
Chapter 48 Buying and selling and favors

Qin Yi didn't use too much strength.

He slashed at the chair beside him.

The iron chair was cut directly.

This is from the system's vibration gold forging technology.

Absolutely a boutique!

Both Tong Baili and Zhang Lanyu's eyes flashed a gleam. Such a material is indeed extraordinary.

Cutting iron like mud is nothing.

The point is, they thought of the first game.

Qin Yi's one-hundred-member team shot the immortal sword, and directly broke the immortal sword.

This is the real example that can prove that the metal material in Qin Yi's hands is very special and very strong.

"You metal, do you want to make a move?"

Tong Baili asked.

He is good to Qin Yi, but he is also a planet owner and the president of the guild.

From his standpoint, such a metal can definitely be sold at a high price.

At that time, not only Qin Yi can rely on this to be valued by Lord Shen, but also earn a lot of planet coins and improve himself.

Of course, the more critical thing is that if he can take charge of this project.

It can also stabilize your position in the Checheng Awakened Guild.

Qin Yi nodded, and directly took out almost 300 kilograms of vibrating gold raw materials, which are minerals that exist underground on the planet.

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"Sell, I need a lot of planet coins to buy resources, since this vibration gold is valuable, let's sell some."

"However, there are not many stocks on my planet."

"A total of about one ton has appeared, and I still want to deploy it on the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army."

"So it's impossible to pay too much."

Tong Baili saw Qin Yi being so forthright and generous, so he said with relief: "It's okay, rare things are precious."

"Don't worry, I won't let you do business that loses money."

That's why, Qin Yi finally chose to make a move.

Another advantage of selling vibration gold is that Tong Baili can get some benefits from himself.

Otherwise, why should he keep helping himself?

I am not his relative, even if I am a relative, I will not help unconditionally and selflessly.

"What suggestions do you have for your improvement?"

Tong Baili waved his hand and accepted the 300 kilograms of vibration gold handed over by Qin Yi, and then wanted to know what Qin Yi thought about the improvement of his planet's strength.

Qin Yi wants to do an experiment.

But there is a competition tomorrow, so the experiment is definitely not going to work.

On the planet of scientific and technological civilization, those fighters have been greatly improved by attaching the original power of warrior civilization.

It also proves that his own planet can produce warrior civilization.

Moreover, these fighters can also eat dragon blood to strengthen their physique, so they are no longer ordinary people.

Ordinary people, can fly around walls?

That's no ordinary flying around walls, it's almost like martial arts novels, especially those warriors with low martial arts.

The three-meter-tall Qiang stood on tiptoe and thumped up.

The kind that Newton's coffin boards can't hold down.

Since you can cultivate warrior civilization on your own planet, can you also cultivate magic civilization?

Therefore, Qin Yi wanted to experiment.

As for the deduction system, his guess is that the success rate is half, and it may be successful.

It may or may not be successful.

Because he saw the result of success, but he also saw the result of failure.

this probability.

It is the conclusion drawn after the system has been deduced many times.

That being the case, Qin Yi decided to give it a try.


not now.

"President, my planet is an ordinary planet. At most, it may be lucky that such materials appeared."

"So I probably won't be able to use that gear."

"They are all ordinary people, and they don't have aura or magic on them."

"However, every time I can transform the original power of the lowest-level warrior civilization, I can't transform the higher ones."

Qin Yi has indeed done this kind of experiment.

Later, he exchanged the original power of the intermediate civilization for technology.

It is impossible for Qin Yi to earn planet coins all the time, but not to buy the original power.

The ascension of the planet master relies on the power of the source in the early stage.

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After being noticed by people like Tong Baili, there will naturally be relevant information about him.

If others saw that he only earned planetary coins, but not enough to sell his original power, he would be able to go from a level 1 planetary owner to a level 2 planetary owner.

It will inevitably arouse their suspicion.

These planets are mainly starting to suspect, so it is not as simple as asking.


Why are there so many unowned planets in the Dead Star Sea, and they still appear every day.

In Qin Yi's opinion.

Part of it is the battle between the planet masters.

Part of it was accident.

There is also a part of "accident", but this accident is not an ordinary accident.

Most likely man-made.

Another part comes from the battle in the Death Star Sea.

The low-level areas of the Dead Star Sea will be divided, and they cannot compete for ownerless planets in the Dead Star Sea.

Once the scramble occurs, it will be detected by officials.

Whoever strikes first will be punished.

this sin.

It is a capital offense!

And in the intermediate area, advanced area and super area of ​​the Death Star Sea.

There is no such rule.

Natural Selection.

Survival of the fittest.

We all rely on our abilities.

This is also to allow the initial junior planet masters to have the opportunity to grow up.

Otherwise, the system of this planetary master's world would have already collapsed.

Hearing Qin Yi's small request.

Tong Baili naturally agreed directly. The original power of low-level warrior civilization still has a lot of stock in the guild.

"Okay, I'll send someone over in a while."

Tong Baili said to everyone: "You guys continue to improve, and get familiar with these equipments."

"Tomorrow, the data engineer will recommend how to form an formation and use these equipments based on your opponents."

"I won't bother you anymore."

After Tong Baili left.

Li Zirui immediately jumped up happily, "That's great, I've been honored by you."

"I didn't expect that one day, I could also use a magic scroll!"

Sun Yi is the same, very excited.

Although these equipments still have to be taken back after the game.

But if you use it once, you will have no regrets in this life.

Zhang Han coughed and gestured with his eyes.

After all, they all got super gear.

But here.

There was one more person who didn't get it.

That is Qin Yi!

Li Zirui quickly stopped his joy.

He wanted to comfort Qin Yi, but for a while he didn't know how to speak.

Qin Yi was very calm, and said: "It's okay, congratulations, I'm going to improve myself."

"See you tomorrow."

Li Zirui waved his hand quickly and said, "See you tomorrow."

After Qin Yi left.

In the hall, Li Zirui and Sun Yi began to rejoice again.

Zhao Xing looked at Qin Yi who was leaving, with some pity in his eyes, and some feeling unwilling for Qin Yi.

They were able to get this far.

The main reason is because of Qin Yi's presence, Qin Yi's 10,000-strong army, and that unique metal.

Otherwise, they may stop at the first game.

It's just that Qin Yi's planet is an ordinary planet, there are no superhumans, and even if he is given equipment, he can't use it.

Zhao Xing felt that if he were Qin Yi, he might have given up a long time ago and just lay down.


He admired Qin Yi's perseverance.