
Player's Roomate

It was hot at my parent’s funeral. That’s all I remember. Wait…let me rephrase that. That’s all I wanted to remember. I was itching at my skin the whole ceremony, sweat rolled down my legs as I stood awkwardly around my sparse, nameless relatives. Everyone around me had tears streaking down their faces, smearing makeup and dripping onto the ground. Everyone except for me. As much as I had wanted to, I couldn’t bring myself to cry. Nothing would come out. I guess I should explain some things. My name is Emma Hark. I’m sixteen. I live in a small, unknown town buried deep in Washington. It’s nice and peaceful, which I like; big cities just aren’t my thing. I’m an only child, sadly. I’d always wanted a little brother or sister, but all I got was a snooty cat. I had two loving parents, but of course, they died. It was a car accident that did the job. I guess I had it coming, as luck seems to dodge me. After my parents, that was it for my family. Everyone had already passed away. I was the last Hark. There was no crazy, hair-brained aunt twice removed or some foreign uncle. I was it. And before you start thinking I’m off to a dirty, old foster home in foggy London, you’re wrong. Why would I tell you about that? No, I’m here to tell you about the Stephens family. The rich-beyond-imagination, well-known, high class, involved, loving, entertaining Stephens family. The only family who would actually take me in. Don’t ask me how my parents even knew these god-like people. We were so below them. But in the well-planned will of my parents, it stated, “Emma Lucille Hark is to move in and live with the parents of Henry and Michelle Stephens”. As the old, bearded man from the funeral home read this aloud to me, my mouth dropped and I asked him to repeat that sentence at least four more times. I couldn’t believe it! But right after the service, I spotted the infamous black Escalade roll up to the funeral home and out came Michelle Stephens. She was primped to perfection and a touch of sadness tainted her expression. When she saw me, the pulled me into a tight, very awkward hug. I felt like a poor, scrappy peasant next to her. She said some soothing words, signed some papers, gave a few smiles, and soon I was buckled in to the passenger seat of her toasty, elegant car. “Don’t worry, Emma. Everything’s going to be all right. We’re just going to go back to your house and you can gather up some of your things. I’ve already got your room ready and everything! Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what it’s like to have a daughter.” And off she went, rambling about bras and flowers and pink things. I was sharply reminded of the fact that she only has boys. Two boys, to be exact. The youngest was Charlie, a moppy-headed cute kid who had a bit of a smart mouth. But it didn’t matter, as he was only in 4th grade. And then there was Ricky. His full name was Roderick, but everyone just called him Ricky. Tall, dark, and handsome; a perfect description of him. He was A-team, popular, gorgeous, and a senior. As a lanky, awkward sophomore, I heard a lot about him. All the underclassmen girls obsessed over him. The few friends I had basically worshipped Ricky. But, the spell he put on all the girls just didn’t reach out to me. I didn’t see it. But as I got closer to my new house, I could feel my stomach begin to bunch up. Suddenly, I realized. I was going to be roommates with him.

DaoistRfkRrt · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Chapter One: First Impressions

"Wow", was all I could say as we drove through the gates of the Stephens' mansion. An enormous grey-stoned manor towered above us. I ogled at its size. It was probably four times the size of my old house.

 Michelle smiled. "I'm glad you like your new house."

 I gripped the car seat, wincing at her words. You could say I was still in shock about the death. Everything was moving so fast. A day ago, I was sitting in my room, blogging. And here I was, parentless, driving up to the colossal Stephens estate. I couldn't wait to update my Tumblr, telling everyone what was going on. And I couldn't even imagine what my friends were going to say when I got back to school.

 We wheeled around the driveway and Michelle stopped the car. She honked the horn twice.

 "Wait, what are you doing?" I asked frantically. Sweat dewed on my forehead.

 "I'm just alerting the rest of the family that we're home." She grinned and hopped out of the car before I could respond. The trunk opened and I heard the noise of my suitcase being dragged out.

 "Oh shit." I muttered. I wasn't ready to meet them!

 But they obviously were.

 A middle-aged, attractive man opened the large front door and stepped out. He wore an elegant suit that made him look like he'd just stepped out of a fashion show. That must have been Henry, the husband. He quickly spotted me in the car and waved. I was glued to the car seat.

 Charlie peeked out from behind Henry. He looked very eager and excited. I couldn't help but smile. He would be a great little brother. Charlie said some things I couldn't hear to Henry and he pointed to the car. Suddenly, Charlie burst from the house, down the steps, and straight to the car. He swung the door open and plopped into the driver's seat, a giant grin on his face.

 "Greetings, big sister!" He shouted into my ear and planted a big, wet kiss on my cheek. The hearty chuckle of Henry reached my ears and Michelle's small giggle floated from the back of the car.

 I wiped my cheek and gave a weak smile. "Hi, Charlie."

 "Let me help you out of the car!" He exclaimed as he crawled over my lap and jumped onto the crunchy gravel of the driveway. Charlie tugged me out and I almost fell to the ground.

 I walked to the back of the car, Charlie gripping onto my shirt. Michelle had my suitcase. Henry was beside her now. Both of them were smiling.

 "You must be Emma," Henry said. "We're delighted to meet you."

 Well, they definitely weren't evil. I wasn't going to live like Cinderella or some other abused princess. They were kind and trying their best to accept me. I couldn't help but be grateful.

 "Oh! I can't wait to go shopping for clothes and furniture and tampons and everything!" Michelle squealed. I laughed weakly.

 She was nothing like my mother, who was quiet and down to earth. I got the impression that Michelle would be teaching me how to cook and put on makeup rather than help me with homework or tell me good books to read.

 "So," A deep voice interrupted Michelle's rambling. I looked up to see Ricky saunter over to our little cluster. "This must be my new baby sister."

 My cheeks burst with colour and a strange heat rocked through me. My nerves were on fire. My stomach was doing acrobatics. My heart was having a seizure.

 "Ricky," Henry cleared his throat. "I want you to meet Emma Hark. She will be the new addition to our family."

 He stepped closer and I was able to get a good look at him.

 Ricky was a good six feet. He soared above my measly 5'4 height. He had tousled auburn hair that stuck out in some places. It covered most of his forehead and reached his chocolate brown eyes. They reminded me of the eyes of a puppy. I guessed that was how he got all the girls. Ricky had a buttery tan that made his eyes pop. He wore a simple V-neck and some jeans. He still had his socks on.

 "Well, Emma," The way my name rolled off his tongue made my toes curl. "Welcome to the family. I can't wait to see what fun we'll have together." Ricky gave me a small wink.

 And that did me in. I felt my legs give out and I swung back, whacking my head on the ground. The pain swept over me and suddenly, I blacked out.