
Plato - Part 2

Plato, only 12 years old, travels from Greece to Minsk for a job in the Nuclear Power Plant. He gets the opportunity to work there through an older friend Dmitri , who has already been working at the plant for a couple of years. He joins in as a transporter in the plant and befriends Sergey and Andrei who are also senior to him . And both Sergey and Andrei work in the same department as Plato. The Nuclear plant is headed by Mr. Peter , who was a former Bureaucrat in Moscow. The story is about how Plato climbs up the ranks in the nuclear power plant . Along runs parallely, the plot about the Nuclear power plant and how it harbours a secret that is not known to anyone. Dark and deep secrets that take the story forward to different parts of the Universe.

DaoistTO1iU9 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

A letter

<p>Plato headed back home with more confusion than answers that surrounded his mind. He raced ahead of Dimitri forgetting to wait for his friend.
Dimitri seeing plato going far ahead, took long strides to catch up with him. Which he did, finally.
"You forgot to wait for me, Plato," he said.
Plato was still pondering about the events that has and could transpire. He unknowingly forgot to acknowledge the presence of Dimitri.
"Plato, you alright, You seem to be elsewhere," questioned Dimitri.
Still there was no response.
Dimitri pulled out a letter from his pocket and handed it over to Plato.
"What's this?" asked Plato.
"It's a letter from your father," replied Dimitri.
Plato took the letter firmly out of Dimitri's hands and said. "From my father? We have not spoken for years. This is a surprise," he said. 
"Maybe he knows you are confused," said Dimitri. 
Plato opened the letter and started to read it on the way.
"Such was the way that they took. Everyday for years. Plato had memorised each and every inch of the pathway and did not necessarily look ahead to reach the home without getting hurt!" 
The content of the letter
The regular affairs of the family was mentioned briefly, and not thoroughly. Information about the happenings in the family, the affairs of the town were also mentioned, though very disjointed and not clearly. A special paragraph was written by his mother for him. Asking about his well-being primarily and sentiments were written as a mother would, with care. Then came finally, a paragraph. Written - by your father in bold capital as in to highlight the seriousness of the message that was forthcoming
Son, it started . I have dabbled with philosophy all my life as you know. And in your case a bit too obvious, Plato. I have written a brief passage with the learning's I have done in my life. It may not be to your liking or even to your taste or maybe even match your intellect. But these are words I say stay true to my heart. So here it goes.
"Plato, in this life. Not many men are born into great privilege or create it in their own when they get older. And that is fine. If the world could be a home for each and everyone of us to be privileged, then it would be cease to be our world. I am far too old to even dream of such a thing. And people like us were born not into wealth and it is quite alright if you are your siblings do not create wealth, or become people of privilege. It is quite alright, do not take that kind of pressure onto yourself. A man who pursues this makes a beast of himself, and the humane part of him is dead. There will be days in the future, when you are fully grown up. That opulence is the truth, the reality. It is not .Opulence is a gift enjoyed by a select few. The gods have given them this, it's not yours not mine or anyone else's. It is a gift from god . I certainly believe so. Work hard, that is something we all must do, that's the price of being a human. But do not dream of rewards. If you are worthy, it will come. And do not think you are talented. You are not special. This is something my old age has taught me. And mainly be a man of principle and honesty. Whatever the cost may be. And be sincere in all the work you do. There is no such thing as simple work. 
The END.
Plato read the letter, folded it and kept it in his pocket.
Dimitri, the gentleman he was did not intrude on the privacy of Plato. And chose not to ask him any such questions relating to the matter. Although he could see, there was a bit of clarity in Plato.
"So It is going to be a little weird without Sergey around. He was a fun guy to hang around with," Said Dimitri.
"He certainly was. A unique man, like no one else," said Plato. 
"And Dimitri," Plato said. I never once mentioned to him or anyone else, he was like an older brother to me. He thought me the ropes, and made me feel like it's alright to be in cold Minsk. Driving trucks.
"He was a good man, sorry he still is," Agreed Dimitri.
The two of them reached the house.
"Dimitri," said to Plato. I'm heading g out for a bit. The office colleagues are hanging out for a few drinks. Would you like to join us? asked Dimitri.
"No, thank you," Replied Plato. "I think I will stay in," he said.
"That's alright. You know I have to treat them, since I got the promotion," said Dimitri.
"Oh, yea," Replied Plato.
"Plato went in to his room, opened his cupboard and Carefully placed the letter, also well hidden.
"He shut his cupboard and locked it,"
Now what do I do, he thought. "The letter had a somewhat profound effect on him, but realitysaid otherwise. He was a man now, and there were different rules to the game. And he gad to do all this is needed to survive," 
Plato lit a cigarette, and said to himself
Survive I must</p>