"One! Two! Three!"
"Im gonna get that giiiiiiiffftttt....!!!"
All of the guys, although exhausted, still refuse to give up because of the reward Ms. Angel said. I just sit there and watches them with a pity looking expression on my face. I just ignored them and continue what I was going to do, getting stronger so that I can find out more and more information about what is the possible outcomes and what is gonna happen in the future.
There is a saying that knowledge is weapon and power, you can survive longer the more you know. But surviving with only knowledge is not enough, you need to be able to atleast fight back.
I exhale as I stand up after completing push ups.
[Daily Quest:
(250/250) Push Ups
(0/250) Sit Ups
(0/250) Curl Ups
(0/250) Squats
(0/25 KM) Running]
I then also completed the situation ups but do it moderately slow so that I won't get any more attentions, I can sense all of their gaze towards me.
"He is so hot....."
I can hear a few gurls saying and I think they were looking at the president that was just about 2 meters away from me, I dont wanna move to another direction because I am here first so i just stayed here.
After about 30 minutes, I also completed the sit ups. I just waited for more 30 minutes each of the remaining exercises: curl ups and squats. There is a remaining hour so I just completed the 25km run in the field and made my speed to match the time of exactly 1 hour so I can completed the last one.
"Alright, enough guys! All of you come here and drink your waters. You need to rest and the last activity for today is gonna last for about 3 hours, it is gonna happen inside the main hall."
I heard her voice again, I meant Ms. Angel. It seems like all the guys are sad and mad about something and they were all looking at me with a intention to kill me or something.
'they're gaze is gonna stabbed me in the heart.' I said.
I can hear Ms. Angel talked again abot the reward she promised and all of the guys got excited, I just keep them be and went straight to the second floor and go to my room. I have a lot in my mind to be here.
"But first, let's take a looked at the reward."
[Daily Quest:
(250/250) Push Ups
(250/250) Sit Ups
(250/250) Curl Ups
(250/250) Squats
(25/25 KM) Running]
[You have completed the Daily Quest!]
[Daily quest reward:
1000 golds
Full recovery
3 stat points]
'Full recovery'
[You received the 'Full Recovery' reward.]
"All right, now let's take a looked at the movie I was supposed to wat--"
I heard a knock that I just ignored, I can feel the presence of someone who is currently standing rught Infront of it. She was unarmed and has no any other hostile intentions.
Her presence is strong for me but if it is another person or any other normal human being, they are not gonna felt her presence. Not a single bit. Thwy might die before even feeling the blade cut if their heads or throat if they are the target.
I waited for a couple of minutes and then stand up when I can't stand it anymore, I annoyingly opened the door and just as I expected, it was Ariana.
"I wanna tal--"
I said and then shut the door, went back to my bed and then open the Television. I heard another knocks again and so, I open it again and it was still her.
"I said let's tal--"
"I already answered you."
I was about to shut the door and I didn't see her stopping me, looks like she finally gives up on doing what she was about to do and I can finally enjoyed what i was going to do.
She says while still standing outside when I finally closed the door, I don't hear any footsteps going away from the door of my room. She was still standing there, waiting for my response.
I then just give in and open the door to talked to her, I just let her outside because I dont want a girl in my room. Except my sister, she's exceptional. She always cleanse my room but the thing I'm gonna get after is an earful of scolding from her.
I asked her what the hell does she wants and she answered me almost immediately the moment I stopped on talking.
"Join us."
I pretend to be puzzled but I definitely know what is she talking about so I just let her in to not attract any unnecessary attentions and so that no one can hear what we are talking about. I don't wanna have a trouble for something like this, I don't wanna be part of a killer organization.
"Join what?"
"Are you not gonna let me sit down first?"
"No. Now answer my question, join what?"
She looked at me with a murderous intent, I definitely didn't let that slide and just kept on looking at her. I didn't add any deadly intent to her know that I am not going to do anything to her but she didnt stopped. Looks like she is starting to regret her decision on asking me to join them.
I guess that she thinks I'm a good fighter and I can be a good puppet if they just talked to me and do a very good job. They targeted the wrong guy, I don't wanna do this but if I need to kill her, I will.
'she seems like have more allies, I already knows one but who's the others?'
I looked at her, I don't see any wire taps or any hidden microphone on her clothes not mine but i still think of every single word that is gonna come out of my mouth because they might use it against me to obey them.
