
Playgrounds, Valedictorians, and Marching band

This is the story of a girl (from her eighth grade to senior year)that had known success her whole life, even in the face of adversity, but things turn upside down when she meets a boy that is similar to her in that way. p.s. I don't really write romance/dramas, so I'm trying outside my comfort zone, plz forgive me if it isn't the best.

DaoistvvxNfC · Teen
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3 Chs

Placement test

Ivy's pencil taps the table impatiently as she waits for her results. See, she hadn't went to school her seventh grade year and had to take a placement test to get into eighth grade.

Her mind flashes back to where she had spent her time in another country. (That's where she had been her seventh grade year.) The yellow tint of the Adobe buildings, laughter of small children, and the smell of fresh tortillas had consumed her mind. It was a simpler time, yet, it was so miserable.

No one understood her where she was. Her bright blue eyes, pale skin, and funny accent separated her from the rest. She didn't fit in there. Now, don't take this as "not like other girls".

She wondered what was taking so long for results, she had been the only student that had to take this test. She then went back into her head.

How would her peers in the U.S. treat her? She had last been to this school in fifth grade, she had definitely hit puberty since then. Would she literally be worshipped by boys and envied by girls as she had been in the other country? Would she be a total loser? Would she struggle as she had missed a year?

A heavy-built man walked in and stared at Ivy as she was caught in her trance.

"I have your results." the man spoke in a drawling accent. Ivy wondered why the man was stalling, maybe she did poorly? There was no way that she did poorly, she was always considered the "smart kid" since the third grade. She braced herself for whatever result would come out of that man's mouth, if he could ever hurry up.

"Young lady, were you ever in the Gifted program?"

"Yes. Before I moved."

The man, who introduced himself as the principal, Mr. Donelson, handed Ivy her test results. As expected, she had passed with flying colors. That's all she had known. Excellence in everything she does. She would never be a failure. Never.

She thanked the principal and walked home.