
planned marriage

NOTE:WSA 2022 ENTRY. Evie had always dreamt of becoming a hip hop musician, she left her parents to Newyork City to achieve her dreams. She is close to achieving that dream when her parents calls her to come home urgently. Upon her arrival, she is being told that she is to get married to a billionaire; Ezekiel who happens to be a cold, arrogant and rude man. He is even rumoured to be a gay Would she still achieve her dreams in a loveless marriage? How would she cope with her rude husband? Her husband was no ordinary mortal, he is rumoured to be the devil’s son, what if that is true? What mystery awaits her in this loveless marriage of hers? And how would she able to conquer all tribulations? Can she survive in his world? Authors: GlobalGift. Mirashines Follow me on Instagram@Giftednovels for more video clips and characters pictures Editor: KunleTaiwo COVER DISCLAIMER: cover is not mine

GlobalGift · Fantasy
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75 Chs

chapter 1

"I do no such thing, mom! Hell no!" Evie yelled, what on earth has gotten into her parents, why were they asking her to do something outrageous like this? Are they not aware that it is her happiness that they were selling off?

"Evie, you have no choice but to accept it, even if the devil himself likes it or not, you are getting married to him," her father fired back.

"Never! It is a no! No! I would never marry him, not in this life nor my afterlife," Evie retorted, tears already streaming down her face.

"Evie, I am your father and I know what is best for you. The company and our identities are at risk here darling, there is a lot to gain if you marry the CEO of the world's most famous and prestigious company, not only the fame but the riches and wealth Evie, get that into your thick skull," her father said, more calmly now.

"To hell with fame! To hell with riches and wealth. Dad! Mom! Can I ask you this question? Would this riches and wealth you are talking about buy my happiness? I do not even know the man you guys are talking about. Who still gets their children forced into an arranged marriage in the 21st century? Let me make this clear, I cannot marry him."

Evie dashed out of their room angrily. Anger, frustration, sadness, pain, shock, all those emotions coming at her all at once, her eyes teared up as she walked downstairs.

Her heart ached and she felt like the universe was against her.

"Eric why?" She asked the butler, he was at the dining, setting it up for dinner.

Eric looked up at her and could not understand her question,

"Young miss, what do you mean?" He asked

"How could you allow my parents to set up an arranged marriage for me? I thought you were my pal?" Evie no longer knew what she was doing, she was allowing her emotions to get the better of her.

Eric was shocked at Evie's outburst, he never thought of this scenario in his life, he had become very close to her to know her more than her parents and he understood that she always wanted to love but the opportunity was taken away from her forcefully.

Eric understood her plight, her pain he felt, "young miss, you have to calm down," he told her calmly.

"Calm down?" Evie snorted, "you tell someone in my situation to calm down huh?" She fired at him.

"Evie!" Her mother's voice was heard from the staircase interrupting her discussion with Eric

"Have you lost your manners?" Her mother thundered.

"Manners? I should be the one asking you that question mom. I really need to run a DNA test to make sure you guys are indeed my parents because I can not believe my parents are doing this to me," Evie spoke in anger.

"Evie, do not make me lose it!" Her mother yelled, her anger reflecting in her eyes, how dare she say something stupid in front of her? Well, she would willingly give her, her extract for a DNA test if she wants.

"It is for your sake Evie, can you get that into your thick skull," her mother; Sonia managed to reign in her anger.

"Did I just hear you say my sake?" Evie asked with heavy sarcasm.

"I do not think it is for my sake, it is for you and dad's selfish interest. This marriage you are forcing me into is just because you and dad want more riches, fame and wealth. You guys are greedy, selfish and self-centred. You guys never think about other people's feelings. As long as it benefits you guys, every other person could go to hell, you guys do not care. You guys are not satisfied with your wealth and want to acquire more wealth and the best idea you guys came up with is to marry me off, is to sell me off to a cold, arrogant billionaire, a rumoured gay?" Evie yelled at her mother's face.

Enough was enough! Do they still see her as a kid that they can push around?

Hello! She is coming up musician, not a kindergarten student.

Sonia took her time to process what her daughter just said, even Eric was shocked and had his mouth wide open staring at the furious Evie and the fuming Sonia whose eyes had already darkened with anger.


A slap landed on Evie's face. Evie touched her face with her palm, smiling at her mother.

"Is that the best you can do?" Evie asked.

"Do not make me hit you again Evie, it is obvious you do not respect your parents anymore."

"Why would I respect people that were supposed to protect use me as an abject of obtaining more wealth, sorry to say, you have failed in the responsibility of a mother, you are a disgrace to motherhood!" Evie was out of her mind and was saying anything that comes to her mind without thinking it through.


Another slap landed on her beautiful face, she (Evie) raised her hand to slap her back but before her hand could hit her mother's cheek, she regained herself a little bit and turned to leave before she does something uncalled for.

"Evelynn, the earlier you accept your fate the better it is for you," Sonia said.

Evie looked at her and hissed before dashing out of the mansion. She needed space and time alone from this burning house.

"Keys Daniel!" Evie roared and the driver obeyed and gave her the keys to the Mercedes Benz sports car.

She drove out of the house carefree, she did not care if she hurt herself or damaged the car. She rode out of the lonely streets to the busy streets of the city.

Where was she going to? Good question, she had no idea, she decided to park her car. Remembering everything that occurred a few minutes ago, she began to hit the horn of the car making a loud noise in the busy streets.

Some people thought she was mad while some thought she was depressed. Even at that Evie did not care what others thought, besides it was her life and not theirs

Her life was not their homework so they should not concentrate on it. She vents out her frustration on the innocent car horn.