
Player's POV: I Can Copy Skills!

[WPC April Entry] Support the novel with your reviews, power stones, collections, etc. It will be greatly appreciated. [CHALLENGE: 3 thousand collections and more than ten reviews (positive preferably xd), if you get it before the end of May, I will do FIVE DAILY CHAPTERS]. ______ Nova, someone tired of suffering so much, commits suicide after discovering the death of his mother and being beaten up by his relatives, tired of the pain, and being alone in life.  "Huh?" Waking up, Nova found himself in a different world from the one he inhabited before. Desperate, he realizes that he is in his favorite game and where he was considered the best player in the world, Legends Genesis.  But... Why isn't he happy? Why does he seem scared and about to give up on life?  "This world... In the future, isn't it destined to...?" [*RING* The Player's System has been started].  [Unique Cursed Skill: Copy].  This is the journey of one of the greatest villains of Genesis, but also one of the greatest legends and the hero of Genesis... Can you be a villain and a hero at the same time?  Why don't you find out for yourself? ______ NO NTR and NO YURI Chapter schedule: Two chapters per day.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
93 Chs

Personal Assistant

Chapter 47: Personal Assistant

"I overestimated you?" asked Nova with his gaze fixed on Lars, who now seemed considerably calmer.

Nova now had his physical abilities doubled and a large armor that could almost entirely prevent any attack, even more so thanks to the augmented earrings.

If it was a Legendary ability before, it would now be a Legendary Plus ability, considerably more powerful.

But ... Lars was going to give up without teaching him a lesson?

"You're too irritating for your good, Leiden", Lars commented, his words full of coldness and a flat tone.

Suddenly, the room dropped several degrees again, the floor and walls froze even more, and even the air seemed to turn into a gas that could freeze the lungs of any normal human.

The mana Lars controlled caused the entire room to freeze, but at no time did he look away from Nova, his murderous intent seeping through.