I can see her take out a sharp kind of dagger, I think it was called a stiletto. The sharp part was atleast about a ruler long. I don't wanna fight right now, not in my room so I talked before imthungs get more messy.
"If you are asking me to join your gang or any other organizations containing illegal activities such as selling drags or kidnapping kids or adults, I am gonna say no. I don't wanna do those kind of things."
Her expression changed from a blood hunting murderer to a shock expression In judt a couple of seconds, she then slowly put her weapons back to her back to hide it from me.
"Y-yeah..... Sure..... It was just a gang....."
She said as she looked away from me, seems like she thinks that i didn't know anything of her getting part if a secret organization. I don't know how she found that out but it is good that her suspicions about me dissapeared.
"I already told you my answer, don't bother me again. Also, you should leave that gang, your mom and dad might get angry at you."
She paused for a second as she was heading right through the door, she was holding the door knob as she was about to open the door and then get out but my mouth talked a little by too much that I delayed it.
"Mom you said....?"
She walks right towards me while leaning her head down, it is as if she was looking at the ground and is super ashamed to face me because sge did something very wrong.
"What do you mean my mom and dad might get angry huh? What do you even know?!"
She suddenly shouts while still looking down but i can see a tear fall out of her eyes, it looks like she was crying avout something and i think it was because I mentioned her parents.
After saying that, I guess she gets a reality check and then realized that she was talking to me. She might have had a sad memories containing of her parents, I wished her to overcome it. I also went through that.....
"S-sorry..... I got caught up because of an old memory of mine..... I'm sorry....."
She lift her head, wiped her tears and then looked towards the door again. She doesn't seem okay just a few seconds and now she was back to her original self, what is she, a robot?
I didn't stopped her and just let her out and then closed the door, I sat on my bed thinking if what happened just now. While thinking about it, a question has appeared on my mind:
'what is gonna happen to her in the upcoming future?'
Now that I think about it, I only get this system because I was lucky enough to be the player. I don't have any talents or any other things that was outstanding, I just got it because if the system. I didnt do anything.
I think if something more important to let this thoughts not bother me and do something to let my mind rest, I watched some movie and even played some games and it looks like it was working. I even fall asleep an hour before the next and last activity starts.
I go down to the hall and saw all the others there, wearing a jogging pants and a white shirt. Is there another PE activity?
The other two teachers also appeared and three more people:
The first one that was in the middle was wearing a black Dobok and a black belt. Looks like he doing some sort of martial arts, I think it was taekwondo. Is he gonna teach us how to do that? I can't use that inside the dungeon... I can do it if I just punch and kick here and there.
The other two seems like also a student, they were boy and girl, they were wearing a white Dobok and a blue belt.
"Alright students, today we have a Taekwondo instructor/trainer, meet Mr. Lee and his other apprentice: Ms. Yu Heeli and Mr. Gong Seong."
I can hear the amazement of my other classmates that was sitting in circle and the three was in the middle while the two teachers were outside the circle.
I looked at the apprentice guy, he looks like he was trying to impress the girls that was sitting around but they were not looking at him because they were lookinga t my direction where the president is also sitting...
I said outloud in which the president then looked at me and asked:
"What's strange?"
He then just continue to looked at the trainer to listen in which I also did, I saw the apprentice guy looking at me with mockery as If he is challenging me. That was pissing me off but I was too lazy so I just let it be, moving more is gonna tire me out. Should I just go home and PM my teachers that there is an urgent emergency I needed to do?
I can see the girl apprentice looking right at me and when I looked at her, she looked away from me and her cheeks is looking a little bit red. Is she sick?
"So what I'm going to teach you today is:
Self defense."
He then asked the apprentice guy to go to his direction to be easily demonstrate what the trainer is talking about, all of this is not gonna be able to use inside a dungeon so I am not listening at all. It has been an hour and he was still explaing, asking for someone who wants to volunteer that I accidentally yawn because of boredom.
The trainer, the two apprentice, my classmates and the two Teachers looked at me with a confused looked. Seems like I accidentaly let out a loud yawn.
"Are you bored young man? Di you want to be a new volunteer in the next demonstration?"
The trainer asked me but I just looked at him and just as I was avot to answer, he talked again.
"The one we are going to do now are sparring, are you in? The one you are going to fight is this young handsome gentleman, Gong Seong."
I looked at the guy, so as the whole class and the teachers in which is looked like he was enjoying this that he smirked and was about to mock me more.
"Only a coward would not agree to that, right?"
He says and was looking at me straight in the eye. He was pissing me off now.