
Player's POV: I Can Copy Skills!

[WPC April Entry] Support the novel with your reviews, power stones, collections, etc. It will be greatly appreciated. [CHALLENGE: 3 thousand collections and more than ten reviews (positive preferably xd), if you get it before the end of May, I will do FIVE DAILY CHAPTERS]. ______ Nova, someone tired of suffering so much, commits suicide after discovering the death of his mother and being beaten up by his relatives, tired of the pain, and being alone in life.  "Huh?" Waking up, Nova found himself in a different world from the one he inhabited before. Desperate, he realizes that he is in his favorite game and where he was considered the best player in the world, Legends Genesis.  But... Why isn't he happy? Why does he seem scared and about to give up on life?  "This world... In the future, isn't it destined to...?" [*RING* The Player's System has been started].  [Unique Cursed Skill: Copy].  This is the journey of one of the greatest villains of Genesis, but also one of the greatest legends and the hero of Genesis... Can you be a villain and a hero at the same time?  Why don't you find out for yourself? ______ NO NTR and NO YURI Chapter schedule: Two chapters per day.

KingCrimSoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
93 Chs

Eclipse Organization (II)

Chapter 20: Eclipse Organization (II)

Name: Leiden

 Abilities: Fireball Level 1, Earth Wall Level 1, Calm Level 1.

 Weapon: Longswords.

 Reasons for joining: I don't even have a living relative, I don't want to join the adventurer member either, and I consider the organization a good way to have fun.

 Nodding with satisfaction, he had filled out the form, he had hidden his full name, which even if it had no relevance, seemed the most correct thing to do to just put the last name he had just made up.

 He also did not mention that he possessed an ability that allowed copying Skills, he could not even think of the chaos if that came to light, so he promised, at least, to keep Copycat as hidden as possible from the public eye.

 The secretary Cia, sensing that he was done, opened the glass to ask him to give her the form, to which he gave it to her without any problem so she could check it.

Suddenly, the secretary's left eye popped out of its socket, with a gray wire attached to her eye, from which came a blue light that seemed to scan the form.

 Nova at that moment felt like vomiting again, seeing it in the game and real life was two different things, but he swallowed the vomit.

 Cia 03 as she finished reviewing the form, her left eye returned to its natural place, she blinked a couple of times, before putting Nova's form away in some sort of steel box.

 With an even wider smile than before, she turned to Nova, who was patiently waiting for him in the same spot.

 "Young Leiden, please follow my sister, she will guide you to the location where the recruitment is to begin," Cia spoke.

 As she finished speaking, some kind of round door opened on the ground only five meters away from Nova, who was startled and backed up a couple of steps.

 Startled, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Cyborg woman made her appearance slowly from the door on the floor, which closed abruptly as she stepped out completely.

 Her outfit was that of a secretary; unlike Cia, she was in full black. If it weren't for that, anyone would have been confused as to which was which.

 Nova stood there, surprised.

But not precisely because of the appearance of another woman, Cyborg, but because of his actions.

 When he sensed the slightest change in the atmosphere, he stepped back without hesitation and got into a combat position without hesitation.

 He felt proud of that, but also weird, after all, he had gotten used to being alone in his room with almost no movement, this was a change of scenery for him now moving instinctively.

 'Well, it's logical, I already have great intelligence,' he thought, returning to his normal posture.

 Even Cia 03 and the Cyborg much like Cia were surprised, but they wiped the surprise off their faces quickly.

 Taking a step forward, Cyborg bowed slightly to Nova, introducing herself.

 "Nice to meet you, I'm Cia 08, on this occasion I'll be your guide, please follow me."

 At the mechanical and possibly already programmed words, Nova simply nodded, relaxing a little more.

 At the same time, Aunt 08 began to walk to the right side of the room, with Nova following close behind.

 The room was large, but there were no hallways other than that at a glance, so it seemed strange for anyone to be confused about where she was going to take Nova.

Cia 08, stopped her walk suddenly in front of a black wall and stood there for two seconds when a device appeared out of nowhere from the wall. Such a device was circular and with a blue color, which instantly upon appearing emitted a clear blue light towards the Cyborg's left eye.

 Cia stood there, without even making a move, while his eye was scanned for several seconds until finally, the device disappeared as if it had merged with the wall.

 As the device disappeared, the wall opened up revealing a small room the size of an elevator, well, it was an elevator, where Cia stepped inside without a word, as did Nova, who had an expression of boredom mixed with a bit of excitement of what's to come.

 It was a rare mix of emotions in one expression, but he felt that way, with boredom because he had seen all this in the game and excitement of the experience he was about to live.

 Entering the elevator, inside it just looked like a square of steel with a few buttons reaching the 170th floor, Cia pressed Floor 9, and instantly the elevator door closed.

 Seconds passed before they reached Floor 9, without saying anything, they passed through the door that opened as they arrived.

 As they entered, all eyes were on the new arrivals, specifically, Nova, who was looking at the current room with curious eyes.

It was practically a spacious room, completely black, there was nothing but the people inside it.

 "Uh? Another one, apparently there are quite a few today who want to be recruited," a man spoke, getting closer with each step to Nova. "Who are you?"

 Nova, seeing the man, was 6'4", the same height as him, but he was muscular, wearing a black suit that concealed and covered all his skin, he only identified that he was male by his husky, gravelly voice.

 Because not even his face was visible, as he had a black mask, imitating a sad grimace.

 Nova had an idea who he was, so he frowned trying to remember, but he hadn't forgotten to answer his question either.

 "My name is Leiden, I want to be a recruit for your organization, any questions are on the form I filled out," Nova commented quickly, still trying to remember someone that tall or that muscular in the organization.

 Unfortunately, for Nova, he couldn't copy one of his skills, as he had no eye contact with him as he had a mask and he highly doubted he could make contact with him without looking weird or suspicious.

Of one thing he was sure: he was not a normal member of the organization, but at least he was someone with relevant value by having a mask on his face, which in the description of the organization in the game, meant one of the highest status in the organization.

 "Ha, ha, ha, ha, right, right, I must read your form, by the way, good name," commented the masked man between small laughs.

 "My name is Lars, I wish you luck," he commented, at the same time turning and walking away, thus giving Nova a breather that didn't last long when a voice echoed in the room.

 "Let the games begin!!!"
