
Chapter 38 Starkiller Appears

"Let's take a look first. Later, when you meet again, you should also face them directly."

At this time, Zhang Han and others also woke up.

Continuously absorbed two original powers.

Keeping the planet in the body will not prevent the original power from being lost because of the loss of the extraordinary.

during this time.

They used the power of the source to give birth to several extraordinary people again, who can be regarded as inheriting the first generation of extraordinary people.

The planet will continue to evolve if it has life.

A transcendent person is equivalent to the incarnation of the will of Si Planet.

The planetary master of the planet is dead.

Will return to the Death Star Sea.

If the extraordinaryness of the planet were to die out, it would become a death star.

Not a few days.

It will become the power of the source, and there will be an awakening space.

The planet owner has also become a useless person.

an ordinary person.

Zhang Han, Zhao Xing, Sun Yi and Li Zirui, who saw such a scene for the first time, also widened their eyes.

In their cognition, this is the first time they have seen a fierce beast with a black body and a black substance.

The key is.

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They were able to assimilate those superhumans and fairy beasts!


A voice that seemed to come from the Nine Nether Lands.

Came from the black abyss.

It was the voice of a dragon.


There was a sound of flapping wings as if some kind of bird was flying.

A very large dragon head appeared.

He looks a bit like the horned dragon on Qin Yi's planet, but it's not very similar.

With him flying out of the entire abyss.

Only then did Qin Yi see the whole picture.

It looks like the western dragon described in some anime I saw in my previous life.

Very large wings.

The body is like a dinosaur, with a long tail and a long neck.

The whole body is covered with black armor, and under the sunlight, it exudes a kind of aura.

"Dark Demon Dragon."

Tong Baili explained.

"This is a ferocious beast from the dark world, and its level is already equivalent to the city lord's fairy beast Qinglong."

"He has five claws."

"That's a level 5 beast."

After listening to Tong Baili's explanation, Qin Yi asked doubtfully, "In other words, there are more powerful beasts?"

Tong Baili nodded, as if remembering.

Meteorites come.

The age of the stars begins.

What followed was a catastrophe for mankind.

Among them, there are too many unknown historical catastrophes.

"Back then, there was a dark titan who was very powerful, even stronger than the Chaofan of the level 5 planet master."

"In that battle, the entire extraterritorial space was torn apart and collapsed."

"Thirty supernatural beings from various planets died together and seriously injured the dark titan."

hard to imagine.

What a great battle that year.

With the appearance of this dark dragon.

The green dragon on the high platform also swooped down and fought the dark dragon.


The war has only just begun.

More powerful dark beasts emerged from the abyss.

More and more extraordinary people.

joined the battle.

Qin Yi used the deduction system.

He wanted to take a look at the nature of this war, or what the final direction of the deduction would be.

System: The beast tide was suppressed, and Chaofan suffered heavy losses.

Qin Yi was slightly surprised.

in the past.

The system will give several deduction directions.

But this time.

The system only gave this answer.

There are some styles that don't look like the avenue deduction system.

In fact, this venue has been remodeled and expanded over the years due to the beast tide.

Up to now, it can be said that it is equivalent to half of the car city.

Under the blessing of the formations such as immortals, formations, magic formations, and qi warrior formations.

The whole venue seemed to have entered another space.


At this time, it is generally not possible to enter the venue.

You will not hear the sound of the battle resounding through the heavens and the earth in this venue.

Tong Baili watching the battle.

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Turning around suddenly, he stood in front of Qin Yi and the others.

He looked towards a corner of the box.

There, space fluctuates.

"Stand behind me, don't move around. After a while, some enemies may appear."

Tong Baili just finished speaking.

There, five people appeared.

There were five people in white robes and hoods, including an old man in his forties and a boy in his twenties.

The ten red-robed great magicians beside Tong Baili immediately raised their staffs.


Thunder spread in this box.


The thunder, like a thunder knife, directly attacked the five white-robed men who suddenly appeared.

"They're Starkillers."

"Specially kill the planet master."

"There is a wave of beasts every year, and at this time of year, they will appear and take the opportunity to kill the planet masters in the arena."

Tong Baili has been observing the rest of the box.

These star killers are elusive and have very strong stealth skills, unless they are very perceptive planet masters or superhumans.

Otherwise, it is difficult for ordinary people to find their traces.


A shield directly protected the five men in white robes.

They would have been five.

At this time, there were already ten people.

It's like being able to split infinitely, just one minute.

That's just a few words.

There are already more than thirty people.

Not too big a box.

All of a sudden.

Many people stood up.

The white robe made a move.

Their goal is the extraordinary person beside Lu Feiyu.

Twenty or so people blocked Tong Baili's ten great magicians.

There are more than 20 people.

It was the strong Wuhun who rushed to Lu Feiyu's side.

Their movements are weird, their limbs look stiff, but they have a very harmonious and fast sense of agility.

It can be a one-strike immortal technique, or a kind of martial spirit that has never been seen before.

It's a dogfight.

Qin Yi and the others stood beside Tong Baili, watching the battle very closely.

At this moment.

They just understood.

Why are there so many unowned planets in the Dead Star Sea.


Every day, low-level and high-level unowned planets will return to the Dead Star Sea.

Precisely because of these Starkillers.

They exist in various places and specialize in attacking and killing those planet owners.

As for why.

Everyone knows why.

And everyone knows who is behind them.

Such a large organization.

And a very powerful Starkiller.

Even officially, there is no way to completely eliminate these Starkillers.

Even if it kills a lot of Starkillers.

In a blink of an eye.

There's also a big Starkiller coming.

There are many planetary masters dying.

This is the real reality!

For resources.

Anything can be done.

Lu Feiyu's twelve guards are also relatively strong.

He is already a level 4 planetary master, has mastered quite a few extraordinary martial souls, and has quite a few strange skills.

For a while, the white-robed man failed to seriously injure the twelve guards.

Qin Yi uses a deduction system.

He found the Achilles' heel of the white-robed man.

"President, these white-robed people seem to be split from those five people. They are also planet masters, but the extraordinary people they cultivate are all based on their own standards."

"I don't know what method they used to be able to do this."

"I feel that if we want to defeat them, we must be able to defeat the first five Starkillers."

"Otherwise, they will always have people in white robes coming out."

Tong Baili looked at Qin Yi in surprise, and said, "I never thought that you would be able to see the problem after such a short while."

"Yes, if you want to kill Starkiller, you must kill the original Starkiller."

"Otherwise, they can continue to consume."

"It's just that it's not easy to find those five Starkillers."

That is.

The first five Starkillers who came in were actually not the main body!