
Chapter 10

Years later, they all had their various professions already, living comfortable lives but still under their guardian's roof and eyes. Cynthia and Jaydon studied medicine, Aganon and Angela studied law, Jayson studied Engineering, Pricillia studied mass communication (most expected because she was always talking, the best talker in history, she is also good in history), Margriana studied journalism and Roland studied accounting (also expected because he was money's best friend) and with this,  they all grew to accomplish their missions, especially Cynthia who finally had the opportunity to do what she wanted in front of her father. They all knew they would take over their families' business but all they wanted was to have their professions and finally, the girls were planning to go to Canada to have some time with the Gabidans.

One morning when the girls were done with shopping and were back at the mansion, Mr. Holloway called for Cynthia to his chambers. He would have rather gone to fetch her but he was weak due to his old age and stress. She sat beside him on the bed and he started "Cynthia my child, you have handed over all of my companies and everything I own and you are now with everything. You even got your friends nice jobs in great places and I never complained. I know I have made your life hell; I began from being harsh at you the moment your mother died but still, you loved me. I even locked up all the male friends I knew you had, I shielded you from everything and everyone and for that, I'm sorry. I have done a lot of things that made you look bad and worse on the inside yet you still stayed with me". He looked away in embarrassment before he continued "Cynthia, I am old and dying, at the age of seventy I'm still here, look at me, the white hair stands and all the blacks are gone. I have few years to spend and I need just one favor from you, just one last thing from you, please. Will you do it?". Cynthia tried to hold back her tears from falling but the emotions overcame her as she agreed and tears fell on her father's hands which were holding hers tighter.

         He sighed as he continued "Thank you. My final decision is quite simple but life changing. I have a very close friend, we share secrets together and as a matter of fact, she was your mother's best friend. She has four children, two females and two males. She wants her males to get married but one in particular has her eyes caught". Cynthia looked up, shocked, about to say something but her voice could not come out. Her father continued "My child, you are my only jewel, the only one I have with me. I want you to get married to her son". Now, she could feel like she was drowning in her own promise. 'Why did I make that promise?' was the only thing she thought about. Her dad looked her in the eyes with a smile on his face and said "You have promised to do this, thank you. We will be leaving for Canada next week because your wedding is in two weeks' time. When we get there, you will meet your husband to be and my P.A. will handle the wedding preparations".

He looked away and closed his eyes as a means of dismissal as she carefully walked out of his room without uttering one more word but the tears on her face showed everything. She went to the room and explained everything to the girls who held her hands in comfort to show her that she was not alone. The girls were as confused as she was and Angella (the one who looked like her) said "I'm sorry to say but a promise is a promise. You made a promise and you know that a promise is also a dept. you just have to do it". When Angella made that statement, Cynthia's tears rushed down and the girls just could not help but to join in the tears, trying not to talk about Jayson anymore.

         The Gabidans on the other hand were in their living room playing a video game when Mrs. Grande walked in and said "Jayson, my room, now" and with that, she walked past them with no other word exchanged. The Gabidans shook with fear and after a while with silence, Roland said "Dude, did you do anything to make her this fierce?". Jayson turned to him sharply and said "Hell no!". All three sets of eyes were set on him and the only thing he could do was to sigh and run down to his mother's room. he knew how furious she could be sometimes and to save his neck, he quickened his pace.

When he finally got to her room, he sat on a seat opposite her and waited for her to tell him her reason for summoning him. After some minutes of silence, she turned towards her floor to ceiling window and said "Jayson my son, I have called you for a very important thing. I have a very rich friend with only one daughter to carry on after him and I want you to be the one to get married to her. You are soft and tender, it's very easy for you to penetrate into her heart after your marriage. Think of what joining the two families can do to our lives. I believe I made myself very clear. Next week, she would be coming to Canada and a week later, you both would be getting married. Her father would sponsor the wedding so make me proud, no mistakes allowed. When she's here, I'll let you know so you both can meet and get to know each other. That would be all, you may leave".

She kept her gaze to the view outside the window and without a word, Jayson left her room with a heavy heart. He got to the living room and once again all eyes on him. This time around, he didn't care, he just went to his twin, Jaydon and laid his head on his shoulder as droplets of tears fell. None of the Gabidans had ever seen him this emotional, they were all stunned but couldn't say a word. Slowly, Roland squatted down before him, placing his hand on his knee, Jaydon held his hand tight while Aganon sat beside him and partly hugged him. They didn't say a word until Jayson whimpered and finally blurted out emotionally "I'm done for! Ruined! My life is completely shattered! Shattered! All because of mum! It's all her fault! It's all my fault!"

With those few words, he busted into tears and their hearts ached as they comforted him. Jayson explained everything his mother had said, including the fact that he was getting married to someone he didn't know. Aganon got him a glass of milk which he gulped down at once. In no time at all, he fell asleep and Jaydon chuckled saying "A glass of milk has always done the trick since when he was little!". He continued laughing but Aganon said dryly "A glass of orange juice has always done the trick for you, he's more normal than you at least". The boys laughed together but Roland said with a sense of maturity "We have to inform the girls so at least we can think of a plan together".

Aganon called Pricillia and explained everything in detail while she did the same. The video call between the three girls and the three boys was very clear that Angella could see Jayson behind and asked "Um, can you guys explain why Jays is knocked out?". The boys shared a suspicious smile between themselves and closed the matter. At the end of the night, they decided to meet in a week and try to form a spark between Jayson and Cynthia. The boys ended the video call after greeting their lovers' goodnight and behind their door, Mrs. Grande murmured "He's right, the fun is just starting".

The girls went to Cynthia's room to cheer her up while the personal assistant stood by the door and after listening to the girl's conversation with the Gabidans, he murmured to himself "Master is right, the fun is just starting. Such a cunning man". He smiled and drifted into the darkness.