
Chapter 79 Addictive Ethereal Desire

Shen Xinghe's words encouraged everyone again.

Among the city lords of the ten cities in Chuzhou, Shen Xinghe, the city lord of Che City, was the most popular.

He turned the tide and helped the building to collapse.

The reason why it is called the City of Cars is that this city established the largest magic speed car factory in the early years.

The first generation of the city owner is a powerful magic civilization planet owner.

The magician on his planet created a magical speeding car that could recognize its master and then travel through space.

Where you want to go, just confirm it on the map.

The magic speed car can be teleported through the space and arrives very quickly.

Safe, convenient and fast.

It is loved by most of the planet owners in the ten cities of Chuzhou, even some small companies are willing to buy such a magic speeding car.

You can shuttle in another space and quickly reach a certain place.

At that time, the magic speed car was a symbol of power.

Later, because of the emergence of various civilizations, but also because of the immortal boats and immortal swords of the immortal civilization.

There are also Qi warriors who can teleport.

There are also fewer magic speed cars.

Many planet owners in Checheng, as well as those magicians, are facing unemployment, and the economy has once reached a low ebb.

Later, relying on other planetary civilizations to engage in some production, this barely maintained the market economy.

After all, life must be related to basic necessities of life.

Unless it is a planetary master who has reached level 4 or above, he can let the superhumans on his own planet build it.

But the average person, even the average family.

In fact, many daily necessities are used, and these need to be produced.

In every city, not only planet owners live, but also most ordinary people live.

Their life is far inferior to that of the planet master, and it is also far inferior to those extraordinary people.

But they didn't completely lose their space.

After Shen Xinghe became the city lord of Checheng, he led Checheng towards glory.

Over the past few decades, Checheng has become a high-end city similar to Xiangcheng.

Of course, to say that the most high-end and most powerful city belongs to Jiangcheng, the central city of Chuzhou.

Shen Xinghe dined with Tong Baili and the others.

"This is the fairy brew from my planet."

He took out a luminous cup.

It is an energy carrier needed by the civilization of cultivating immortals. It is very precious and is called Lingshi.

This luminous cup is made of Lingshi.

And the fairy wine inside.

It should be brewed by the most powerful immortal on the immortal civilization planet of level 5 planet master Shen Xinghe.

Shen Xinghe's immortal brew is also well-known in the circle of level 5 planet masters.

Tong Baili and the others had bright eyes.

Ye Jifeng's eyes were already full of jealousy, he wished he could replace that Qin Yi.

"Qin Yi, this time, you won honor for Checheng."

"This cup of fairy wine is my reward for you."

Shen Xinghe smiled.

Qin Yi quickly got up and stepped forward.

"Thank you, City Lord, for your kindness."

Qin Yi took over the fairy wine, and for a while, he seemed to feel more and more that the city lord was a very good person.

"This fairy wine is brewed by a person named Jiu Jianxian on my planet. It uses a kind of fairy fruit that is unique to Lingshan."

"This cup of fairy wine is quite precious."

"However, I think good wine deserves heroes."

"You can use a planet with a diameter of 1 kilometer to upgrade to hundreds of kilometers today."

"Being able to awaken a 1-kilometer planet, it has successfully bred life and cultivated a powerful wilderness army."

"It can be regarded as a young hero."

"Come, let's drink this cup together!"

Qin Yi was praised by Shen Xinghe, and he felt a little elated in his heart.

But it was quickly suppressed.

Then I suddenly felt that I was really that strong, so powerful?

A planetary master with a little bit of talent.

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It's nothing more than being appreciated by City Lord Shen, but also praised by him repeatedly?

Suddenly, Qin Yi felt something unusual.


Qin Yi took a small mouthful.

Immediately, there was a mellow smell, not so strong, a bit of wine, but also a fruity fragrance, and an indescribable aroma.

From the mouth to the stomach, it is so comfortable and silky.


A system warning appeared in front of my eyes.

Qin Yi was dumbfounded.

"Why, this wine is not to your liking?"

Seeing Qin Yi lost his composure, Shen Xinghe asked with a smile.

Qin Yi came back to his senses.

Hastily said: "No, thank you, the city lord, for the reward. I feel honored to be the lord of Qin Yi's little planet."

Shen Xinghe was very satisfied, he waved his hand and said, "Go back and sit, this is what you deserve."

Qin Yi saluted, returned to the top, pretended to be very happy, and was not willing to drink the fairy wine.

Just keep it and drink it later.


Shen Xinghe seemed to have noticed it, drank the fairy wine in the cup, and said: "I'd better drink this fairy wine earlier, the spiritual energy contained in it will dissipate."

Qin Yi couldn't, so he could only drink it in one gulp.

System: Warning, too much ethereal desire energy, the host is easily emotional, once the excess is exceeded, it will become a ruthless, sexless, and desireless person, and it will be addicted to this substance, and it will be difficult to quit forever.

And the first warning is: warning, the host is eating chronic, poisonous, and ethereal desires—an immortal from the cultivation of immortal civilization, which can make people lose their minds and is easily addicted. Do not overdose.

Qin Yi immediately had goosebumps.

Cold sweat broke out all over the back.

But he stabilized his mentality and showed a slightly moved expression.

Then they continued to listen to Shen Xinghe's speech.

Wait until after the dinner.

Shen Xinghe was also preparing to leave.

Before leaving, he looked at Qin Yi again.

Qin Yi immediately forced himself to calm down again.

"Qin Yi, work hard. There will be a youth competition next year. At that time, I hope you can shine again."

Qin Yi took a deep breath, as if to give himself a boost.

In fact, in front of this city lord, he completely calmed down.

"The city lord has great love, Qin Yi should devote himself to the glory of Che City, and strive to improve himself."

"Next year's youth competition will definitely live up to the City Lord's high expectations!"

Shen Xinghe smiled and said to Tong Baili and the others: "Look, this is a young talent, neither arrogant nor impetuous, humble and polite, I am getting more and more optimistic about him."

"You are also good at training, next year there will be not only the youth competition."

"This day's list can also be contested."

Ye Jifeng beat Tong Baili, and flattered Shen Xinghe, "Don't worry, City Lord, we will definitely train Qin Yi well."

"At that time, I will accompany Qin Yi to fight in the new Death Star Sea."

"Next year, not only the champion of the youth competition, but also the list of that day, Qin Yi must also have a place!"

Shen Xinghe nodded in satisfaction.

Only then did the fairy gate be opened, and he left the guild under the respect of the crowd.


Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

City Lord Shen's immortal aura is still too strong.

They were so overwhelmed that they didn't dare to take a breath!

Qin Yi looked at Xianmen, but thoughtful, and then quickly hid his little thoughts so that others would not see it.

Ye Jifeng still wanted to get close to Qin Yi.

However, Qin Yi said directly to Tong Baili: "President, I have just been rewarded with immortal wine by the city lord, and now I want to go back to refine it, please forgive me."

Tong Baili nodded caringly, and said, "It's okay, we are going to continue discussing the allocation of resources, you are so refined."

"Immortal wine is very precious. Those city lords who want it will exchange it with rare treasures."

"You have to remember the gift of the city lord, so you can work hard."

Qin Yi nodded and replied: "I will remember it in my heart!"