, from a few survivors of the attacks that recognized your girl's description, she is a part of a roaming band of bandits."

I blinked, taken aback, "Bandits?"

The man nodded and dropped his hand back to the table, "Yeah, ever since they got some new leader they've been more of a problem for edge towns. The places where hunters can't reach in time to stop them or any Grimm that come from all the negativity." He sighed and rubbed his nose, "They are bad news, Roman, even amongst criminals and far too dangerous for my taste. If they consider you weak in any way, they will try and kill you. That's their motto, 'The weak die, the strong live'. They accept nothing less than the strong."

I frowned as I took this in, Neo was a part of Raven's band of merry men right now, not a good sign for me. I don't like bandits all that much, even if that's just the gamer in me that's annoyed having to fight them constantly. It be be odd that a criminal like me finds criminals like bandits to be distasteful, but a bandit is a criminal thug, all brute strength and only good in numbers. And while they might need to be like this, as they attack villages, I, as a thief, am a professional that uses grace, intellect, and yes, a little bit of force every now and then, to get what I wanted.

I couldn't fight Raven directly, that much was painfully clear. I might have made several strides in increasing my abilities, levels, and stats since I started out a month ago, but I was far from an actual trained and professional huntress. And I was not so arrogant as to assume I was such. But what was it that Taiyang said about Raven during his spar with Yang in volume four? That she thinks the best way to beat a problem is to go through it? That strength was all that matters in a fight?

Well, then I guess it's a good thing my build is intelligence and dexterity. I'll just shape things to fit my needs and play by my rules. Not hers.

I hummed and tapped my chin in contemplation, "So, south-eastern Vacuo then?"

Junior reeled back in shock, "Wait, you're actually thinking about going aren't you?"

I laughed briefly at his remark, delightfully slapping the table with a hand, "Junior, I'm not thinking about going, I'm already making plans."

He rubbed his face, "Fine then, don't say I didn't warn you. I think you're crazy and will definitely die, but I'll at least try and lessen the chance."

I tipped my hat, "You're such a wonderful friend Junior, keep this up and I'll start thinking you actually like me."

Junior snorted, "Not a chance." He pulled out his scroll and tapped a few times on the screen, I felt my scroll buzz. "There, I just sent you the last known camping location of the bandit tribe. I recommend you try and find this girl of yours before the next six months, unless the Grimm decided to hold them up they should be leaving right about then."

"Not a clue to where their next destination would be?" The quest update screen appeared in my vision, but I mostly ignored it to pay attention to Junior.

Junior shook his head, "No, it's usually random. Although they never seem to go to Menagerie or Atlas."

"Why's that?"

He shrugged, "Besides the fact that Atlas would happily crush them beneath their boots, it's mostly snow up there, not very comfortable to roam around in. Menagerie is basically unlivable for most of the island, the main settlement takes up almost all of the habitable areas. Probably don't want to try and brave it's desert."

I nodded and pushed myself up, "Fair enough. Well, thanks for the info, Junior. It has been a pleasure doing business with you, but I think it's time I used this new information. I have things to plan and do."

We shook hands and Junior said, "Yeah, whatever. If you die, just don't come back to haunt me. I don't want to have to see your ugly mug every day."

[Quest Updated]

One scoop, or two?

What's a master criminal without his true partner in crime? Going lone wolf will only take you so far in this industry. But, unfortunately, you have no idea where this prospective partner of yours is. For now, you will just have to wait for Junior to come up with something.

It seems Junior has pulled through for you and presented you with the location of this partner you so desperately want. It's too bad she's stuck with a bunch of brutish bandits, isn't it?

Quest Progression:

-Commission Junior for his services in finding information. [X]

-Wait until Junior contacts you about the information he found. [X]

-Go to Junior's club at the time he tells you to. [X]

-Find your way to the last known location of the bandits. []


Rewards: 100,000 Lien, 1,000,000 EXP, new title "Partners in Crime", a new follower, storyline progression.

