
Chapter 3

The next morning, they all met at their quarters and left for school and as usual, everyone swept themselves on them, everyone except Margriana, the girl the Roland disgraced the previous day and behind her, her two best friends, Angella and Pricillia. All three of them watched as everyone cheered for the Gabidans and in a flash, everyone stopped, including the Gabidans and everyone looked outside and saw big black cars, all in a straight file and the cars stopped. Men in black got out from the first, second, fourth and fifth cars and opened the door for a young lady. They all stood in files as she got out of the car and when her face was shown, the Gabidans all removed their sunglasses accordingly and the students ran to her. Her body guards made sure that the students did not hit Miss. Holloway in any way. The Gabidans were so upset that everyone left them and as they were about to leave, Miss. Holloway ran out of the crowd and unknowingly threw herself on Jayson. She stared deep into his eyes but held herself together and said "Do you know where the principal's office is please". She seemed so calm and innocent in person but Jayson remembered what his bro told him about her father so he walked out and the rest followed suite.

She was so upset and she was a type of person that always voiced out, so she said out loud "You guys are so disrespectful, if you truly did not want to help me so why not tell me that than walking out. I hate when people do that to me. It hurts if you don't have feelings." The Gabidans turned back and she removed her sun glasses, showing her pure blue eye contacts that made her red hair tied as a pony tail shine brighter. She was more beautiful in appearance and Jayson could not hold himself. He was about to apologize when her body guard said "It seems your mood is changed ma'am, we can come back tomorrow, your father will be upset if your blood pressure rises or you pass out" she smiled to him and told him she was just fine. She walked down to Margriana and she and her friends took her to the principal.

When the girls were gone and the hallway was silent, the Gabidans asked Jayson "Why were you so silent and why is she not in uniform?" Jayson looked at them individually and said "What do you mean uniform? We are talking about the only child of the richest man in the country and you are here talking about uniform. If she reports us to her father, we are dead men!". They went to their classroom and all the while; Jayson was thinking about her elegant figure and how she composed herself and the worse part was that they treated her badly. He could not hold the guilt together.

They sat on their special seat at the back of the class and Miss Holloway was introduced to them as Cynthia. She stared at the Gabidans and told the principal that she wanted everyone in the classroom to use the same chair, meaning that the classroom would be filled with special chairs and the principal did it effectively. She sat on the right-hand side of Jayson and behind her was Aganon. Aganon found her funny and would pass her funny notes during class and she in return would reply promptly. Roland was upset to see them both distracted in class but he realized something-Aganon was having fun with someone else. He informed the rest and they were shocked to see Aganon completely happy with her.

The Gabidans were still watching them when some men in black walked into the classroom and one pointed to the Gabidans. They were Mr. Holloway's men and their leader was Mr. Holloway's personal bodyguard. Cynthia noticed him immediately and before she could voice out, they grabbed the Gabidans and were about to hit them, including her new friend, Aganon. They dragged them to the front of the class and the leader said "This is what you guys get for making the young mistress sad." He was about to throw a punch at Jayson and she said "Rex! Stop that now! Even though they made me upset, did I ask for revenge? How did you guys know they made me sad? I have warned you guys to stop spying on me! Apologize to them right away! They are not my enemies; they are my friends and you guys should not be here in the first place. Apologize right away"

Rex, the bodyguard apologized to Cynthia and the Gabidans and he walked out. When he left, Cynthia ran down to them and tried to help them up. She first went to Roland but he dusted her off so she went to Jaydon, he did the same. She tried to help Jayson but he ignored her so the only person she helped was Aganon who took her hand willingly. The rest of the Gabidans were shocked to see Aganon that way but not only did he accept her hand but he hugged her and took her out of the classroom. Everyone was shocked when he took her out and Jayson got upset so upset that Aganon knew he loved her, yet he went as far as getting super close to her.

When it was recess period, the Gabidans as usual went to the cafeteria together and they had to wait till Aganon got back to class to be complete. They could not ask him why he did what he did because they knew very well that they all treated her badly. Cynthia on the other hand saw Margriana and her friends and walked down to them, they were so happy to be with her and in no time at all, they became friends. She asked them to go have lunch in the cafeteria and the girls explained that only the Gabidans stay in the cafeteria but she ignored them and dragged them to the cafeteria. As they went, Cynthia said "My dad always told me to be fearless and do everything with a clean heart". They hesitated but still followed her into the cafeteria. In the cafeteria, the Gabidans had adopted a corner for themselves and Cynthia watched how they had fun together and the thing that made them obvious was their laughter.

The girls noticed them immediately and tried to stay unnoticed. Cynthia stared at how waiters and chefs served them and some of them kissed them, all except Aganon. He seemed uncomfortable and she pitied him, he looked calm and uncomfortable among the girls and throughout their stay, he stared at his food on the table. Margriana noticed how Cynthia stared at the Gabidans and asked "Why are you looking at those sick niggers?" Cynthia looked at the girls with a smile and said "Can't you girls see how they got themselves more than they can chew." The girls laughed silently and they described how the Gabidans were.

"They are all admired at school, despite their bad behaviors. You should have seen what they did to Margriana sometime ago. It was so bad." Cynthia placed her hand on Margriana as Angella explained everything. Cynthia was shocked to hear her voice and only then did she notice how similar she and Angella looked. She said "Angella, you look just like me, except your voice, slightly, your brown hair and brown contact lens. You are amazing Angella, I love you!" her voice was so loud when she said I love you and the Gabidans turned and saw her hugging Angella. They walked down to the girls and Roland said "Why don't we say hello to our lover girl" and they were all laughing while Margriana burst into tears. They all laughed except Aganon who looked sorry for her and Cynthia stared at Jayson, she could no longer help herself.

Their laughter made Cynthia furious so she walked down to Roland, stared at him in the eye and gave him a hard slap across the face, twice. Her face turned red and only then did Aganon finally smile. She dragged Roland by the ear and said "If you ever repeat what you just did here today, I do not mind throwing you behind bars, you will not be the first nor last to go there. Now, apologize to them right away!" he apologized quickly and she let him go and sat back in her position and if someone saw her, it would be hard to know that she was involved in a fight. Their food was served and she ignored the boys as she ate, out of shame, they left the cafeteria. Pricillia laughed but the rest did not find it funny. They tried to make Margriana smile but when she looked up, she said "We are in huge trouble, we just made the Gabidans mad."