
Chapter 46 The Meat of Spirit Beasts Is Extraordinary

Li Zirui stood up straight away, pointed at the projection and yelled, "Is he really shameless!"

He turned around and said to Sun Yi with some righteous indignation: "Tell me, what is this called? If you can't win, you will blow yourself up."

"We were able to defeat each other with confidence, so we chose to blew ourselves up and retained our strength."

"But what are they doing?"

"It's really deceiving!"

Sun Yi shrugged and said, "No poison and no husband, there is nothing wrong with them doing this. After all, this is a competition between two cities for planet masters."

"Actually speaking, his behavior is also a good thing for us in Checheng."

"Don't be fascinated by that magical girl."

"She probably doesn't even know who you are."

"If you lick the goddess of Checheng No. 1 Middle School, you might have a chance to get an autograph from the goddess."

After Li Zirui listened, he did it.

Hey hey smile.

"Hey, what you said is too reasonable, you should blew yourself up, a lot of blew up."

"In the next round, the magical girls will become bare commanders. Then, let's see how they use summoning magic."

Sun Yi gave Li Zirui a supercilious look.

Your position is too uncertain, right?

In the auditorium and in the live broadcast room, the dissatisfaction with the group in Wuling City was already very high.

Everyone felt that the team in Wuling City was too thick-skinned and shameless.

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In order to win the game for his own city, he blew himself up directly and seriously injured the other members of the magic girl's team.

However, the other four members of the magical girl team blew themselves up after seeing the opponent's transcendent.

Immediately, his extraordinary person strengthened his defense ability.

And several black-robed magicians also strengthened the magic defense for other extraordinary people while casting summoning magic.

The impact of the opponent's self-destruction has been minimized.

over time.

The summoning magic of the magical girl was finally completed.

Thunder roared in the magic circle.

A very tall man made of energy appeared in the magic circle.

He is two meters tall, has a very burly figure, and holds a hammer formed of energy.

The power of thunder surrounded him, piercing and rumbling…

"It's Thor!"

"My God."

"What did I see?"

"The magical girl summoned Thor!"

"This is too strong!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was once again overwhelming.

Many people have seen this scene.

One of the strongest summoning techniques in the magic civilization of that year.

Twelve main gods can be summoned.

They have the power to destroy the world, and they are extraordinary.

It is already an existence comparable to a god, unless it is the super planet master's shot.

Generally extraordinary.

You can't beat these gods at all.


This is just a youth competition!

That magical girl is only a level 3 planetary master.

She can actually summon Thor!

Seeing Li Zirui's surprise and envy, Zhang Lanyu explained: "This is not the real Thor."

"It can only be said that it is the divine power of Thor."

"It seems that Xiangcheng has made great preparations for this youth competition."

Qin Yi also saw the results of the deduction system.

Thunder God's Divine Power: Possessing one-tenth of Thor's divine power, its strength is comparable to that of the fairy beast Azure Dragon.

Such a powerful strength.

Unless Qin Yi can upgrade his planet to level 5.

Use the strongest technology Thunder Tomahawk and try to defeat Thunder with Thunder.

Maybe it's still possible.

As soon as Thor's power came out, the match was almost over.

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The power of Thunder God flew directly into the air, gathering a lot of energy, even the energy of the opponent attacking him was absorbed.

Then, several thunderbolts were scattered on Thunder God's Power, and they hit the opponent's Transcendent in an instant.

No matter what kind of superhuman civilization.

After being hit by this thunder, he couldn't move.

Then he convulsed and started to burn.

Opponents are in a bad shape.

Surrender now.


After being attacked by the power of Thunder God, it is impossible to recall even if he surrenders.

In the end, not even a speck of dust remained.

There were more than a dozen black pits left in the sand on the extraterritorial battlefield.

This is all caused by the power of Thunder God.


How powerful is the attack power of Thunder God's power?

Juvenile sword master Yu Hao looked at the extraterritorial battlefield and said softly: "I hope to fight her on the battlefield."

"I don't know, it's my Juggernaut that is stronger, or her Thunder God power is stronger."

"Tu Shen is the only way for my Juggernaut to be better honed and improved."

He seemed to be saying a factual thing.

There is no emotion at all.

The old man in the first place said: "There will be a chance."

As for the other teams with the strength of the top ten, they are naturally very amazing and powerful.

With almost no effort, he defeated the opponent directly.

It's not just a crush of talent.

It is also the crushing of civilization.

It is even stronger.

The weak feel sorry for themselves.

After Qin Yi watched the first scene, he stopped watching the second scene.

Because he will also become that strong.

One day.

Let the world know that technology is not incapable of slaughtering gods, immortals, and saints.

Human intelligence is very strong.

If you blindly use the power of the original source to improve, blindly treat the strongest extraordinary as a thug.

Then these so-called sword masters, or genius goddess Qi warriors.

A transcendent is just a weapon in their hands after all.

A transcendent can't get rid of this most deadly shackle, so he will never be able to break through and become a real sword master, or a real god.

The will enters the awakening space.

This time Zizhou is still conferring rewards, the kind that rewards the whole world.

All the corpses of the spirit beast army were transported back to the awakening space by his army.

became his trophy.

When the officials of Daxia saw the corpses of these spirit beasts.

It was also a surprise.

Then there is great joy.

They can finally strengthen their bodies, and they can finally prolong their lives.

In this era of rapid development.

Material life is getting better and better, but the pursuit of spiritual civilization has not fully caught up.

So many people's pursuit seems to be to be strong and immortal.

But birth, old age, sickness and death are originally a rule on this planet.

No one can defy it.

Even Zi Zhou.

In fact, there will be a day of death.

It's just that the flow of time has slowed down now.

The corpses of the army of spirit beasts were taken away by doctors of medicine from Tiangong College.

They want to maximize the benefits of these corpses.

Qin Yi also directly used the system to exchange for the technology of how to make alchemy, which can greatly improve the physique and lifespan of Daxia people.

As for the spiritual beasts, as the aura energy transformed by the original power, their formation is also unique.

People took these pills.

Not only has their physical fitness and longevity been improved, but their wisdom has also been improved.