Failure: Death.

The ride back to the warehouse was quick and without complications, once we were parked I stepped out and let my men do whatever is they do in between jobs. I needed to make a plan to get to the bandit tribe before the six months were up, but what should I do?

The first obvious thing I needed was to make a base of operations in Vacuo. Since I already had a shadow shipping company that Walter created for me, I could use that to buy out parking space at Vacuo's docks. And on that note I should also get a small ship for travel between the kingdoms, I'd go for air travel but that'd be a little too expensive for long distance travel right now. I doubt a single bullhead, mounted guns or not, would make it far into Grimm territory. I just hope we don't encounter any sea Grimm like the one Sun and Blake fought. Best to get a ship with guns, just in case.

As for where my men and I will work, we could just sleep and work on the ship. Hopefully, we won't be in Vacuo for long, but I shouldn't jinx the quest just yet. Right now I needed to actually get to Vacuo, thus I'll make a call and find out how much a boat was.

I paced in front of my map of Vale I had set up over a table, scroll at my ear and largely ignoring my wandering henchmen in the warehouse's background. The scroll clicked through and I heard Walter answer.

"Roman, my friend, how may I help ya? Got anything else to sell? And so soon?"

I clicked my tongue as I made another pass past the map, "Not tonight Walter, I'm looking to find something to buy."

"Hmm, what are ya looking for kid?"

I stopped and stared at the industrial district on the map, "How much would a boat good enough to travel between here and Vacuo cost? Something that a shipping company would own, but nothing too large."

"Looking to get into the smuggling business now, eh kid?"

"Something like that, more like I just need to find someone and want to travel on my own terms," I replied.

"I see…" I heard some shuffling around and quick typing, "Well, I do have something I could get for ya. Cost ya a pretty Lien too, around three point two million to be exact. But it's between a small and a medium-sized ship, got two front guns for any Grimm that try and eat ya, and has a bit of storage space for anything ya want moved."

"Good condition?"

"Great condition, got enough on ya to buy it?"

I frowned at the price and bit my lip, I only had around two million on me right now, "Not yet. Mind keeping it on hold for the time being? I can get the money to pay for it in full."

I heard a sigh over the scroll, "I can hold it for ya for a month at max, and I'm only doin' it for ya cause I like ya! Don't expect me to keep babying ya all the time, items like these are popular and I don't want no grief from other criminals by showing favoritism."

A month to get three point two million Lien, I can do it in less time but I should aim for extra to have some fallback cash on. I nodded, "Alright. I can get you the money in a month, just keep it nice and pretty for me."

"I'll shine her twice a day, kid. If that's all ya need?"

"Yeah, thanks, Walter," with that I pulled my scroll from my head and we disconnected the call. I had the transportation set up, now I just had to hatch a plan to deal with these bandits. Raven would be the biggest threat by far, not counting whoever they had on their side that did all the damage to that village they attacked in volume four.

She was fiercely loyal to her "family", skewed as her perceptions are. So whatever she did, she did it for them and their best interests. I tapped my cane on the floor in thought, what if I made it seem like I was in their best interests? Offer them something that they can't deny to be useful, something I'll never bother to give them of course, but then I only needed to be there for a few months at max.

That solves the problem of how to get in, it's getting Neo to join my side and get out that therein lies the problem. I know nothing about Neo and her situation, she could be as loyal as Raven is to the tribe, as much as I doubt that, for all I know. Hell, she could be happily prancing around and stabbing as much as her heart desires, not a care in the world. She was a strong character, she should be thriving in the bandit culture.

The best plan I had to bring her into the fold was to basically wing it. I knew nothing and won't get anything more than what Junior could get, at the very least not in any reasonable time frame in any rate.

As for leaving the bandits, assuming I'm leaving with Neo and not dead as my quest would suggest if I don't succeed. I actually had a slightly better idea than just winging it, a distraction. Several distractions, really. If what Junior told me was correct, then the Grimm were able to hold the bandits back from leaving anytime soon, and I could use that to my advantage. I just needed to draw them to the camp and let the bandits fight them off while Neo and I make our grand escape.

