
Planes of War: Survive, Evolve, and Conquer[Dropped]


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20 Chs

Chapter 16- Rewards


[Congratulations, Human! You have successfully completed your trial with exceptional proficiency! As promised, you will be generously rewarded.]

[Analyzing Legacy...]

[Calculating Additional Rewards...]

[Calculations complete based on performance.]

[Firstly, you will receive knowledge up to the pinnacle of the Nascent form, despite already advancing to the Origin Refinement Stage with the crystal's aid. The rest will be based on your own skill and dedication.]

[Secondly, your exceptional performance has unlocked three specializations from your trial: Astral Manipulation, Aura Expanse, and Seith Magic. These specializations stem from the Dominion Legacy. Choose wisely, as they will shape your path.]

[Thirdly, your bloodline will undergo a direct enhancement, ascending to the noble rank. This is an exceedingly rare occurrence, typically requiring regional recognition before bloodline improvement is granted.]

[Lastly, you will possess a coveted item within the Origin Plane: a Specialized Seed Territory Crystal. This crystal holds immense potential and can become your greatest asset or vulnerability. Its true potential will be determined by your own choices and actions.]

Jett accepted the results of his trial without surprise. Despite the trial being a simulated experience, it had a profound impact on him. He could feel a transformation taking place within him, instilling a sense of purpose, determination, and fearlessness. His demeanor radiated the aura of a man on a mission, unyielding in the face of challenges. The experience had started to reshape his character, eradicating any trace of intimidation towards the future.

The changes within Jett were subtle and he couldn't delve too deeply into them at the moment. He sensed their presence, but his attention was now fixated on the specialization options laid out before him. Unlike his previous hesitation, the decision this time came effortlessly. A strong intuition urged him to choose Astral Manipulation, and he trusted that instinct without hesitation. He believed it was the right path for him, aligning with his newfound sense of purpose and the mysterious forces at play within his mind.

[ So be it. Go forth into the Origin Plane whether you survive or die only time will tell]

Unbeknownst to Jett, this would mark the final encounter with the mysterious being that had guided him throughout his trials. Its presence in his mind gradually faded, along with its omniscient influence. As Jett's consciousness slipped away, he entered a state of tranquility and rest, ready to embrace the next phase of his journey when he awoke.