
Chapter 50 – Fighting Qiongqi

Zhang Lanyu did not continue to let the data analyst analyze it.

Firstly, Qin Yi performed very well in these few rounds of the youth competition.

A very successful strategy was developed from the very first game.

Get out of a group of two hundred.

It has fully proved its analytical ability and strategic layout.

Even if Qin Yi is really an ordinary civilized planet, with his analytical ability, he is completely comparable to the current data specialist.

You can also rely on this ability to live a more nourishing life.

Secondly, Qin Yi's strength proved this point.

If he still went to the data engineer, wouldn't that directly prove that he didn't quite trust Qin Yi's analysis?

Now that Qin Yi's status in the guild has risen, all boats have gone up.

After the special metal is sold, the status may be higher, directly becoming a senior employee of the guild.

Enjoy better and more advanced treatment.

It will be the existence that even the little executives in his department look up to.

So at this time, it is natural to serve this one well.

After the list of matches is announced.

Everyone also started to use data experts to analyze how to defeat the opponent.

At the same time, they can also preserve their strength and win the next top twenty-five promotion matches.

"The ordinary army of the opponent is a planetary civilization that we have never seen before. There are already two groups and they were defeated by them."

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"We have to pay attention."

In the box where Tongtian Company of Yongan City is located.

The senior executive suggested to Zhang Zixuan who was sitting on the sofa.

Zhang Zixuan was sitting on the sofa alone, and there were two girls in cheongsams who were serving him attentively.

On the other hand, he spread out his hands, enjoying it boldly.

"What about an ordinary army?"

"My Qiongqi has a very high defense ability, and their arrow feathers can't break through my Qiongqi's defense."

"And, didn't you just formulate a strategy?"

"Let's attack the ordinary army at the beginning, so as not to leave any trouble."

"Just follow this strategy."

Zhang Zixuan was a little impatient.

Because he felt that his opponent should be a magical girl, a goddess of genius, not a small ordinary civilized planetary master.

Such an opponent can't arouse his interest at all.

Executives see this.

And no more suggestions.

As the only son of the chairman, Zhang Zixuan looked rather delicate.

He knew that such teaching was definitely not good.


Still keep a low profile.

The allotted time has come.

Twenty teams from the first game started playing.

Qin Yi and the others are in the second match.

This first session is the special session of the great magician, the red-scaled dragon, the strongest martial soul master, and the star master who cultivates the civilization of immortality.

They all adopt the quick solution to the battle and directly use the best equipment.

These are equipment that do not exceed the level of their own planet, and no planet owner can only use equipment twice in one event.

After all, in the later stage, they really didn't have any extraordinary people to send out.

Many of them are just planet masters who have been developing for a year.

It can't transform too much original power.

And the second game.

Li Zirui was also waiting anxiously.


Qin Yi and others entered the stage, and finally there were some voices.

It's just that this time their opponent is the Alien Beast Civilization group with the strength of the top ten.

These voices can also be regarded as issued by their supporters.


Everyone is shouting that they are doomed.

The Checheng Guild bet five million, and together with Qin Yi and five people, the total would be eight million. In the end, some retail investors and some gamblers who supported the Checheng Guild were counted.

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There are a total of almost 15 million planet coins.

If Qin Yi's team loses.

The 15 million star coins will be divided among the gamblers who bet on the win of the Alien Beast team.

Everyone walked into the arena, and then entered their respective positions.

Qin Yi's side.

Zhang Han sent eight immortals.

The strength of these eight immortals is not very strong, and they have just reached level 3.

After all, the strongest immortals.

Already in the first and second rounds, in order to win the game, he chose to blew himself up.

As for Zhao Xing, Sun Yi and Li Zirui, the same is true.

The Transcendents they sent out were all weak, barely capable of using equipment.

After Qin Yi's 10,000-strong army appeared.

In the auditorium and in the live broadcast room, I was still a little surprised.

They can intuitively feel that the spirit of this army is relatively strong, with a sense of chill.

However, when the gamble opened.

The audience and the people in the live broadcast room all chose the army of alien beasts opposite Qin Yi.


In the records of a book in Qin Yi's previous life, it was a strange beast with the head of a tiger, a pair of wings, and a long tail, and the body of a strange beast.

Like to eat people, or eat from head to toe.

He also likes to eat the person who is about to win when two people are fighting.

It can be said that it can be regarded as a vicious beast.

The Qiongqi that Qin Yi and the others faced was a real beast, with black armored skin and some fins on it.

A pair of wings spread out, almost six meters long.

With a tall and mighty body, standing in front of Qiongqi, he also seemed a little small.

This is just a level 3 Chiong Qi.

If it reaches level 5, a pair of wings can be more than ten meters long.

Standing in front of him, a person may only be as tall as Qiongqi's thigh, or even shorter.

"Game start!"

With the order of the host.

The horn of battle also sounded.

Zhang Zixuan asked Qiongqi to rush directly, and the target was Qin Yi's 10,000 army.

As for Qin Yi's teammates, they were held back by Zhang Zixuan's four team members.

Zhang Han immediately used Fantian Yin to strengthen the defense of Qin Yi's army, and a golden shield blocked them.

After seeing Qiongqi, Zizhou's eyes flashed.

If he could kill such a ferocious beast, wouldn't he have the Beast Blood Pill to improve his physical fitness after returning home?

The point is, not only him, but many people across the country will be able to enjoy the benefits brought by the Beast Blood Pill.


"The wilderness!"

"The wilderness!"

"The wilderness!"

Zi Zhou set up the arrow and drew the bow, aiming at Qiongqi's eyes was an arrow.

high speed.


Qiongqi's speed is also very fast.

directly blocked.


Zizhou raised the flag, and the firearm battalion behind him immediately fired artillery.

Qiongqi's attack was also blocked.

"The magician is ready."

Qin Yi reminded in the voice.

Li Zirui immediately replied: "Okay, just wait for your next arrow feathers."

Qin Yi instructed Zi Zhou to bring two hundred Dragon Blood Warriors forward and shoot Qiong Qi with a bow and arrow.

On the other hand, Li Zirui directly arranged for a magician to empower Zi Zhou's arrow feathers.

Magic scroll.

Fairy Kiss!