
Chapter 92 The Starkiller in the Sea of ​​Death Stars

The developed Death Star Sea has now entered a mature stage.

Completely merged with the previous Death Star Sea.

Qin Yi has already conquered more than a dozen unowned planets in more than a month.

For krypton gold.

In order to enhance strength.

Qin Yi never stopped.

This time, they took a starship.

Came to the Death Star Sea.

Landed on a planet overgrown with trees.

The planet information is displayed.

Planetary Civilization: Magic Civilization

Planet Level: 3

Planet diameter: 1396

Planet Species: 1

And these trees should be the world tree in the magic civilization.

After the planet master transforms energy and builds a planet, he begins to transform the energy of the planet.

Then it was successfully transformed into the planetary energy of the magic civilization.

Finally cultivate life on the planet.

A magical tree was born, which was very tall and possessed a certain wisdom.

Their defense and attack power are very strong.

So it is also called the world tree on this planet.

On the planets of magic civilization and immortal civilization, it is a relatively common type of plant life.

But before Qin Yi and the others landed.

The branches of the World Tree began to extend, trying to wrap Qin Yi and others.

The accompanying planetary master immediately summoned flying magic and defensive magic.

And Qin Yi threw a nuclear weapon at the planet.

The world tree immediately stretched out more branches.

Some attacked Qin Yi.

Part of it caught the nuclear weapon and wanted to crush it into pieces.

However, the nuclear weapons are made of improved vibrating gold, which has a strong defense.


It's not a very big planet, and a mushroom cloud emerges directly.

The branches that were about to attack Qin Yi quickly retracted.

A planet that was originally lush and covered with trees.

It turned into ruins directly, and many trees were on fire.

On the planet, a large tree with luxuriant branches was not affected.

I see.

Around the big tree, many stars appeared.

These dots of starlight formed a strong defense, blocking the power of the mushroom cloud.

"This World Tree's defense is very strong, and it doesn't feel like an ordinary World Tree."

"The planet master cultivated such a life from the very beginning, and must have been improving its strength."

"It's not easy to go from level 1 to level 3, and it's just this world tree!"

Ke Liang, the accompanying planetary master, analyzed beside Qin Yi.

Qin Yi nodded.

Just now, he also let the system deduce it.

It was found that this world tree is indeed unusual.

If you can completely conquer.

Those twigs can become a kind of wood, and when fused with vibrating metal, new alloys will be created.

But how to conquer this world tree now.

That's just one problem.

The opponent has magic defense, even the mushroom cloud can be prevented.

Then only the atomic laser cannon will play.

A hundred warriors of the Wilderness Army, pushing a three-meter-high cannon, appeared on the planet.

"call out!"

Choose a place.

Set up the gun mount.

He sent a shot towards the world tree.

The dots around the World Tree immediately moved, forming a wall of light.


Just one shot of the atomic laser cannon directly destroyed these dots.

The world tree began to shake.

The whole planet is like an earthquake.


The earth is split open.

Then, I saw the world tree sinking directly into the planet's underground.


The earth closes.

The world tree is gone.

Run if you can't win?

It was the first time Qin Yi saw it.

The opponent sank into the ground.

If you want to kill the World Tree, you need a stronger ability.

You can force the world tree out.

And Qin Yi is now.

I don't have that ability.

A mushroom cloud, an atomic laser cannon.

And only the former.

Keep frying.

Keep frying.

Maybe a deep hole can be blown up and the world tree can be found.

"Do you need our help?"

Ke Liang asked from the side.

I think you should take a look at mtlfanfic.com

They have planet owners with magical civilization, and they can use magic to force out the world tree on this planet.

But Qin Yi refused.

"No, since it's training the Great Wilderness Army, let's take a look, on a battlefield like this."

"Whether the weapons of the Great Wilderness Army can defeat the opponent!"

Ke Liang nodded when he heard Qin Yi's words, and said nothing more.

The more he followed Qin Yi.

It is also more and more able to feel the other party's tenacity and strong perseverance.

Fight every day.

Every day, we must cultivate our own Great Wilderness Army.

Moreover, he has always insisted on letting the Great Wilderness Army fight to the end.

They back and forth, only shot three times.



Mushroom clouds are constantly bombarding the planet.


World Tree couldn't bear it anymore.

Or the original power of the planet can't bear it.


The ground cracked.

The world tree appeared on the planet again.

It lost its initial flourish.

Just the bare trunks and branches look very vigorous.

This time Qin Yi chose to use vibration gold arrow feathers.

A dozen warriors shot arrows at the World Tree the moment they passed the Rainbow Bridge.

Before the branches of the World Tree attacked.

Entered the Rainbow Bridge.

World Tree was shot by Zhenjin, but directly fused Zhenjin.

Qin Yi saw this.

The corner of the mouth smiled.


The World Tree shook violently.

Like being drunk.

Then there was some black smoke from the trunk.

turn out to be.

In Zhenjin's arrow feathers, there are also small firearms.

When the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army left.

Just press the remote.

Command the small firearm to explode remotely.

Inside the World Tree, huge damage was done.

It can't be broken outside.

Broken directly from the inside.

System deduction.

90% success rate.

While World Tree was seriously injured.

Qin Yi immediately asked Zizhou to send the strongest vibrating gold excavator.

The World Tree was dug up.

broke its roots.

It also broke his connection with the planet.

World Tree's internal injuries haven't healed yet.

After cutting off the root, it directly lost the support of planetary energy.

turned into dry trees

Then transport directly into your own planet.

It is also possible to forge new alloys.

This wave is not bad.

Since the mushroom cloud and the atomic laser cannon.

Qin Yi finally felt the power of technology.

This also inspired him even more, to insist on the determination to develop scientific and technological civilization, and also hope to improve rapidly.

It's good to build a level 3 technological civilization as soon as possible.

Such as those super weapons.

Even planets.

They can all be blasted directly.

Death Star weapons.


Or a water drop weapon.

A technical weapon comparable to the Death Star.

The way it is constructed is the strong interaction force shell.

Inside is the force field generator and control system.

A nozzle with a ring-shaped tail.

The attack method of water droplets is impact.

This counts as a physical attack.

At the very beginning, I am afraid that there are not many supernatural beings of the planet master who can resist it!


Just when Qin Yi had just sealed the original power that this planet turned into.

The surrounding space fluctuated.

Visible to the naked eye.

From a planet not far away, a group of people rushed over.

They were dressed in white robes, all of them hidden under hoods.


Ke Liang's expression changed.

Shout out.
