
Planes of War: Survive, Evolve, and Conquer[Dropped]


GH0ST_ · History
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20 Chs

Chapter 5- Home

"Huhuhuh" Jett's legs propelled him forward with relentless determination, his mind focused solely on reaching his family amidst the nightmarish panorama of chaos and destruction. The once serene suburban landscape had transformed into a battleground, each corner hiding a new threat.

As he sprinted through the crumbling streets, the cacophony of devastation assaulted his senses. The ground trembled beneath his feet, as if protesting the violence wrought upon it. The air was heavy with the acrid stench of smoke, mingling with the scent of fear and desperation. Sirens wailed in the distance, their mournful cries blending with the piercing screams of terror.

Jett's heart pounded in his chest, the rhythm a constant reminder of the urgency of his mission. His ears strained to distinguish between the thunderous crashes of collapsing buildings and the haunting echoes of metal tearing apart. Debris rained down around him, each piece a deadly projectile that he deftly avoided, his instincts honed by sheer survival.

The once orderly streets had become a labyrinth of twisted wreckage. Cars careened out of control, their horns blaring in dissonant symphony, while trucks toppled and flipped, their cargo strewn across the asphalt like discarded toys. Flames danced greedily, consuming everything in their path, casting an eerie glow that flickered with malevolence.

But Jett pressed on, his body aching, his lungs burning. Nothing could deter him. The devastation fueled his determination, each obstacle merely a test of his resolve. He knew that every passing second brought him closer to the ones he held dear, and he refused to let despair claim victory.

With every stride, he defied the crumbling world around him, a testament to the strength of his will. His eyes remained fixed on the horizon, seeking glimpses of familiar faces amidst the turmoil. He was driven by an unwavering love, a force that transcended the pandemonium surrounding him.

And so, Jett raced against time, an embodiment of unwavering determination in a world teetering on the edge of oblivion. His journey through the heart of destruction was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that even in the face of overwhelming adversity, hope and love could prevail.

Finally, Jett's sprint led him to the familiar sight of his neighborhood, but his relief quickly turned to dread as he beheld the scene at the entrance of his street. A vehicle was wedged precariously against the first house, its metal frame twisted and mangled. Fear clenched Jett's heart, a desperate plea echoing in his mind, "Oh no, please not them... please... please." His thoughts were a tumultuous whirlwind, praying that his family had been spared from a similar fate.

Minutes that felt like an eternity passed, and Jett's eyes searched for any sign of his home amidst the chaos. And there, like a beacon of hope, he caught a glimpse of movement in the window. It was Gabriel, his uncle, diligently fortifying their sanctuary against the encroaching calamity. Their home stood proud, a testament to their collective aspirations, a symbol of their hard-fought progress. From humble beginnings in dilapidated apartments, they had persevered, never imagining they could attain such heights.

Pain and exhaustion faded into insignificance as Jett propelled himself forward, his voice reverberating through the open curved driveway, "Uncle! Uncle! Open the door!" He refused to be deterred, his resolve unwavering. Seconds felt like an eternity until the sound of approaching footsteps reached his ears. The lock clicked, and the door swung open, revealing Marcus, his brother, standing there with a mix of relief and disbelief etched on his face.

"Jett! Holy shit! Bro, thank God you're okay!" Marcus exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace his sibling. In that moment, gratitude flooded their hearts, an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the forces that had guided Jett home.

Jett took a moment to catch his breath, his body still trembling from the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He cast a worried gaze upon his younger brother, Marcus, a 18-year-old with light skin and dark, long hair tied in a bun with shaved sides. Standing at the same height as Jett, five feet eleven inches, Marcus appeared unharmed—a welcome sight amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

Relief flooded Jett's being as he reached out to Marcus, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and concern. "You're okay too, Marky. Thank God, or whatever higher power exists in this madness. Shit. Where's Mom? Is she alright? Aunt Jewels?"

