
Playground Illusion part 2

You are a phantom being of supernatural energy, working as a covert intelligence operative for SENTINEL, a secretive government agency. Your unrivaled powers of surveillance can safeguard the freedom of the country; your paranormal wraith abilities will make the difference between being hunter and prey. SENTINEL has tasked you to investigate the No-State Separatists, a ruthless band of domestic terrorists. Can you uncover a link to the extreme-right True Freedom Party? Your investigation will delve into the realm of political corruption, draw you into the spirit world, and bring you to the nexus of all reality itself.

Teuitzi · Sci-fi
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30 Chs


"I want to know about you. Who are you?"

My name is Marly. In life, I was…well, a nobody. I was born in a little town in Iowa that you've never heard of, and I spent my whole life there. I worked in supermarkets, and in most of the factories that set up on the edge of town. Now that I'm dead, weirdly, I feel like I'm more than I ever was before."

"You remember your life? And your death?"

She nods. "I'm guessing from your question you don't. You will, sooner or later. Probably."


Again, she nods.