
Chapter 12: Friend

After 30 minutes, our teacher finally came "okay class, get back to your seats and we are gonna start the final exa-" our professor didn't managed to continue what she is going to say and then looked at me, i just lifted my head after hearing her voice "handsome young man~~ are you a transfery? Or are you in the wrong class~~?" She says while smiling at me. When she asked that question, all of my classmates looked at me "oh yeah..... I think he is a celebrity who just transfer here...." I hear a girl whisper "no way they still let him transfer, the final exam is gonna happen now..!" I hear a guy says "uhmm..? What;;?" I said to them while kinda sweating "I asked if you are a transfery or are you lost, you might be on another section~~~ this is the first time we met~~~" she says while smiling again "why is Ms. Angel talking like that? She is a popular teacher, she can get any man she wants.... Wait dont tell me..." I heard a guy says. Fyi, Ms. Angel is a popular teacher in our school, she is teaching in this school for three years now actually but, she is not married and a lot of guys ask her out and she rejected all of them, she often gets in trouble whenever a random gangster student asked her out and then she rejected them, but fortunately for her, a lot of guys has a crush on her so they protect her..... 'is what I hear about her, I only know her name and that she is my History teacher nothing else, I got bullied often by that asshole Kyle and she helped me sometimes but i ignored her...' i said in my mind and the. Looked around, finding something missing.... Or someone 'where the hell is Kyle!?' I said in my mind..... 'well looks like he is just gonna pay for his grade again, that guy never shows up to any periodical exams anyway, I'm just gonna wait for him next year, the most important thing is, me getting stronger and stronger, i think there is a reason this is happening to me. There might be another one of those dungeons appearing and a game appearing in real life and becoming reality, maybe reincarnation is possible and I die and then reincarnated in another world, so i need to get more stronger' i said in my mind and then looked around the classroom seeing my classmates continue what they are talking "is Ms, Angel interested in this guy!?" I hear him shouts "..." I didn't say anything and just listen to what are they talking about "no~~ why would I be interested in a student of mine~~~" she said while blushing "dont lie to us prof! You're face says it all!" I hear a girl says to her "no~ I'm telling the truth!~~" I hear the prof says "by the way young man~~ can you introduce yourself to us~~? This is the first time we meet each other so it's nice to introduce ourselves y'know~~~" she says and then put the exam paper on her desk "yeah... We are gonna introduce ourselves too!" I hear another girl says "and can I get your number?" I hear a girl says "..." I didnt say anything to her "Hey! That's not fair if you are the only one who can get his numbe-" the girl didn't managed to finished her sentence because i already speak "uhmm.. it's me.... Jin Aneced....." I said to them and as i say my name, all of them silence as if they didn't believe what is just said "what.....?" I hear Ms. Angel says "isn't Jin always getting bullied by Kyle?" I hear a guy said "Damn he changed so fast in just five days..." I hear another one says "no way.... That's Jin?" I hear a girl says this time "now come to think of it.... I never saw Jin's face before because he always covered it with his hoodie....." I hear another girl says, I didn't mind them and just stare at them "okay Jin... Let's start the Final exam....." I hear Ms. Angel says while staring at me with her face turning red 'what the is wrong with everyone? Is there something on my face? I know I'm not handsome so pleased stop looking at my face....' I said in my mind and covered my face with my hand "class get back to your seats we are gonna start the class in a few minutes" I hear Ms. Angel says 'finally' I said in my mind and then Mind my own business.

"Although I already sent the Exam schedule and the subject we are gonna do today, I'm gonna explain it again" Ms. Angel says and then continue talking "so we have eight subject, today, the only exam we are gonna do is four and then also four tommorow. This is the schedule we have for today" she says and then take a chalk and go to the board. She just explain everything we have for our schedule today and tomorrow, after that we started rhe final exam, one hour each and then a 20 minutes break.

After having the exam for today, I just go outside our room and then run towards the entrance gate of our school and then get out "my sister said to go to her school right? She says she is gonna introduced me to her friend and her brother, so might as well have a friend's to that friend's brother of hers, i don't have any friend anyway" i said and then Just keeps running towards the direction of my sister's school 'wait.... On my way to her school, I'm gonna be able to see our house because it's on rhe way to her school, might as well take some water for her and change some clothes I said in my mind and the continue running again, a few moments later, i managed ro get to our house sweating, i go inside our house, go upstairs and inside my room to change skme clothes. I then went to the kitchen to grabbed some bottled water and a bag to put it on.



(0/500) PUSH UPS

(0/500) SIT UPS

(0/500) CURL UPS

(0/500) SQUATS






The system just appears Infront of me and I remember something important, "oh yeah, I forgot about the daily quest because of the exam, might as well do the running on the way, i still have half a day left anyway" i said and then go outside running on the way to my sister's school. It didn't took an hour because of how fast I'm running, I'd say it only took 10-15 minutes for me to get here 'im controlling my speed because the people might get suspicious of me and says i have a power or something;;;;" i said and then just wait outside their school, while waiting i see a lot of people looking at me "?" I didn't say anything and just stare at them "woah.... Who is he?" I hear a girl said "I think he is a celebrity or something...." I hear another one said "Hey! Brother! Over here!" I here my sister's voice and then looked towards the voice is coming from, I saw my sister with a white haired girl with her and a guy with black hair and blue eyes 'is that the friend she is talking about?' i said in my mind and then wait for hee to come here "hey, Sally, is that the friend you are talking about?" I asked her and then She answers "yeah" "woah.... Is she your brother..?" A girl behind Sally says "yeah, he is my older brother, his name is Jin. Jin Aneced, and brother this is Ara Reaper and her brother....?" She says and then Didn't managed to continue what is she going to say because I think she forgot his name "I'm Sorry, i forgot your name.... What is your name again....?" She asked "oh it's okay," he said and then state his name.

"Hello! My name is..."

"Julian Reaper"