"Take a breath, Jett. Mom is fine, she's upstairs. Exhausted from waking up to this messed up situation. Let her rest. Aunt Jewels is looking after her. And speaking of arrivals, how the hell did you make it here so fast? I thought it would take you longer with the absolute chaos outside. I almost met my death, heheheh, just moments ago when that car veered into the house. Lucky escape," Marcus replied, his own weariness evident, though not as pronounced as Jett's.

Jett's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? That car almost hit you? It was halfway into the house! Don't you dare tell Mom about it, she'll faint again. As for me, I have no idea how I got here so quickly. It felt like a surreal blur, like I could anticipate what was coming. Adrenaline, I guess," he explained, recounting his harrowing experience to Marcus. As Jett spoke, Gabriel, their uncle, made his way towards them after finishing the task of boarding up the windows, a futile attempt to safeguard against the chaos outside.

Gabriel, a 48-year-old man with darker skin, sported a scraggly beard and a buzz cut that already boasted strands of white hair. "Jett, thank God you're okay. I can't even fathom what your mom would've gone through if you didn't make it," Gabriel said, his voice filled with genuine relief. At five feet six inches tall, he might have appeared unassuming, but his presence exuded a quiet strength that had always been a source of comfort for Jett. He reached out, arms open wide, ready to pull his nephew into a comforting embrace. Their familial bond, fortified by the shared ordeal they had just endured, was a testament to the unbreakable ties that bound them together.

Jett gratefully embraced his uncle, whispering, "Thank you, Uncle Gabe. I'm glad you're safe too. How's Aunt Jewels? And what about Ivan and Nicole? Were you able to contact them?" His voice trembled with concern, but deep down, he knew the answer. The chaos he had witnessed outside, with buildings crumbling and people descending into madness, made communication seem impossible.

A wave of emotions crashed over Jett, and he collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down his face. It was a rare vulnerability, a moment of release for a young man who had always portrayed strength and stoicism. Marcus and Gabriel exchanged glances, both surprised and empathetic, for they had never witnessed Jett in such a state. All they could do was offer a comforting presence and let him vent, knowing that the weight of the world had momentarily taken its toll on their resilient pillar.

For what felt like an eternity, Jett wiped the tears from his eyes, his emotions in turmoil. He berated himself internally for showing such vulnerability, despising the weakness that had momentarily overtaken him. His resolve hardened, vowing silently to never allow himself to be consumed by such emotions again, especially in the presence of those he held dear.

"Sorry, guys," he said, his voice steadying as he tried to regain his composure. "That caught me off guard. So much has happened in just the span of an hour. It's hard to wrap my head around all of this." He attempted to brush off the overwhelming surge of emotions that threatened to engulf him.

As he moved his hand to his neck, intending to stretch his tense muscles, his fingertips brushed against something foreign. His gaze fell upon the base of his neck, where he discovered the mysterious origin crystal now embedded within his flesh. A surge of both curiosity and trepidation washed over him.

"Marky, Uncle Gabe," Jett began, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Do you guys have one of these too?" He hoped to divert their attention away from his emotional outburst, his eyes scanning their expressions for any sign of recognition. To his surprise, both Marcus and Gabriel nodded knowingly, as if they had already come to terms with the existence of the crystals and the impending changes they would bring.

Lost in the whirlwind of chaos and upheaval, Jett hadn't even noticed the pulsing timer that now resided at the bottom left of his field of vision. The digital display blinked, counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds until a significant event awaited him.


"It's happening," Jett murmured to himself, his thoughts racing as he tried to process the information he had received. The words of the enigmatic voice echoed in his mind, each revelation sinking in with a mixture of apprehension and determination. "Twenty-four hours, evolution, pain, legacy trial, origin plane... We're starting from a position of weakness, extreme weakness. I need a plan. I can't let them go through this alone, not yet."

His mind buzzed with thoughts and possibilities, a newfound sense of responsibility settling upon his shoulders. Jett knew he had to make the most of the time he had left before the evolution began. With his family by his side, he was determined to navigate the trials and tribulations that lay ahead, forging a path of strength and resilience in the face of the unknown.