
Play or Die: The world Unknown

Roy a diligent student in a music school , strives hard to attain success . A game gets in the way and changes everything All attempts to stop him from playing proves futile . What happens when but Roy and his friends get stuck in the game ? Will they make it? Will they conquer all odds that come their way and leave the strange world alive ? Will they play or die?

C_Yi · Horror
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8 Chs

Little nightmares

Chapter 1


*Somewhere in Australia*

A young man was seen walking down the stairs. Three of his friends were waiting for him.

"Roy!! Stop modelling over there and come down here. We got a music concert to prepare for!" Mia one of his friends shouted.

But Roy paid no attention to her as he was busy calculating the number of minutes the contest will take and the hours took preparing for it.

The only thing in his head was the game he had found in his family basement. He was yet to start playing he had only just placed it in his room when his three annoying friends called him downstairs.

Mia, Wendy and Ryan were his best friends.

"Guys, when we come back. We are all playing a game I found in the basement." Roy said.

"The basement what were you even looking for in there?! What if it's some creepy zombie old game!" Wendy ever the person who was scared of zombies and ghosts said looking at Roy as though he just grew horns.

"Relax Wen there's no harm in playing a game. After all zombies are just fiction along with ghosts." Roy said rolling eyes.

"I am in. And the game is more fun with zombies." Ryan winked creepily looking at the scared Wendy.

"I am also in. So Wendy I think your forced to participate." Mia smiled.

"Fine. But as soon as zombies start coming out. I slapping Roy four times in the face. Ryan eight times. And Mia cause your my lovely babe. I will simply hug you for support." Wendy shrugged.

"If their no ghosts I will give Wendy 20 slaps." Ryan said.

"No, not my precious face. Dah." Wendy said also rolling her eyes looking at Ryan in differently.

*1 hour later*

The four friends we're now at the concert Roy was about to perform.

He was actually one of the best musical students in school and so was invited to perform in the school competition against other schools.

"Remember, never forget your lyrics. Relax with the music and always remember that the music is your bestie." Mia smiled. " And don't forget to enjoy yourself."

Mia said this as she walked out of the room to the crowd that was waiting outside for Roy to come and play his solo.

His fans were going crâzy with excitement.

Roy took two deep breaths before walking out of the dressing room too.

The moment his feet touched the stage , the crowd went wild

Roy your so handsome!!!

Can't wait for the music!!!

Heard he sings better up close.

I haven't seen him perform live before. But his videos already hit the right spots.

Roy smiled when he had the comments from the fans.

"Evening loves!!" He shouted the smile never leaving his face.


We want music!!!

We're the loud shouts heard from the crowd.

"This one is to my three lovely friend's in your mist today. Ryan, Wendy and Mia. I love you guys." He said before walking to the piano.

He played the first few lyrics before singing.

You've always been there.

I've always loved you.

You are my heart don't let me go.

I won't let you go.

Love is a phoenix.

You are my heart.

You are the reason.

Why I came here today. He sang his hands gliding over the piano.

Let me love you.

I will. .. always care for you....

You are my friend you are my lover you are my soul....

You are

The reason...

Why. ..

The crowd was going crâzy as he continued playing to his fill.

His competitors looked at him with envy.

*Later that day*.

The gang was in Roy's room holding a black box inside the box was a dark blue board covered by plastic.

Wendy looked at Mia holding her arm as though she was prepared for a snake to jump out of the blue board.

"Ahh!" Roy shouted scaring Wendy who jumped.

The gang laughed at her reaction before looking at the blue board taking it out of the plastic.

"Little nightmares." They all read together.

"Told you it was cûrsed. " ,Wendy shrugged .