
Chapter 13

Days passed by in a blur and it was finally their wedding day. Cynthia had a sleepless night, thinking of what her life would be after getting married. She woke up lazily when she heard a loud banging on her door. "Come in!" she yelled before the girls came running down to her and jumping on her bed. "Hey! It's your wedding and you haven't even gotten ready yet?" Pricillia yelled as she pulled Cynthia out of bed to get ready for the wedding.

When it was time for her hair do, Cynthia stopped them and said "Nope, I'm doing my hair myself, ponytail at the center and two noodles by the side. That's my signature hair and no one's stopping me". The girls agreed reluctantly as they got Cynthia dressed in a short white armless dress with white flares at the edge, the tips and the waist region engrossed in diamonds and the region below the waist flay. They bride maids wore short blue; red and green dresses Mr. Holloway had personally chosen for them. It was mainly different color versions of the wedding dress.

Seeing the three girls stand in a straight line before him while Cynthia was in a separate room for her makeup. The girls had done their makeup before Cynthia as per Mr. Holloway's order. They all had their signature hairstyles and looked so pretty he couldn't help the tearing up of his eyes. Mr. Holloway cleared his throat when he saw Cynthia exit the makeup room. "Okay, since you are all ready, lets get going". And with that, they each got in separate cars that led them straight to the wedding venue.

Jayson on the other hand was in no way ready but luckily, the Gabidans were there to get him ready in his white tuxedo, Jaydon with a blue tuxedo, Roland with red and Aganon with green. After getting Jayson ready, they proceeded in outing finishing touches on themselves while Jayson sat on his bed staring at the picture of Cynthia at the bedside. When they were done, Jayson said "Let's get this wedding started and ended".

With that, they each placed red handkerchiefs folded in the chest pocket of their tuxedos and followed Mrs. Grande to the wedding venue. With them in different cars, Jayson was wallowing in his own misery while the rest of the Gabidans were secretly laughing at him. When they got to the wedding venue, a lot of people had arrived, including the Holloways, the girls and their parents, including Roland's parents. When it was time for the groom to come in, the Gabidans walked in one after the other. Firstly, Aganon, then Roland who stood by his right, then Jaydon who stood at Roland's right followed by Jayson.

They seemed like four grooms instead of a groom and his men. After bowing to the audience, the best man {Jaydon} and the rest sat on the three seats saved for the groom's men, leaving Jayson, standing alone at the altar, facing the priest instead of facing where his wife to be was going to stand. His behavior caught the attention of the priest who reprimanded him. "Young man, face where your future wife is meant to stand instead of staring at me. Once she arrives, you both can face me".

The bride was called in as the priest finished speaking but instead of looking towards the door to catch a glimpse of her, he looked down dejected. Pricillia walked in with a tiara on and just like the groom's men had done before, she, Margriana and Angella bowed at the guests before seating in their allocated seats by the bride's side. All through, Jayson's attention was not on the ceremony, he still knew things were going smoothly. His attention was drawn when the priest whispered "The bride's coming" but Jayson turned his back to her.

Cynthia walked slowly towards her fiancé holding on to her father who let her go when she got to the altar. She stood beside Jayson, not sparing him a glance as she said to the priest "So, can you get us married so we can like, get divorced tomorrow?". Upon hearing her voice, Jayson turned sharply to her, "Cynthia…? Cynthia Holloway?!". Cynthia turned to him in shock. "Hold up, Jayson?". She sounded happy and surprised to see him but she soon frowned and hit him with the bouquet "What the fuck! You're my fiancé? Do you have something to say for yourself?".

"For myself?" Jayson asked "I should be the one asking you! You had a fiancé and you didn't bother telling me?!". He sounded mad but that only made Cynthia scoff.

"Tell you? I freaking met you at the altar and now I'm at fault! You were standing with the priest for fucks sake! Besides, you're a man, take responsibility!" she yelled.

Jayson grabbed her fist that were about hitting his chest and replied "Take the responsibility? Well, at least I'm taking responsibility for what we both did last week! I'm the responsible one, why can't you be reasonable!".

"Me?!" Cynthia yelled as she grabbed her fist from Jayson's grip as she yelled back. "You're blaming me for being unreasonable? You freaking left and didn't call for over one week and now I meet you on an altar. If I wasn't the bride, you must have gotten married to some other rich belle, right?"

As they argued, the priest sighed and said in an audible grumble, "These kids are killing machines, directly or indirectly".

Their friends laughed at them while they were arguing which made the fuming Jayson and Cynthia turn to the guests, then to their friends and chorused "YOU?!?". They were shocked their best friends had actually planned their wedding. Just before they were about to bash out at their friends, Mrs. Grande's voice rang throughout the hall, "Mr. Holloway and I made them do it, they had no other choice. We just wanted you guys to be together but apparently, Mr. Holloway had a more dramatic way so I went his way".

With her voice clearing up the misunderstanding, Mr. Holloway cleared his throat before walking up to Cynthia and Jayson. He nodded at both of them before getting a microphone to make a clear announcement. "Well you see, years ago, my late wife, God rest her soul, actually gave birth to a set of twins and as for whether they were identical or not, we never knew. On that same day my baby girls were birthed, my wife's best friend delivered her child but unfortunately, the child didn't make it. For the sake of her best friend's married life, we switched one of our daughters with the dead child. It pains me to say it here and now but this is the plain truth. In reality, Cynthia has a twin sister. I was so stupid not to recognize my own daughter the first or the second time but my child here Cynthia, found her sister herself.

He turned towards Angela and continued with a tear mole, "Angela Holloway, the younger twin. I'm truly sorry for denying you of your twin sister. If you were in your biological mother's shoe, I know you must have done the same. But please, do forgive me for keeping this away from you for a long time".

Cynthia held Jayson's arm as she couldn't believe what she had just heard, she knew she and Angela looked alike but for Angela to be her twin? It was totally unbelievable. Jayson, on the other hand was glad. Now, he and his brother actually had a set of twins for themselves and he wasn't going to let their childishness stall it. "Come on Cynthia" Jayson nudged Cynthia, "Go meet your twin, at least now you know you have a twin".

The girls embraced themselves, with Pricillia and Margriana joining in as their tiaras twinkled. Mrs. Grande on the other hand walked over to the Gabidans-who were all standing together at the altar watching the girls-and said "So, you have your girls, I have my daughters-in-law, it's a win-win situation, don't you think?".

Jayson gave his mother a side glance and scoffed "Hmph, I had a fight with my girlfriend on out altar, we literarily didn't prepare happily for the wedding yet you call it a win-win? Who're you kidding?".

Out of no-where, Jasmine popped up and yelled "What do you mean!? I have two Miss. Holloways as sisters-in-law and you say it isn't a win-win? Fine, if you're worried about the wedding, then throw another wedding! You four can get married together for all I care, just don't change brides!".

What Jasmine said caught everyone's attention and before the boys could scold her, the girls yelled "Yes!" excitedly and ran off to their parents, Mrs. Grande, and her daughters, completely ignoring the Gabidans.

The priest suddenly appeared behind the Gabidans and said "It'll get worse when you get married and their mother and sisters-in-law visits. Trust me". His appearance spooked the boys out but his words sent shivers down their spines as they ran off to fetch their lovers and pulled them away possessively.

The wedding was postponed to the next week so they could all have a wedding together. Mr. Holloway apologized to the guests while the young couples ran out to spend some time together.

Truly, the ending of one story is always the beginning of another. The power of Love is beyond human comprehension, it changes people, brings out the best in people and most importantly, it makes people see the good in everything and everyone around them. It makes people stronger yet soft. Love is the best gift to humanity.