
Playboy CEO's Love agreement

Cameron's life was perfectly fine until he received a call from his father when he was enjoying his time in the nightclub. The news which he got from his father changed his entire life from a successful model to a CEO of Richard's company in the place of his elder brother Kevin. His brother was always serious in relationships but Cameron used to be a goofy type. Cameron, who came to know that his brother was betrayed by his girlfriend, Daisy started hating Love. He wanted to take revenge on the person who made his brother’s life hell. And started an inquiry about Daisy. Let's see what happens, when a playboy like Cameron is attracted to his secretary, Ava Miller? Will Cameron start believing in LOVE? Will she betray him like his brother's girlfriend and leave him with a broken heart or make him believe him in love? Will Cameron changes his mind after she falls for him? Will he change to playboy again? To know more, Read this chemistry-filled drama to know more about this story.

peacock_writer · Urban
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281 Chs

Her check up

With the advice of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Ava reluctantly agreed to travel to the city for her health checkup. Despite her deep-seated anxiety about returning to a place filled with both cherished and painful memories, she knew it was the right thing to do for the sake of her unborn child.

The drive to the city was filled with a tense silence, punctuated by the occasional comforting words from the Thompsons. Ava gazed out of the window, her mind awash with memories of Cameron. She remembered the warmth of his smile, the gentleness of his touch, and the moments they had shared. But these sweet memories were tainted by the sting of betrayal and heartbreak.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Ava's nerves were on edge. The familiar surroundings brought back a flood of emotions, but she tried to push them aside for the sake of the baby. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson accompanied her to the waiting hall, offering silent support as they waited for her name to be called.