
Chapter 71 The most difficult duel

The large difference in proportion can also be seen.

The audience's views on this final are very different.

Everyone believed that even if Qin Yi had Godzilla, he would not be able to defeat the high-level magic civilization planet master.

This is a very intuitive feeling caused by the huge gap between civilizations.

And the event was finally announced by the host.

Just the beginning.

Qin Yi's Godzilla attacked first.

A sweep of energy beams.

And opposite.

The magician immediately waved the magic scepter in his hand and cast magic.

Taboo virtual domain.

This is not a very powerful defensive magic, but it made them feel very strenuous.

Therefore, it is impossible to maintain the summoned Thor and compete with Godzilla.

Ming Xueshu understood exactly this point.

So I chose to give up summoning magic.

Godzilla's energy beam failed to break through the magic defense on the opposite side. A virtual domain is directly like two spaces.

However, the result of this is that the opponent can no longer attack.

"The other side is chanting a magic spell. It looks like a very powerful magic. We have to be careful."

Li Zirui is the planet owner of a magical civilization.

He sent only two magicians this time, and they were all relatively low-level magicians.

After seeing each other's five magicians were chanting magic spells.

Immediately reported this situation to Li Zirui.

Qin Yi also saw it.

The opponent should be casting a forbidden magic spell.

I just don't know what kind of magic spell it is.

"I can't break through their defenses now, I can only watch them cast forbidden magic."

"Other than that, there is no other way."

Zhang Han said in the voice channel.

Qin Yi gave a soft "hmm".

He asked the shieldmen of the Great Wilderness Army to set up tall shields, blocking the outside layer by layer.

At the same time, the tall Godzilla is watching the entire extraterritorial battlefield.

Prevent accidents from happening.

In the live broadcast room, the commentator explained.

"That's what we're seeing now."

"The genius magic civilization planet master of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School is casting a very powerful magic spell."

"I guess it's probably forbidden magic."

"And in the past battlefields, the performance of the Great Wilderness Army is also somewhat surprising. Their defense is very strong."

"This time, will forbidden magic harm them?"

"let us wait and see."

"The Checheng guild team can't break through the magic defense of the Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School team, so they can only choose to sit and wait."

"Gives me a deep sense of powerlessness."

"I just don't know, once the taboo magic is cast."

"Can the Great Wilderness Army stop it?"

"Can you hold on until the end?!"

"Look, there have been changes on the battlefield outside the territory!"

"It should be that the magician has cast forbidden magic."

"But what is the magic?"

"We didn't even see it!"

"The formation of the Great Wilderness Army is in disarray, and some soldiers fell down!"

Based on the feedback from the Great Wilderness Army, Qin Yi frowned.

He never expected that the other party would come to such a move.

It can only be said that the other party is actually a genius with a strong strategic vision.

She actually used suffocation magic.

That is to say, a large part of the space outside his imaginary domain, that is, the air in the battlefield outside the domain, was taken away.

Just a split second.

Near the Void Domain, the frontmost fighters suddenly felt heavy and hard to breathe.

But for a while.

He was directly suffocated to death.

And those fighters near Zizhou were under the magic of Li Zirui's two magicians.

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Barely hold on.

But their ability is really too bad.

It simply doesn't take into account all the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army.

Just for a moment.

A large part of the Great Wilderness Army has fallen.

Almost a thousand people.

And the air is getting thinner.

If this taboo magic cannot be broken, maybe the entire Great Wilderness Army will have to confess here.


Qin Yi immediately followed the system's deduction and began to let Godzilla attack the magic of the forbidden imaginary domain.

No matter how much energy Godzilla consumes, he will not hesitate.

under constant attack.

The Taboo Void Realm seems to be unable to hold on.

The magic light dimmed.

Not only that.

The five magicians were also pale, and even vomited blood.

Hundreds of soldiers fell on the battlefield outside the territory under the extreme lack of oxygen.

And this time.

Someone finally explained what this forbidden magic is.

"Magic suffocation."

"It's really smart, and I will soon realize that ordinary fighters need to breathe."

"Directly taking the air out of the battlefield outside the domain can directly suffocate those soldiers to death."

"In this way, what can a fighter with the best defense do?"

"Such magic is similar to soul attack."

"No matter how good the armor is, it can't stop such an attack!"

"That's right. She is indeed the goddess in my mind. I didn't even think of that."

"A simple suffocation magic actually killed nearly two thousand soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army."

"Isn't this too strong?"

"Although suffocation magic is not the strongest forbidden magic, moreover, the opponent's magician is also using magic to fight against it."

"But in this scene, the taboo magic suffocation can be regarded as a very clever magic."

"This is too powerful!"

"How did the goddess think of it?"

"So many people in front of me didn't expect it to be thought of by a magical girl. It's a talent!"

"Now, the Great Wilderness Army has an opponent."

Li Zirui said in a deep voice, "Brother Yi, my two superhumans are about to die."

If the heyday.

It's just a suffocation magic, and his superhumans will definitely be able to stop it!

But not now.

His two transcendents also know some simple magic spells.

Barely protecting the surrounding air of more than 3,000 soldiers.

But it won't last long.

Once the energy is used up, it's all over.

Qin Yi said in a deep voice: "Persevere, I can break the opponent's defense!"

Godzilla continues to output.

Such super-intensive, long-term output is also a lot of pressure for him.

It's a feeling that the body is about to be hollowed out.

Seeing that the imaginary domain was about to be broken by the energy beam, the other party actually cast magic again.

Then, a smaller imaginary domain appears.

And this time.

The five magicians are completely unable to continue to cast relatively strong magic.

Because they themselves have not been able to recover, and the casting of magic also requires spiritual power.

They have fought repeatedly, and the loss is very large.

Just now, in order to cast the defensive magic imaginary domain, it consumed a lot.


He was almost hollowed out, his realm was unstable, and he died of exhaustion.


Seeing this scene, Li Zirui exhaled fragrantly.

It's really not reconciled.

Just one step away!