A little optimistic for a plan, sure, but I like to think it leaves room for some creative adjustment.

The question was how to draw the Grimm in, they are only attracted to large increases in negativity. Something that the bandits no doubt, and everyone else in the world, were fully aware of. That means I needed to make the negativity myself, I needed to make the bandits feel angry and fearful and other negative emotions. I needed the negativity to spread like a wildfire.

Wait a minute… fire.

"That's it!" I thought to myself as I grinned maliciously. I just came up with a brilliant idea to distract the tribe.

When I finish with my next guild mission I'm heading straight for Walter's, to sell off the things I acquired and to see if he has any books about bomb making, specifically firebombs. Those will be my main source of negativity generation, but it'll take a while to set them up properly inside the camp without getting caught. This will end up being a long term mission that'll just skirt the edge of the mission complete time, I can already tell. I'll even have to make a remote for them so they don't go off prematurely. Hell, the firebombs will make an excellent distraction all on their own, the Grimm would be the icing on the cake. Not like anyone would miss the bandits, even if I highly doubt I'd kill them off with this.

Would I gain plenty of enemies? Most certainly.

Would I make an enemy of a very powerful, bitchy, portal making huntress? Yup, but this is a risk I needed to make.

I just need to make an invisibility skill or, failing that, I might need to train my stealth and get some acting skills. Literally. They'll even help me sell what I'd be trying to sell to get in with the tribe anyway.

As this is remnant, I can safely guess that all bombs run on Dust. I'm going to make a lot of them, as I don't know how big the bandit camp even is, I should start stocking up on Dust. Which I was going to focus on stealing the most, good money and practice for the future and all. The stuff was a very important commodity in this world, and if you can control it then you can control others. Something I gave some applauding respect to the Schnee corporation towards, say what you want about him but Weiss's father really knew how to control a market. It was even more obvious when you actually live on Remnant now.

Everything ran on Dust, even sea ships. That being said, there was actually a surprisingly low amount of criminals that stole the stuff in large quantities.

"Maybe they didn't want the heat," I mused quietly to myself as I pulled out a cigar and scanned my map to see which stores and places I needed to steal from. I looked over my shoulder and called out, "Hey Jerry!"

Said henchman came quickly running up to me, "Yeah, boss?"

I turned around to face him and jerked my head to indicate the other henchmen, "Take some men and look for any big shipments of Dust coming to Vale. Also, look into finding a bigger van, preferably a moving one without any identifying markers. We're going to start hitting some bigger targets and we'll need the space to store any stolen goods. We don't have bullheads just yet."

He nodded and went off to complete his orders, he was starting to become my favorite goon in my little group. I took a drag from my cigar and decided to stop contemplating why other criminals didn't want to steal Dust for profit.

It was going to be their loss anyway, and I intend to capitalize on it.

(A/N) Mildly short chapter, but it's just a setup anyway.

Name: Roman Torchwick

Class: The Gamer

Level: 37 (Next Level: 1,720/70,300)

Title: Up and Coming Kingpin

Bounty: 28,000 Lien

HP: 2,402

MP: 4,178 [3,214 + 160.7(5%) + 803.5(25%)]

STR: 42 [Base 30 + 9(30%) + 3(10%)]

VIT: 60.2 [Base 43 + 12.9(30%) + 4.3(10%)]

DEX: 159.9 [Base 78 + 11.7(15%) + 23.4(30%) + 7.8(10%) + 39(50%)]

INT: 141.4 [Base 101 + 30.3(30%) + 10.110%)]

WIS: 56 [Base 40 + 12(30%) + 4(10%)]

LUK: 11

Elemental Affinity: Earth (10)

Attribute Points: 5

Lien: 2,523,690

Status Effects: Inactive Aura(Toggled Off)

This isn't my fanfic please go support The Grim Blade on FF.net

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