
Chapter 73 Only by persevering until the end can we win

Otherwise, at this stage, those advanced civilizations are still powerful!

If there is no special original power of Tong Baili.

Maybe Qin Yi still only has a Great Wilderness Army, with such combat power, he will not be able to reach the finals at all.

In contrast, under the witness of history.

Planetary civilization is divided into three levels.

In fact, it is also because their starting point is different from the beginning.

A warrior civilization planet master, on the battlefield, cannot defeat those planet masters of fighting spirit civilization.

And the planet master of the fighting spirit civilization can't beat the cultivating civilization.

The sword energy spans three thousand miles, and the light of a sword is cold in nineteen states.

Of course, there are also some very talented planet masters in various civilizations.

This level division is also the result of big data analysis.

But not all planet owners.

It's like Qin Yi's technological civilization.

This is a civilization that has never appeared before, but everyone knows about it.

Before the era of the stars came.

The era in which they live is dominated by technological civilization.

But in the age of planets, human beings no longer focus on technology.

It's like flying out of this continent.

In the past, it relied on aviation technology, but now it only needs a fairy who has passed the tribulation period to realize it.

The strength of the planet master is actually the same as that of the planet.

Zhang Han's planet is a civilization of cultivating immortals. In fact, he himself is also an immortal.

Tong Baili's planet is a magical civilization, and he himself can cast very powerful magic.

As for those level 5 planet masters, let alone.

Otherwise, why should everyone work hard to improve the strength of their planet.

For the sake of being stronger.

Nobody knows.

What is the last of the planetary level.

Because after level 5, it is a mystery, or in other words, a taboo.

Only after reaching level 5 and becoming a very powerful planet lord can it be possible to know what is after level 5.

at this stage.

In the books Qin Yi and the others have learned, as well as all the knowledge and information about the planetary master they know, are all below level 5.

Let's go back to the extraterritorial battlefield.

Godzilla's blow followed closely behind Zhang Han, Sun Yi and Zhao Xing's superhumans.

Almost instantly.

The extraordinary man at the front was counterattacked by the opponent's extraordinary man.

In fact, what Qin Yi and Zhang Han wanted was this counterattack.

After they had just completed their counterattack and killed Zhang Han and others' superhumans, what they were facing was Godzilla's energy beam.

The five magicians failed to raise their magic defense in time.

One strike from Godzilla, followed by another.

The two beams are almost right next to each other.

It passed directly through the transcendents who rushed forward to fight back.

Then, those five magicians also discovered the energy beam from Godzilla, at that moment.

Finished the magic spell.


It's a pity that the magical defense completed in this instant is not as good as the preparation.

The turmoil of the whole broken wall.

Let the five magicians vomit blood directly, and their bodies were seriously injured in an instant.

The remaining 30 or so extraordinary people got the order of their planetary master and rushed up immediately.

They used their bodies to block the front of the five magicians.

Godzilla couldn't continue to use the energy beam because he had already consumed a lot.

But now, only the Great Wilderness Army can be used.

"Firearms Battalion!"

Zizhou gave the order with difficulty.

At this time, without taking a deep breath, someone will die due to lack of air.

So they have to be gentle, relaxed.


Soldiers of the Firearms Battalion in action.

To support them.

Li Zirui's two magicians vomited blood because of excessive consumption.

And there are some soldiers who also look hideous because of the lack of air.

But they didn't panic, and they didn't try to catch their breath.

In their subconscious, taking a deep breath, that is a sin, a betrayal of their comrades.

It is a betrayal of the emperor!

So they endured, knowing that they were dizzy and still controlling their breathing.

Finally, they couldn't hold on anymore and fell slowly to the ground.

Li Zirui's magicians had no choice but to abandon these peripheral fighters and narrow the area covered by their magic.


Just when those immortals were about to rush in front of Godzilla.

Artillery coverage.

It's like a vacuum in front of you.

The cracking sound is very small, almost inaudible.

And those immortals encountered resistance because of the power of the artillery fire, but some immortals also rushed up.

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Godzilla barely stood up.

Immortal magic lights up behind the fairy, and small sword qi formed by mana.


These small sword auras shot directly at Godzilla.


Godzilla yelled in pain.

His defense is very high, but facing these immortals, his defense is not very high.

The sword energy failed to kill him, but it caused a lot of wounds.


The fairy is going to continue to attack Godzilla.

But being hit by artillery fire, he immediately set up his defense and used his body skills to escape.

However, Godzilla directly swept across with an energy beam.

The rest of the Transcendents were all killed.

Their defense is not very strong, if it is the strongest transcendent on the planet they are on.

Maybe not.

An identity can quickly escape this energy beam.

Or they can use their magic weapon and their own defense.

But the Transcendents on the planet they were on died on the front battlefield.

Originally, the diameter of the planet they were on was not very large, and extraordinary people were also cultivated during this period of time.

It looks powerful, but in fact there are not many people.

Unlike the level 5 planet masters, there are dozens of those superpowers, not to mention a hundred.

Godzilla fell directly to the ground.

There were 5,000 people in the Great Wilderness Army, but up to now, there are only more than 2,000 people.

More than 2,000 people died from a suffocation magic.

At this moment, the gap between ordinary fighters and superhumans is very obvious.

"There are only five seriously injured magicians left in the Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School team."

"On the side of the Checheng Guild, there are still about 2,000 Great Wilderness Army, and a seriously injured monster."

"Who can win this year's Youth Championship?!"

"let us wait and see!"

Qin Yi didn't give his opponent any time to recover, and let the Great Wilderness Army attack again.

The artillery was pushed forward.


The five magicians on the opposite side raised their magic defense immediately.

However, it was shattered by artillery fire.

Because they can no longer cast a more powerful, very strong magic defense wall.

Only struggling to support.


Ming Xueshu took a deep breath.

Most likely strategy, she had already tried.

how to say.

Play more with less.

She lost in numbers.

If the opponent didn't have the Great Wilderness Army, they might have lost long ago.

Suffocation magic is not so easy to cast, at this time, any relatively powerful magic.

Those five magicians who all need her consume the energy in the body.


Unless her five magicians can survive until the entire army of the Great Wilderness is wiped out.


Li Zirui's two magicians finally couldn't hold on anymore.

Passed out directly.

The two magicians who lost him healed him.

The Great Wilderness Army felt a sense of suffocation up and down.

If it is a warrior civilization, Qin Yi can completely exchange for the turtle's breathing technique, so that they don't have to breathe.

But the system does not.


This is a weakness of technological civilization on the battlefield that Qin Yi discovered during this great battle.

A weakness that cannot be ignored.

From the very beginning, the system has been deduced.

Qin Yi didn't have time to exchange the oxygen manufacturing technology.


Zizhou felt that his breathing was uncomfortable.

All are the same.

However, the soldiers of the Firearms Battalion were already blushing, but they still insisted on firing artillery.

"The Great Wilderness Army!"

Zi Zhou roared.

All the fighters cheered up again.

Godzilla struggled.

On his back, energy began to gather.

Ming Xueshu knew that his five magicians would be unstoppable.

They have held on for such a long time.

Now, she has only one choice.