
Planesrunners:Battle for the Multiverse

To truly fight your evil, you must find the center! The battle has begun! War is imminent! The collapse of our universe has begun!

Christopher_Tanaka · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The World of the Elements

There is a world called Hilligree where the Elements shape all the lives living in it. The long, lived Elves are the Guardians of Water. They live in the oceans. The hardy, stubborn Dwarves are the Watchers of Fire. They live on mountains. The free willed Humans are the Civilians of Light. They live on the city plains. The savage, but noble orcs are the Earthen Protectors. They live in the forests.The final element darkness, is worshipped by the Exiles of Darkness. They are the outcasts of all the other civilizations. Only the vile and depraved become an Exile. There are a few wrongly accused who end up here but they are usually rare. Very few are able to stay noble because it is an element that corrupts. Those that do are extremely powerful and often form groups with other like minds. The Exiles live in the wastelands. Where they prey on one another in a kind of bizarre complex hellish hierarchy. However because they are mistrusted by other civilizations, they are in Hikaru. Jettisoned by their former society.

Now is the time when the Exiled must redeem themselves, though they are eternally damned and reviled by the multiverse. That is why the Angels have come down from Heaven and Hikaru to offer them a chance of temporary salvation.