
Player's POV: I Can Copy Skills!

[WPC April Entry] Support the novel with your reviews, power stones, collections, etc. It will be greatly appreciated. [CHALLENGE: 3 thousand collections and more than ten reviews (positive preferably xd), if you get it before the end of May, I will do FIVE DAILY CHAPTERS]. ______ Nova, someone tired of suffering so much, commits suicide after discovering the death of his mother and being beaten up by his relatives, tired of the pain, and being alone in life.  "Huh?" Waking up, Nova found himself in a different world from the one he inhabited before. Desperate, he realizes that he is in his favorite game and where he was considered the best player in the world, Legends Genesis.  But... Why isn't he happy? Why does he seem scared and about to give up on life?  "This world... In the future, isn't it destined to...?" [*RING* The Player's System has been started].  [Unique Cursed Skill: Copy].  This is the journey of one of the greatest villains of Genesis, but also one of the greatest legends and the hero of Genesis... Can you be a villain and a hero at the same time?  Why don't you find out for yourself? ______ NO NTR and NO YURI Chapter schedule: Two chapters per day.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
93 Chs

Eclipse Organization

Chapter 19: Eclipse Organization

Thousands of people were passing through the streets, many of them chatting with their friends, relatives, or acquaintances, others were simply ignoring the existence of others, and several others had their hands clasped together confirming their relationship status.

 Others had sad or angry expressions, making it clear that they did not have a good time these last few days.

 But of all those people, one stood out both for his unique features and his behavior, he wore a white suit with long sleeves, a black tie, with a red flower on the side where his heart was, he looked extremely elegant and soft also looked a little fat, it was impossible that some women did not find him attractive.

 But the strangest thing was that this person was standing right in front of a skyscraper, looking at its highest point from above.

 People who had seen him before, simply walked away with some fear, others who had not seen him watched him with curious eyes, as people seemed to run away from him.

 But none could or dared not speak to such a person, they felt that if they did, something bad would happen next.

 That elegant fellow standing in front of the skyscraper is, of course, Nova Leiden, who had his gaze lost to the tip of the skyscraper that, even if he tried, he could not see beyond the clouds.

 The skyscraper had mostly black and a bit of purple, making it look elegant and mysterious, at the top, there was a hologram that said: "Eclipse Organization".

Around the same skyscraper, several exotic plants screamed wealth, there were various colors, from a bright green to a darker one, bright light green like emerald, deep red like blood, and light blue like the sea itself, among others.

 Such a variety of plants, although many did not know their species, had an invisible aura that screamed luxury.

The entire skyscraper was made of glass but in this case completely black-colored glass. You could see your reflection, but never what would happen behind the mirror.

 It stood proudly 800 meters high, making Nova and the other citizens look like ants, although the latter had already gotten used to it.

 As for Nova, he was surprised by the size of the skyscraper, he couldn't see the tip of the skyscraper that signified its limit.

 But he quickly shook his head, concentrating on what was to come.

 With a firm, upright stance, he lifted his chin slightly, all to look as serious and confident as possible.

 "Okay," he affirmed, "Everything's ready, you can do it, just don't let them kill you."

 Muttering to himself, he slapped his cheeks to cheer himself up. After all, he was currently in one of the most terrifying organizations in all of Stergard of Genesis, the Eclipse organization, its members being the terror of every domain.

 Nova wanted to join this organization, not exactly because he wanted to, but because it was his only option to be able to eat, live under a very comfortable roof, and be close to danger.

Sure, he can go around hunting monsters left and right, but what Eclipse does is far beyond just hunting monsters. He knew that, hence his interest in Eclipse, the organization that covers night and light itself.

Walking briskly, Nova was heading straight for the glass door, which, being a meter away from him, suddenly opened, causing Nova to walk through quietly.

 'It was a good choice to buy this suit,' Nova declared with a slight smile on his face.

 After grabbing the books, he didn't want to stay for several minutes selling the and since he needed the money fast, he made an incredible discount of 3 books for seven gold coins, which quickly sold out.

 With that, he bought the suit that cost him 60 silver coins, plus a hamburger they were selling along the way.

 Upon entering.

 "WOW," amazed, Nova couldn't contain his amazement as he looked inside the Eclipse building.

 Inside, everything was extremely clean, literally everything sparkled, from tea cups to a watermelon that didn't exactly look like a porcelain figurine.

 There was black leather furniture that looked incredibly comfortable, the walls were thin with a black color, the carpet above the floor was a blood red color, which looked great with the black of the entire room.

 In front of Nova, there was a kind of mini office where inside was a robot, better said, a Cyborg, a beautiful woman with blonde hair, blue eyes and a black and white secretarial uniform, which certainly looked great on her.

 He had a slight smile on his face, but it was more of a professional, fake smile, with no sincerity in it at all.

Nova walked toward his, stopping right in front of his, only separated by the office structure.

 The secretary didn't say a word, but Nova, playing Genesis, already knew how she was scheduled, so he asked first.

 "Good evening," he greeted, "I'd like to participate in the daily Eclipse recruitment, please."

 The tone Nova used was polite and gentle, even though he was talking to a Cyborg, all out of fear. He had read many Cyborg rebellion movies, he didn't want to make an enemy of one.

 Fortunately, it didn't take long for the Cyborg to respond, pushing Nova's paranoid thoughts away.

 "Good evening, my name is Cia 03, nice to meet you," she introduced herself still with a slight smile. "Currently, recruitment is about to begin, fill out this list and I can guide you there."

 With Cia's mechanical words, even more mechanical than the system, she passed a hologram to Nova opening the glass of her office.

 Looking at the hologram that had been passed to her, it was a clear blue screen that read "Registration".

 Below that, there was a series of very simple questions, such as his name, how many Abilities he can cast, the weapon he is most comfortable with, and his reasons for allying with the organization.

 To these questions, Nova answered them one by one, there always being the occasional lie on his form.

Name: Leiden

 Abilities: Fireball Level 1, Earth Wall Level 1, Calm Level 1.

 Weapon: Longswords.

 Reasons for joining: I don't even have a living relative, I don't want to join the adventurer member either, and I consider the organization a good way to have fun.

 Nodding with satisfaction, he had filled out the form, he had hidden his full name, which even if it had no relevance, seemed the most correct thing to do to just put the last name he had just made up.

 He also did not mention that he possessed an ability that allowed copying Skills, he could not even think of the chaos if that came to light, so he promised, at least, to keep Copycat as hidden as possible from the public eye.

 The secretary Cia, sensing that he was done, opened the glass to ask him to give her the form, to which he gave it to her without any problem so she could check it.
