
Chapter 29 The gap in strength is so big

"I said, you don't have to be so nervous, do you?"

Li Zirui looked at Sun Yi who was walking back and forth in front of him, and said helplessly.

He wasn't very nervous at first.

As a result, Sun Yi did this, and his mentality was immediately affected.

Sun Yi looked at Li Zirui and the others, especially Lu Feiyu with slightly dissatisfied eyes.

So he had to sit on the sofa.

"Oh, I… don't I feel a little anxious."

"You said, will we draw those…the four groups?"

Lu Feiyu opened his mouth and said: "Even if it is divided, so what? It's just a battle between left and right. Perhaps, after this battle, you will know that you are both high-level energy planet masters, and the gap between you and the proud son of heaven is huge." How big."

"If you lose, go back to the union and plunder the Death Star Sea to get more resources to improve yourself."

"The reason why they are the proud sons of heaven."

"One is that their talents are really good, and the other is that the big bosses behind them will fully support them."

"In this regard, we are indeed inferior to them."

"But it shouldn't mean that there is no hope of surpassing them."

"Be normal."

Sun Yi naturally didn't dare to continue walking, so he had to sit there and eat the spirit fruit.

And outside.

With the appearance of the four beasts.

Do You Weigh 85 Kg? You Will Reach 58 Kg! Write The Recipe


The event of Ten Cities Lianchuang has opened again.

The audience enters.

Mixed pumping begins.

Qin Yi and the others watched the projection closely.

With the announcement of the list.

They also saw their opponents.

"Tianyu Company?"

Checheng trade union VS Tianyu company.

Lu Feiyu's expression immediately turned bad.

Lost to teams from other cities.

Nothing yet.

If this is the team that loses to their own city.

That really is.

From now on in Checheng, I can't even lift my head up.

The key is.

The Checheng labor union and Tianyu Company are both groups in Checheng.

They all want to enter the top twenty!

All of a sudden.

Checheng immediately lost one place to compete.

after all.

It doesn't matter who wins or loses.

In the end, there will be one who cannot enter the top 100.

Qin Yi and others looked at Lu Feiyu.

At this time, it is natural for the team leader to make the decision.

"Play normally."

Lu Feiyu's voice was a little hoarse.

"According to our information, Tianyu's chairman, Tang Ye, is the jewel in the palm of Tianyu's company."

"Qin Yi should know that he is also a genius awakened in No. 2 Middle School."

"Tang Feiyan awakened a high-level energy dragon gas planet, and it's been a month now."

"Should have reached level 3."

"After all, Tianyu Company is not short of those original powers with dragon energy attached."

"You guys have to be careful."

At this time.

The voice of the radio sounded again.

Contestants, here we go.

Qin Yi took out the gold card and handed it to Lu Feiyu.

"Brother Feiyu."

"please help me."

"In a moment, take out one million and pressure our team to win."

Lu Feiyu froze for a moment.

Then he smiled at his subordinates.

"Very good, this is like a strong man, no matter how strong the opponent is, he will have strong confidence!"

Lu Feiyu looked at Zhang Han and the others.

Zhang Han also took out the gold card.

"Not much money, half a million."

Zhao Xing did the same, betting 50,000.

And Sun Yi gritted his teeth, took out his gold card, and bet 50,000, and then asked Lu Feiyu to help him to play several other battlefields outside the territory for the rest of the money.

The same goes for Li Zirui, who took out 50,000 yuan.

they feel.

I really don't have that strong self-confidence when I wait for others.

The Tianyu company's team must be strong and cultivated with the strong support of Tianyu company.

Definitely stronger than them.

Qin Yi and others came to the portal and entered the center of the arena through the portal.

Self-service personnel checked their identities and equipment.

Then took them to the planet master certification.

The planet panel opens.

Start authentication.

Planetary Civilization: Technological Civilization

Planet Level: 2

Planet diameter: 757.8 kilometers

Planet Species: 20068

The reduction of species on the planet is because Qin Yi has integrated the original power with true energy.

Because of these factors, some species slowly die and disappear on this planet.

There is still one.

It is because of the increase in the population of Daxia, the expansion of the area inhabited by humans, and the extinction of some small species due to the destruction of the living environment by humans.

