

It's a sunny day in the woods, one of those beautiful days, you know, when at morning, the sun seem to gently touch the top of the trees, the animals slowly wake up after a long night of rest, ready for another day, while the water flows slowly and peacefully in the river to the waterfall, generating an amazing view, the relaxing sound of the water, the sound of Mother Nature. There are a lot of trees, hosting so many animals and generating oxygen, with their beautiful foliage, some are light green, some are dark green, some are tall, some are short, some are older, some are younger, all together, helps to clean the air from pollution and, at the same time, gives animals an amazing place for live. Birds are chirping, bees are flying around, looking for some flowers, taking pollen from them for make honey and for share part of that pollen with other plants, playing a really important role in life, because it could sound weird, but, without bees, life couldn't last much. Following the river flow, we arrive at the sea, the water is light blue, near the coast, where we can find small fishes and some shrimps. Some miles away from the coast, we are in open sea, where water is dark blue and we can find so much different animals, like sharks, whales, dolphins, octopuses, tunas, those are only a small part of the biodiversity that's in the deep sea water. Nature is so beautiful, it's something that can amaze us more than anything we could ever build, with really tall mountains, huge waterfalls, deep canyons, trees so tall that you almost can't see the top, amazing views, that make you just say a word, a simple word that we say, probably because we are speechless seeing that much beauty, and that word is WOW.

Now, let's ask ourselves a simple question: is it worth to ruin our planet because of pollution?

Let me show you how planet could become.