
chapter: 2

"you sure talk a lot for one who is bleeding ." I heard someone who is not myself speak .my body turned stiff as i tured around to face the owner of that voice . he sure looked scary. mom i think i peed my pants .

" it looks like this is it for the great Sebastian Silvermist." " are you sure about that?" as soon as he uttered those words a few , WHAT FEW !!! a dozen of people dressed in black appeared and circled the guy and they took him and disappeared . just like how them came from nowhere . literally , from nowhere .. damn .

"so, are you calling the ambulance or not ?" that brought me back to my sense. " ah! yeah , my phone .. it's broken ." my phone is broken

phone is broken

is broken


"...." silence took over

" tsk, use mine " " ok, password ?" " xxxx"

as soon i dailed i heard a mechanical voice

"hello, there is an injured man here, yes, he is bleeding a lot , yes this in xxx streat yes , okay , please come fast."

" hey , the ambulance will be here soon . " i said that as i turned around to face that guys face but he looked like he was dead .


" hey! you can't die okay ? " i was so panicked that i didn't even notice that the ambulance had arrived .

i can understand why they took that guy but not me .

" excuse me ." " yes?" " here, your husbands bill." tf ! i had a husband ?" i think you might got the wrong person . i am not married ." " ah , sorry ,then he is your boyfriend, here ." she shoved the bill to me and left " he.." before i could finish my sentence .


as soon as i sat down i shot up . the bill was really high. when i was thinking what to do a pair of black heel's came in my view thus, i looked up to find a lady in here mid 40's with not so welcoming expression . man, i have to tell you i was shitless she was really scary. T _ T

" how much ?" at that moment i could feel my eyes widen but it soon turned into a crest . yeo, i was smiling ." here " she looked more terrifying when i gave the bill. " you are really shameless." " !!!"

what ? shameless ! how ?!

" mam, aren't you .." i don't know why today people keep on cutting me off . the reason why is that is a man dressed up in black came and wishpered something to her . as she listen to whatever that man was saying are eyes were giving off a cold look.

"i am not done with you." was what she told me before she left. it looks like it wasn't my day today.

~ in the ward ~

as soon as the lady entered the ward she said " son, why didn't you tell me that you had such a shameless girlfriend ?" the so called son was like wtf

" mom , i don't have ... " " don't you dare lie to me . i met her outside ." she said with disgust evident in her tone .

"i am really telling you the truth." " if so then why is she asking money ? huh? " " can you show it to me ? " the lady gave the paper to her son with confidence .

the son: .....

" see i told you . she is so shameless " " mom " " hmm" " are you sure you are not mistaken ? " after hearing that she flared up " how can i ? are you doubting me because of that mannerless girl ?" " because this is a bill "


her eyes widen.

" let me take a look"

"here" " this can't be " was all she say

~outside the ward~

even though the lady was unreasonable she came in at the nick of time .

Creation is hard, cheer me up! by adding my story to your libarry

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carol_raicreators' thoughts