This is also a normal evolutionary phenomenon.

However, the diameter of Qin Yi's planet did not become smaller because of this.

Because the comprehensive ability of his planet is improving, the population is increasing, and the original power is also becoming stronger.

And when I saw Qin Yi's information about this planet.

Among the audience, many people have discovered that this is not a high-level energy planet, but has a diameter of more than 700 kilometers.

"Technological civilization?"

"What kind of civilization is this?"

"The diameter of the planet is more than seven hundred!?"

"Isn't this too abnormal?"

"But the planet level is only level 2, which is too low."

"Is the Checheng Awakened Guild everyone this year?"

At this time, there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

And the live broadcast room.

I think you should take a look at mtlfanfic.com

There are also a lot of bullet screens, all talking about Qin Yi.

Its limelight instantly overshadowed the other 19 participating teams.


Most people are mocking.

Or do not understand.

There are also some complaints.

Such level 2 planet masters can participate.

That many planet masters should be fine!

The Checheng Awakened Guild suddenly became the object of contempt by many people.

after all.

The usual Checheng Awakened Guild.

That's all over the top.

An existence to look up to.

Suddenly there is such an opportunity to complain.

Where will the navy let go of this great opportunity?

In particular, some people from the top ten companies in the Motor City began to follow the rhythm crazily.

Qin Yi naturally didn't know this.

After planet certification.

He was lying on the seat.

This is a kind of chain bridge that can enter the extraterritorial battlefield.

The race is being prepared.



Inside the box.

There is no shortage of discussions about whether this level 2 planet owner is still a planet owner of a technological civilization.

Sitting on the high pavilion.

Shen Xinghe looked at the projection, and didn't have any dissatisfaction with the Checheng Guild's arrangement this time.

He trusted Mr. Wang more.

I won't do such a mindless thing.

This level 2 planet master must have its merits.

He doesn't care about winning or losing the game.

A mere 100 million prize.

For him, it was just drizzle.

As for those rare treasures.

to be honest.

They are all relatively low-level items.

to his level.


It is the source of super energy.

It is possible to increase the level.

Access to resources for super sequences!

ready, go.

Qin Yi entered the awakening space and built a chain bridge.

Zizhou had already led his people and stood in line outside the barracks.

wait for him.


Qin Yi said to Zi Zhou.

"The Great Wilderness Army."

"Follow me!"

Zi Zhou gave the order.

The whole army went into action.

Five thousand people.

There are still all kinds of soldiers and types.

Pass the Chain Bridge.

Came to the extraterritorial battlefield.


The first step magician.

A magic circle has been secretly set up.

When Zhang Han and others saw Qin Yi's Great Wilderness Army through the creatures on their own planet.

Can't help but stupefied for a moment.

That color of silver metal armor, plus a white robe.

Uniform movement.

And a very powerful momentum.

The whole army is like a dragon.

Don't be angry.

"Good guy!"

In the group conversation thread.

Sun Yi couldn't help but give a compliment.

"Qin Yi, your army is not easy!"

The same goes for Li Zirui.

"I really don't know if I don't look at it. I was shocked when I saw it."

"I think we still have a chance to win."

The confidence of the others was instantly boosted when they saw this army.

This is the advantage in numbers.

And from the outside it seems.

Qin Yi just took out an army of one hundred people.

They were wearing silver armor and white robes, and the leader was a man who looked rather burly.

But it's just okay.

When Tang Feiyan's three-clawed golden dragon appeared.

The army of one hundred people looks like a hundred food.

Three-clawed golden dragon.

In fact, it is also Huanglong.

Red, white, yellow, black, blue, blue, purple.

Among the Dragon Clan.

Its comprehensive strength ranks third.

It is still three claws, which is the strongest life on the third-level planet.

The strength is considerable.

Not to mention amazing.

But it also surpassed many planetary masters in the same period.

after all.

The final result of Tang Feiyan's Awakening Day is 30.5 kilometers in diameter.

Entered the history book of No. 2 Middle School Awakening Day.

Betting also began.

There are too many gamblers who bet against Tianyu Company to win.

Tianyu Company even bet 10 million planet coins.

Set up a show for Tang Feiyan.