
Player's POV: I Can Copy Skills!

[WPC April Entry] Support the novel with your reviews, power stones, collections, etc. It will be greatly appreciated. [CHALLENGE: 3 thousand collections and more than ten reviews (positive preferably xd), if you get it before the end of May, I will do FIVE DAILY CHAPTERS]. ______ Nova, someone tired of suffering so much, commits suicide after discovering the death of his mother and being beaten up by his relatives, tired of the pain, and being alone in life.  "Huh?" Waking up, Nova found himself in a different world from the one he inhabited before. Desperate, he realizes that he is in his favorite game and where he was considered the best player in the world, Legends Genesis.  But... Why isn't he happy? Why does he seem scared and about to give up on life?  "This world... In the future, isn't it destined to...?" [*RING* The Player's System has been started].  [Unique Cursed Skill: Copy].  This is the journey of one of the greatest villains of Genesis, but also one of the greatest legends and the hero of Genesis... Can you be a villain and a hero at the same time?  Why don't you find out for yourself? ______ NO NTR and NO YURI Chapter schedule: Two chapters per day.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
93 Chs

Ivelisse Blaze

Chapter 30: Ivelisse Blaze

"Well, that was definitely something new for me," Nova muttered as he left the room.

 There are overseers both Cyborgs and real humans according to the game, by the sincere smile and curiosity in her eyes, Nova believes she is without a doubt a human.

 And if that were the case, she'd be the first non-Cyborg female he'd conversed with for years, for nearly a decade.

 But he didn't feel anything significant, according to social media, many men feel nervous talking to women, same for women, but Nova didn't feel this one at all.

 Under his perspective, if they are human, it would be just like him, he would not have to be nervous, simply respect all people, as he had been taught when he was little.

 A man who had already been through trauma, death itself and battles to the death... Being nervous around a girl? That was simply absurd.

 That was what Nova thought before he looked in front of him, in the current room.

 He came across someone who made his breath momentarily catch and his heart skip a beat.

 'Beautiful...', fortunately, he restrained the urge to say his words out loud for the woman in front of him.

In front of him stood a woman of about 25 years of age, with beautiful deep golden colored eyes, that seemed brighter than the best-cleaned gold itself, her eyes so round and beautiful that they seemed to look at Nova as if questioning his very life.

 Her hair was a deep scarlet color, resembling blood itself, cascading down to almost touch her hips, similar to blood itself falling from a well.

 With her thin, red, sensual lips, she would make any man have the urge to kiss her.

 Her thin eyebrows seemed to fit perfectly with her face.

 Her small nose gave tenderness to her majestic appearance.

 With her oval face, everything seemed to be perfect, harmonious, and a sight that even the gods would be happy to see.

 She was dressed in a uniform of a white shirt with long sleeves, hiding her arms.

 She wore navy blue jeans, which didn't appear to be tight, but under the perfect proportions on his body, the jeans even appeared to be tight.

 Her top was blessed with a large, but not exaggeratedly so, neckline, being practically perfect for any man.

Nova could only stare at this woman, who was, from what he had seen, the epitome of beauty, that not even anime or anything else she had seen come close to her.

 Even Nova's good composure, serene and calm, broke slightly, his throat going dry, but he soon calmed his heartbeat.

 At the same time in less than a couple of seconds, he regained her calm appearance.

 Still, inside he was amazed and impressed. After all, the woman in front of him was no exaggeration to say that could very well be the woman in the saying "A beauty that makes kingdoms go to war".

 Nova, who had now recovered, also noticed that she had a perfect hourglass figure and skin so white as if it was milky white skin, it looked so smooth to the eye that anyone would think it would melt to the touch, thus giving a more delicate appearance to her beauty.

 If Nova had a habit of listing beauties from 1 to 100, the woman in front of him was undoubtedly a 199 on her score.

 The redhead, upon seeing it, also raised her eyebrows, curious.

 'I think this is the first time someone hasn't stared at me for at least a minute,' she thought, staring at Nova with her golden eyes.

 Nova, looking at those beautiful eyes looking at them curiously, didn't know whether to laugh or cry, rolling his eyes.

"Today I think it's becoming a habit everywhere to look at me with curious eyes," Nova commented with a bit of annoyance, yet his voice was soft and as polite as possible.

 Who wouldn't be bothered by everyone looking at you with curiosity? Sure, once or twice is fine, even a little more, but Nova now felt like he was an experiment or a lab rat that everyone looks at to see the results.

 At this comment, the redhead smiled slightly, making Nova's heart give another mini-second flip, but on the outside, he showed not even the same emotion but pure calmness.

 He was someone straight, who would survive a beauty beyond models smiles at you, Nova was already proud of not being embarrassed so far.

 "Well, your eyes and hair already deserve thousands of curious eyes," she replied still with a smile. "Especially your eyes, I have traveled many places, but I have never in my life heard of or seen a person with transparent eyes."

 To this answer, Nova couldn't refute, after all, he knew he was right, not even in some anime he had seen, he didn't seen anyone with transparent eyes.

 "Well, that's true, however, it is a bit annoying," Nova replied, now in a softer voice.

 Nodding with compression, she said empathetically. "Yes, it must be a nuisance, after all, I live through something similar."

At her response, Nova found it made perfect sense. After all, she is a beauty who can make kingdoms go to war, s

he couldn't help but nod with affirmation.

 Smiling some more and to Nova's surprise, she introduced herself first. "Called me Ivelisse, Ivelisse Blaze, and you?".

 Nova was taken aback but also introduced himself properly.

 "My name is Nova Leiden, nice to meet you," Nova replied politely, also having a slight smile on his face.

 "Nice to meet you, Nova," Ivelisse said matter-of-factly, also seeming extremely polite.

 As they looked directly into each other's eyes, Nova said in his mind, "Copycat."


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