
Chapter 29 Shopping

29: Shopping

<< . Sophia . >>

After browsing for almost an hour, I sink into my bed, confused. I guess I will have to ask Lena’s help for this too. I send her a reminder.

Me: ’I hope we are still up for our shopping spree today.’

Lena: ‘Yes. Yes. Meet you in an hour?’

Me: ‘Sure! Pick me up? I have no car nor an ID’

I will have to reissue my Credit Cards too. Lena got them canceled last night. She acted really fast on that. I pinch my brow in frustration, thinking how much stuff I need to buy or arrange again. Thank goodness it was just one luggage bag.

Just when I am about to leave for shopping, my phone chimes and I see a notification from M. My heart flutters.

M: ‘How are you feeling today?’

Me: ‘I am feeling much better now.’

Me: ‘By the way. I came clean in front of my family and told them I got married to M. Liam Miller in Las Vegas two years ago.’

M: ‘That's an interesting Name.’