

Chapter 37 Battlefield

Now that the army of the ancient tribe is approaching the city, the Lie tribe has reached the moment of life and death.

But Lie Kong couldn't grasp it for a long time, breaking through to the mystery of the fourth heaven.

This makes Liekong not anxious.

It's just a matter of cultivation, so we should guard against arrogance and impetuosity, so there is no rush.

The more anxious Lie Kong became, the more he couldn't figure out the mystery, and he talked about how to step into the fourth level of martial arts.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, Lie Kong still had nothing to gain, he just tempered his lower body with blood energy, and barely enhanced his ability to resist blows.

The army of the ancient tribe finally reached outside the main city of the Lie tribe.

A big battle is about to break out!

Liekong could only go down the mountain and return to Lieyang City, the main city of the Lie tribe, to command the army to fight against the ancient tribe.

The other tribes in the God-given Plain knew that the Lie tribe alone could not resist the ancient tribe.

As the saying goes, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

If the Lie tribe is wiped out, it will be their turn next.

They and the Lie Tribe are now regarded as grasshoppers on the same rope.

So in this battle, the other three large tribes in the God-given Plain also sent large armies to help.

Under the city of Lieyang, the armies of the two sides were waiting sternly, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers gathered together in a mass of killing spirit, soaring straight into the sky, and scattered all the clouds in the sky.

The most powerful army of the ancient tribe, five hundred dragoons wandered on the right flank, looking for an opportunity to rush into the God-given plain coalition forces and defeat them.

However, the four large tribes of the Lie tribe also have their ace troops.

A five hundred sabre-toothed tiger cavalry, a hundred-man mammoth army!

The God-given Plain is rich in products and has a suitable climate, enough to feed saber-toothed tigers and mammoths.

So four large tribes, more or less tamed some saber-toothed cats and mammoths.

At this moment, the goal of these two behemoth armies is to deal with the dragoons of the ancient tribe!

Gu Teng, who was wearing a black armor stomach, was riding a velociraptor, and looked at the opposite army calmly.

"Today, I will complete all my achievements in one battle, annex the Lie tribe, enshrine Zen and become king in Ziyang Mountain!"

Today, the territory of the ancient tribe, from the 100,000 mountains to the god-given plain, has reached more than three million square kilometers!

In this primitive society, being able to conquer such a huge territory is simply incredible.

One must know that the total land area of ​​Tianyuan Star is only over 70 million square kilometers.

If the area of ​​the islands scattered in the vast ocean is excluded, the area of ​​Tianyuan Continent is less than 60 million.

Then remove some parts of the mainland that are not suitable for human survival, such as the extreme arctic ice sheets, desolate deserts and so on.

That area is even less.

But Gu Teng still regarded himself as the tribal patriarch, and did not establish a country in these years.

The purpose is to defeat the Lie Tribe, and after obtaining the iconic treasure "Inherited Jade Bi" of the past lords of the world, enshrine Zen in Ziyang Mountain, establish a country and become king!

Now Guteng is only one step away from this goal!


Gu Teng pulled out the sword from his waist fiercely, pointed it in the direction of the Lie tribe's coalition forces, and shouted angrily:

"Soldiers! Attack!"


The herald at the side waved down the flag representing the attack.


Boom boom boom!

Immediately, the long and loud sound of horns and cowhide drums echoed between heaven and earth.

The ancient tribe's army moved, and the densely packed army was like ants, charging towards the Lie tribe's coalition forces.

The commander-in-chief of the five hundred dragoons also led the soldiers towards the opposite side.

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On the wall of Lieyang City, Lie Kong's face was stern, and he also issued an attack order.

Saber-toothed tiger cavalry and mammoth army, growlers meet the dragoons.

Beside him, more than a hundred blood coagulation realm warriors are waiting solemnly, ready to deal with the enemy at all times.

Their duty is to protect Liekong and other high-level officials from being beheaded by Gu Teng.

When the distance between the armies of the two sides reached a certain level, the archers on both sides set up arrows and drew their bows, and the dense arrows pierced the sky, flying towards the enemy like a dark curtain covering the sky.

The well-equipped dragoons didn't pay attention to the rain of arrows at all. They were all warriors. They waved their long spears in their hands and swept away all the flying arrows.

The dinosaurs under their crotch are equipped with iron armor one by one, and have rough skin and thick flesh. Occasionally missed arrows falling on them will not cause them any harm.

The same is true for the army of saber-toothed tigers and mammoths.

Only a few unlucky cavalrymen would be wounded and killed by this wave of arrows.

Ordinary warriors can use shields to resist arrows.

Suddenly, on the battlefield, the sound of horns, the sound of piercing the air, the sound of screams, roars… all kinds of sounds are intertwined.

Soon, the soldiers from both sides rushed together, and the archers could only put down their bows and crossbows, for fear of accidentally hurting their comrades.

Countless warriors died on the cruel battlefield, and there were even some powerful fighters among them.

Facing dense crowds of enemies, even blood-moving warriors dare not say that they are 100% safe.

Uncertain where a cold arrow will come out and hit them hard.

After all, no matter what, warriors are also mortal bodies, and the defense of their bodies is no stronger than that of ordinary people.

Only warriors like Gu Teng who have reached the fourth level of martial arts can release their blood energy, and use blood energy to temper their body and viscera dozens of times, and their defense power can far exceed that of ordinary people.

However, the performances of the fighters from both sides on the battlefield are still very impressive.

They are like tigers in a herd of sheep, they can kill one or two ordinary soldiers with a single movement of their fists or feet.

Of course, most of the time, it's warriors fighting warriors.

The fighting situation became more and more intense, there were stumps and broken arms everywhere, and the miserable howls shook the sky.

The pungent smell of blood stimulated everyone, making the fighting between the fighters on both sides more intense and cruel.

The dragoons of the ancient tribe found an opportunity to get rid of the saber-toothed tiger cavalry and the mammoth army, and pierced the army of the Lie tribe like a sharp knife.

With just one charge, the dragoons killed three or four hundred warriors from the Lie tribe.

Gu Teng looked at the stalemate battlefield with calm eyes.

He looked at the flag on the head of Lieyang City, and understood that it was the location of the high-level Lie tribe.

Now that the war has just begun, Gu Teng carried out the beheading operation in no hurry.

No matter what, you have to look at your own army to see if it can crush the opponent.

The battle lasted until the sun went down in the west, and the two sides just surrendered

On the first day of the war, there were thousands of casualties on both sides.

The battlefield in the middle is littered with corpses.

Both the Gu tribe and the Lie tribe tacitly dispatched a team of people to collect the corpses and bury or burn them on the spot.

As a time traveler, Gu Teng knew at the time that the corpses should not be allowed to rot, as this would only breed plague.

The army of the ancient tribe traveled long distances and fought for several years to come to this god-given plain, so they were already a little unaccustomed.

If there is another plague, it will only cause the army to collapse.

In the next half month, the ancient tribe and the fierce tribe fought more and more.

On the whole, the army of the ancient tribes has an advantage.

In a head-to-head confrontation, many fighters from the Lie tribe can often be killed.

The sabre-toothed tiger cavalry and mammoth cavalry of the Lie tribe coalition army are not opponents of the dragoon cavalry at all-the dragoon cavalry needs strength and power, and speed and speed.

But the Lie tribe has Lieyang City as its backing, which can effectively resist the ancient tribe's army.

So for a while the situation was deadlocked.