
Planes of War: Survive, Evolve, and Conquer[Dropped]


GH0ST_ · History
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20 Chs


The scorching sun beat down upon the 25-year-old woman as she approached the unremarkable two-story townhouse. In her arms, she carried a baby, while a small boy clung to her side. Her name was Marcia Blackwood, and she had come a long way from a remote village with few inhabitants, bringing with her dreams and hopes for her two boys. However, the man she had once loved, Noel Nerzad, had become a drug addict and an alcoholic, leaving Marcia to care for her children alone.

Noel came from an affluent family that lived a few miles from Marcia's village. They met during their secondary schooling, and Noel used every means possible to win her heart, including driving fancy cars, dining on expensive food, and exposing her to the luxurious lifestyle his family enjoyed. With her humble and free-spirited nature, Marcia fell for his charms and soon gave him her heart, marrying him at the tender age of 17.

Despite Noel's family's disapproval, they had their first child three years later and their second two years after that. However, Noel's behavior took a turn for the worse, leading him to heavy drinking and eventually drugs. Over time, Marcia realized that she could no longer subject her sons to their father's destructive ways. She made the difficult decision to leave Noel and raise her boys on her own, working two jobs and leaving them in childcare during the day.

One day, Marcia received a call from her long-lost sister, Julia, who offered to take her in as they were moving away. Overwhelmed with emotion, Marcia couldn't hold back her tears upon seeing Julia for the first time in years.

As the door swung open, a group of people ran outside holding ice popsicles, led by a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Marcia: her sister, Julia Montez. Tears streamed down Julia's face as she exclaimed, "Marcia! How many years has it been? Finally, you're back! Come and hug your older sister!"

With tears in her eyes, Marcia embraced her sister, finally letting her guard down after years of hardship. Her children stood behind her, watching the emotional reunion unfold before them, unsure of what to make of it all.

After years of being apart, Marcia and Julia reunited and basked in each other's warm embrace for a few precious minutes. Amidst the overwhelming emotions and tears, Marcia expressed her gratitude towards Julia for calling her and uniting them once again. As she struggled to compose herself, Marcia felt a tug on her shirt and looked over her shoulder to see her oldest son. Reluctantly, she let go of her sister and picked up her sons to introduce them to Julia, affectionately known as Jewels. With a tender voice, Marcia introduced her two sons, Jett and Marcus, to their aunt and instructed them to say hello. Although hesitant to speak to strangers, Jett managed to muster the courage to introduce himself and his younger brother Marcus.

The conversation was abruptly interrupted by a deep voice from the background, questioning Jett's age."Marcia, how old is Jett?" You could see the shocked faces of everyone present. No one could believe the little boy, no more than 3, if that, could speak so well and clearly.

"He is 3 years old this april and Marcus is 1 this april as well."

"He's a smart one huh? Good, he's going to need it in the future. Come, give me a hug, it's been a long since we last saw each other." The man said while nodding.

"Of course he's smart, he's my son. What did you expect from me Gabriel?" Marcia finished and walked over to Gabriel, Julia's husband.

Marcia, Jett and Marcus proceeded to meet everyone. Including Julia and Gabriel's daughter and Son, Nicole and Ivan, respectively. Soon, everyone finished their greeting and walked into their home. Everyone could be seen with smiles on their faces ready to start their new life.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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