
Player's POV: I Can Copy Skills!

[WPC April Entry] Support the novel with your reviews, power stones, collections, etc. It will be greatly appreciated. [CHALLENGE: 3 thousand collections and more than ten reviews (positive preferably xd), if you get it before the end of May, I will do FIVE DAILY CHAPTERS]. ______ Nova, someone tired of suffering so much, commits suicide after discovering the death of his mother and being beaten up by his relatives, tired of the pain, and being alone in life.  "Huh?" Waking up, Nova found himself in a different world from the one he inhabited before. Desperate, he realizes that he is in his favorite game and where he was considered the best player in the world, Legends Genesis.  But... Why isn't he happy? Why does he seem scared and about to give up on life?  "This world... In the future, isn't it destined to...?" [*RING* The Player's System has been started].  [Unique Cursed Skill: Copy].  This is the journey of one of the greatest villains of Genesis, but also one of the greatest legends and the hero of Genesis... Can you be a villain and a hero at the same time?  Why don't you find out for yourself? ______ NO NTR and NO YURI Chapter schedule: Two chapters per day.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
93 Chs

End of Preparations

Chapter 18: End of Preparations


 Fortunately, Nova was not so deeply enmeshed in his hatred, as he heard the voice of the system, albeit a bit distant.

 Opening his eyes, Nova found himself startled by the scene in front of him, the scene he had created.


 With the surprise, the fireball began to act weird, moving from side to side.

 Nova, in shock, could only watch this scene before panicking.

 "What is this!!!" He screamed in panic and fear.

 He had already died, he didn't want to die again let alone be charred by his ability, it was going to be a ridiculous death.

 Frightened, the fire began to change, slowly decreasing in size.

 Slowly, the fire began to turn into blue particles, waking up completely.

 Nova just stood there. It was all too sudden for him, in his mind he was struggling with his memories and when he opened his eyes at the system's warning, he found himself in front of a fireball that could wipe out an entire park if unleashed.

 Who wouldn't be scared?

 Fortunately, Nova was already used to these surprises that kept happening, so he recovered quickly.

 'System,' she called mentally. 'What was that, how did that happen?'

 [What happened was possible that the Player there accumulated many negative emotions, as fire is strongly related to the emotions of anger and frustration, accumulating all these emotions there made you create a powerful Fireball], the System explained, finding the logic of the events.

 But Nova was lost in thought as he read his explanation, as far as he knows in the game there is no mention that emotions could be used to perform manual skills.

'Well, that was the game, maybe it's completely different here or maybe I'm from another world,' Nova thought, watching his palm silently.

 He still felt the heat of the fire and how it was growing rapidly at an alarming rate.

 Remembering the Fireball again, Nova found another odd fact about the fire he had created.

 'Why did my fireball have that purple and black color,' Nova pondered, trying to remember if the fire gave mention of other flames besides the usual red and yellow.

 As he remembered, he had in mind characters, but none of them had the purple or black flames, nor did the fire give an explanation as to why some characters had flames of another color.

 'System,' Nova mentally communicated to himself again. 'Why was my fire a different color?'

 Nova asked this directly, bluntly, while waiting for a quick answer.

 Soon, the system explained to his.

 [Honestly, this is a fact I am currently unaware of, I don't have enough information and I come programmed with the information from the game, not the information from this world], revealing the System with a mechanical tone.

 At this revelation, Nova was a little surprised, but he had already imagined it.

 He recalled that upon entering when confronted with the Flaming Bull, he heard that the System had said it was a Flaming Bull Terrain, you must of a Domain that was.

This made him further confirm that he shouldn't blindly believe in the system, it wasn't because he thought he wanted his death, but that his information wasn't that different from his in this world.

'The mysteries of the system I will ask you when I am a recruit of the Eclipse organization,' shaking his head, Nova put this topic aside temporarily.

 Diverting his gaze to the now unread pair of books, he grabbed yet another one, beginning to read them excitedly, at the same time as the Earrings began to glow faintly in the moonlight.

- A Few meters away from where Nova was -

A fellow wearing a black mask was watching the whole spectacle from the darkness of the shadows, his figure hidden in a relatively far corner of the park.

 The shape of the black mask could not be appreciated because of the darkness and the shadows that camouflaged it, but the curiosity towards an overweight man who was sitting reading books was evident.

 His all-black uniform and hat meant that, although several people passed by, he was invisible to the human eye.

 But he didn't linger long there, turning around, he began to walk into the alley, muttering words to himself.

 "Someone like Miss Blazer woke up today? What a coincidence... most fortunate," chuckling, the masked figure disappeared into the shadows, amused laughter playing on his hidden lips.

- An hour later -

[Book of Earth Skills Level 1, read completely and learned properly, the skill "Earth Wall Level 1" was added to his status].

  [Healing Skill Book Level 1, read completely and learned properly, the skill "Calm Level 1" was added to his status].

 Reading the system notifications, Nova smiled happily, as he rose from his seat, leaving the trio of books on the bench.

 He didn't need it anymore, after all, by reading and learning a skill, he already had it permanently etched in his mind, being almost impossible to erase.

 But after thinking about it a little better, he decided to pick up the books, clutching the trio of books in his hands, he thought about selling them.

 'If all goes well, I'll live like a millionaire today, ha ha ha ha', laughing happily in his mind. On the outside, he had a smile, and at the same time, he started his walk.

 He needed to hurry, it was only two hours before midnight when the Eclipse organization's recruitment would end.

While walking a little faster than normal, Nova began to review his status, especially the last two skills he learned.

 [Earth Wall Level 1: By building up, you can control the earth around you to create a wall 1.5 meters in diameter, it is very strong and solid. 4 mana per minute].

 [Calm Level 1: Calm works as a tranquilizer, it can slightly eliminate mental and muscular fatigue, but its main help is in calming impulsive emotions. 8 mana per minute].

 Reading through each of the skills, Nova found no changes or anomalies, to which he sighed in relief.

 After all, everything should look perfect and such common skills, while they would not be the star of the night, would play an important factor.
