
Time to Hunt!


"Ugh, that was way too much information for my pea brain to handle... I mean, [Bosses]? [Dungeons]? How %$£^ dangerous is this world?!"

Shui sat there on the ground, exhausted and filled with fearful, maddening thoughts. He was not sure of what his next move was going to be. Obviously this was a dog eat dog world, and that was meant quite literally, but he also wanted to be able to relax and enjoy his time here. Who knew when he'd encounter danger?

"I need more power... [Level 2] isn't enough. From what I've heard from that other player, this is simply just the beginning. There are others out there, more powerful and more dangerous than any of the monsters I may encounter across my journey... After all, there isn't any rule against players being hostile to other players!

"Leveling up huh... So I guess this would be like one of those video games huh... The stronger the monster, the more exp and rewards you receive. So naturally, I must risk my life to get stronger no matter what... Ugh, what did I get myself into?"

As he said that, he heard a hideous noise erupting from within the forest.


It reverberated through the entire area, and not only did it sound like there was one hostile inbound, but it sounded like there were... Multiple!

The sound of feet thundered towards Shui as he bolted off into the forest, grabbing on to vines and climbing as fast as he could, clawing on tree bark as he managed to claw all the way up a tall tree. Just as he made his way to the top, a horde of tiny yet deadly looking creatures exploded from within the forest and rampaged through the rest of it, stopping right below where he was. They started sniffing, as they turned to look up and find Shui, kneeling over and watching them from above.


Multiple cries sounded out as they started clawing their way up the tree, in a desperate attempt to find their prey.

"What should I DO?!!!! OH MY- NO I HAVE TO RUN. &$^"!!!!!"

Realizing that he was trapped on the top of this tree, he tried to calm his mind, think of a way to escape, think of a way to-


He yelled out loud to himself as he stood there, crying his eyeballs out, full of resolve and anger.

"What should I do??? AH- My skills! I have to use my skills!!!"

He fumbled as he tried to remember the skills he possessed, as the tiny and seemingly vicious creatures crawled their way up to his spot. Suddenly, he remembered...


A tornado of energy seemed to gather around his sternum, rushing through his arms as he brought them together out of instinct, and as he did so, the wild mana rampaging through his body came together in a concentrated explosion of energy, vaporizing the nearest goblins immediately.


Out came the shrieks of pain from the monsters as they vanished into thin air, turning into tiny balls of pure energy as they zipped towards Shui. As those experience points molded into his body, he felt energy coursing through his body, refilling his mana and healing his injured arms from the recoil he had suffered from the attack.

[LEVEL UP] - You are now [Level 3] - You have earned - 240 exp - 20 meat - 200 Gold - One [Tattered Robe - Common] - One [Warped Fang - Rare].