

Chapter 31 Don't Lai bed when it arrives

The third -level planet owner is really horrible, and you can throw 1 million!

This is still when the resources are not particularly abundant. Otherwise, the principal may be able to throw Yang Fan 3 million, 5 million or even 10 million!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the points, the nucleus of the beast, and the various materials that the planetary hunting beasts, the beast crystal core, and the various materials are all added, and the wealth that is converted must be exaggerated.

Yang Fan did not respond at the beginning, so he was scared by 1 million.

Under normal circumstances, killing a second -order beast, the wealth you get is enough to exceed 1 million.

For the second -order beast hunting, for the principal who reaches the third order, it is not as simple as eating and drinking water, and at least it will not be difficult to go.

In this world, no occupation is more likely to get rich than the star owner!

Thinking of this, Yang Fan couldn't help but be a little excited.

He has become a zero -level planet for a long time. The cultivation of the immortal civilization on the planet has been initially formed. It won't be long before he can break through the zero level and be promoted to a first -level civilization!

By then, he would have the opportunity to hunt the first -class beast and get a large amount of wealth!

In the next few days, Yang Fan returned to a normal high school student. However, when others listened to the theoretical class seriously in the classroom, he kept his eyes closed, sinking into the awakening space, and concentrating on the development of civilization.

Of course, the teacher does not like the students who do their own things when they are in class, but Yang Fan's name is known in the third middle school. Everyone knows that his planet has been cultivated above 4,000 kilometers, and he has developed very much.The powerful cultivation civilization, you can kill the zero -order beast with a sword!

The teacher's teaching content is still in the most basic civilization training, which is indeed helpful for those who are flattened, but as far as Yang Fan is concerned, there is no difference between listening or not.

For Yang Fan who is so anti -heaven, the teacher also knows that he is not qualified to teach at all, and naturally he will not go to more.

Last time, Yang Fan made the limelight in front of everyone and made a lot of movement in the third middle school.

Not only was the senior high school students shocked by him, but even the first and high school students were as thunderous to his name.

As a result, Yang Fan had a headache most.

As long as the ringing sound of the get out of class, students in other classes, whether it is upstairs or downstairs, runs madly to class 8, the whole teaching building is like an earthquake.

She Thought No One Was Looking, But The Camera Was On

Limelight Media

In less than half a minute, the corridor outside the 8th class was crowded with people, the windows were covered with faces, and the eyes were all gathered on Yang Fan, and the scene was quite embarrassing.

Several students who were lucky to squeeze into the 8th classroom were so excited that they were red, scrambling to make up with Yang Fan, and wanted Yang Fan to sign on their clothes.

This seriously interfered with Yang Fan's cultivation and disturbed the teaching order.

Fortunately, the teachers of each class discovered this phenomenon in time and stopped it. Otherwise, Yang Fan was afraid that he would not want to come to school!

There were 1.5 million Chinese currency issued by the principal, Yang Fan was abundant. He bought many zero -order alien crystal cores, and the process of cultivating civilization was very smooth.

One week, the civilization on his planet developed rapidly, and the quality of life rose sharply.

Planet name: Blue Star

Planet level: zero level

Planet diameter: 13681.73 kilometers

Planet Species: 9076

Planet Civilization: Xiu Xian Civilization [Zero Level]

The improvement of the planet level needs to meet certain conditions. For example, from the zero -level to the first order, the diameter of the planet must reach 20,000 kilometers, and it also needs to absorb three -order first -order disaster beast crystal nucleus.key.

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The first condition is not difficult to Yang Fan. In a week, his planet must be more than 20,000 kilometers.

However, the second condition is somewhat difficult. In the resource market of Zhangcheng, the zero -level beast crystal nucleus is very good, and basically it can be bought by money.

However, the beast crystal core above the first order is very precious, basically there are no markets. Once they come out, they will be bought away, and sometimes even multiple buyers will bid each other.

Yang Fan has been running to the resource market these days, but he has never found that even one -order disaster beast crystal core.

No way, this kind of thing requires luck.

After many planet hunting and killing the first or more beasts, it will not easily sell its crystal nucleus.

Either keep it first or distribute it to the younger generation of his family, unless you are lacking money and lack, you will choose to sell.

Back at home, Yang Xuerou immediately manipulated the smart wheelchair to meet at the door, with a sweet smile on his face.

"Xuerou, what is the pair of headphones? Is it comfortable to use?"

Yang Xuerou's legs and feet were inconvenient, and her eyes could not be seen clearly. Even if the smart wheelchair had an automatic way to find the way, she rarely went out. At most, she turned around near the door of the house to breathe.

Yang Fan was afraid she was too boring, so she bought her latest smart headphones for her. She could listen to songs, listen to cross talks, and play some small games through voice.

"I think it's okay, it will hurt my ears for a long time …"

Indeed, it is not good to wear headphones, so I still have to go out.

Just this Friday, there is no need to go to school in the next two days, Yang Fan can accompany her more.

Yang Fan rubbed Xuerou's head and said, "Xuerou, I will take you out to take a walk tomorrow, go out and breathe fresh air, and bask in the sun."

"Okay, okay! I have to eat sugar gourd!"

"Okay, buy it for you."

Yang Xuerou grabbed Yang Fan's hand happily, with a bright smile on his face.

But suddenly, Yang Xuerou seemed to realize something, the smile on his face disappeared quickly, and his hand holding Yang Fan's arm also pulled back.

"Brother, you have already awakened the planet and become the planet owner. The competitive pressure must be great? Or spend more time on cultivation. I have been like this, I can't drag you anymore."

After listening to Yang Fan, her eyes were slightly moist, and she hugged Xuerou gently.

"Don't worry, your brother is no longer the poor boy who has nothing to have. Looking at the whole three middle schools, even the entire camphor city, you can stand at the same level of students at the same level, will not exceed the number of hands!"

"And now I have formed the cultivation of civilization on the planet. There is no need to perform too many operations. It only needs to appear at the key nodes of the development of civilization.

"In other words, I can walk with you while practicing. Two things are not conflicting."


After listening to Yang Fan's words, Xuerou suddenly brightened.

Under the premise that Yang Fan practiced, she was still eager to accompany her more.

"Of course, when did your brother lie to you?"

"Go to bed early today. When the sun is not up tomorrow, I will pull you up from the bed, so don't rely on the bed."