
Planes of War: Survive, Evolve, and Conquer[Dropped]


GH0ST_ · History
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20 Chs

Chapter 14- Transformation

Jett entered his room, making his way to the bathroom situated on the left side of the entrance. Anticipating an unpleasant experience, he positioned himself inside the bathtub, mentally preparing for what was about to unfold. His gaze shifted to the timer one last time.


'Alright, old bag of bones, let's see what you left us. Hopefully, it's helpful otherwise you should have just died and left us with zero memories of you' Jett thought to himself.

With a mix of curiosity and resentment towards his grandfather, Jett's thoughts turned cold and bitter. The deep-seated anger stemming from his grandfather's abandonment of his mother at a young age resonated within him. It mirrored his own strained relationship with his father, amplifying his emotions.

Taking a moment to admire the intricate design of the necklace, Jett marveled at its mysterious allure. The detailed fist, adorned with a gem at the base, held an enigmatic quality. Upon closer inspection, faint flickers of crimson light danced within its depths.

Biting down on the peeling skin of his thumb, Jett felt a slight sting as he pulled it back, allowing a small stream of blood to flow. Swiftly, he pressed his bleeding thumb against the gem.

In an instant, the red gem ignited with a brilliant crimson glow. Absorbing his blood, the light intensified for a minute. Suddenly, Jett's consciousness was transported to a dark void, devoid of any discernible surroundings. He strained to sense his environment, but it remained shrouded in darkness.

Suddenly, a rough, aged voice pierced through Jett's consciousness, its tone dripping with intimidation and violence. It was a voice unlike any he had heard before, commanding his full attention.

"Ah, quite intriguing, boy. It seems Marcia didn't raise a coward after all," the voice taunted.

"You will not be able to communicate with me. This is merely my last testament. It is best that you listen with utmost care. The necklace you possess is the culmination of a lifetime's worth of effort. If anyone were to discover that you have it, rest assured you would not live to see another day. As you are now, you are nothing more than a pathetic weakling. I will not disclose its nature or the process of its creation. Even if I did, you would likely not utilize it, if you are anything like your mother."

"But I digress. What I can offer you is a means to harness the energy contained within the necklace. Once I finish speaking, every ounce of that energy will surge into every cell of your body. The pain will be unimaginable, as it all rushes in at once instead of gradually. Unfortunately, I ran out of time and could not refine its design. Hahahahah. Nonetheless, the method I impart to you must be followed immediately as the energy enters your being, or else you will perish in a catastrophic explosion, your body torn asunder. It is too late to turn back now. Hahahaha."

"I couldn't leave anything for your mother, so consider this my attempt at making amends. The world is not what it may seem. There exist organizations of immense power, and I don't mean those with wealth or influence. I trust you to be a clever lad; you will uncover the truth in due time. This is farewell, kid. Watch over your mother for me. Hahahaha."

The laughter of Liam faded slowly, dissipating into silence.

Jett awoke in his bathtub, but then it started. He received information somehow flowing into his mind. It depicts a pose of a man laying down flat on the floor. His arms crossed in an 'X' style above his chest. Then a breathing exercise, where he matches the rhythm of his beating heart, slowly falling into a trance. Then, energy enters his body, very slowly almost negligible. It rotates through his body slowly shifting and transforming his cell, muscles, and bones.

Jett finds himself mimicking the individual in his mind, at awe at what he was experiencing. Then it begins.

Jett's eyes widened as he found himself mirroring the exact pose depicted in his mind. He laid flat on the floor, crossing his arms in an 'X' shape over his chest, just as the image showed. His breathing synchronized with the rhythm of his pounding heart, gradually lulling him into a trance-like state.

As he surrendered to the process, a faint trickle of energy entered his body, barely perceptible at first. It flowed through him, permeating every cell, muscle, and bone. Jett could feel the subtle shifts and transformations happening within him, a profound and awe-inspiring experience unlike anything he had ever known.

And then, the real journey began.

As the agonizing process continued, Jett felt as though he was submerged in a sea of swarming ants, their tiny legs crawling relentlessly across his body. But that was only the beginning. Intense heat engulfed him, scorching every inch of his being. His face contorted in a grimace of pain, struggling to maintain his posture while the searing torment consumed him.

Muscles tore apart, as if being shredded from within, causing his body to convulse and contort. In his bathtub, he writhed and growled, his resolve tested to its limits. The pain threatened to break him, but he clenched his jaw and fought against it, refusing to surrender.

But the ordeal escalated further. The bones within him began to crack, at first with subtle fractures that multiplied and spread like a spider's web. The relentless torment tortured him to the core, as if he were being subjected to the cruelest tortures from the darkest corners of hell.

Jett teetered on the precipice of his endurance, his mind on the verge of oblivion. The pain pushed him to the brink of death, his breathing labored, yet he clung to every flicker of life. And just as he was about to succumb, a wave of soothing, cooling energy enveloped him, like a balm to his tormented soul.

In that moment, release came. Unseen to the naked eye, his body underwent a profound transformation at an atomic level. Cells regenerated, muscle tissue grew and strengthened, bones mended and elongated. It was a metamorphosis unfolding in the realm of the minuscule, yet its effects were profound.

Jett's skin took on a radiant sheen under the bathroom lights, a testament to the newfound vitality coursing through him. His clothes had been reduced to tatters, leaving him naked on the bathtub floor. His elongated limbs and sculpted physique resembled that of a gymnast or a calisthenics trainer—toned, agile, and brimming with power.

Gone was the five-foot-eleven-inch frame he once possessed. Now, standing tall at an astonishing six-foot-seven inches, Jett had become a towering figure, a sight to behold for anyone fortunate enough to witness his extraordinary transformation.

With caution, Jett gingerly rose to his feet, tentative in his movements, wary of the newfound strength surging through his body. He raised his arms before his bewildered face, attempting to grasp the enormity of his transformation. His mind struggled to accept the staggering reality unfolding before his eyes.

As he glanced downward, a wave of disorientation washed over him. The ground seemed impossibly distant, stretching out in a disconcerting expanse. Caught off guard by this vertiginous revelation, he stumbled backward, his feet tangling with the edges of the tub. His balance forsaken, he descended in a clumsy descent, landing unceremoniously on the floor with a resounding thud.

To his astonishment, the tub shattered upon impact, fracturing like fragile glass beneath his feet. The force of his fall caused the tiles beneath his hand to splinter and crack, a testament to the newfound strength coursing through him.

But it wasn't only his stature and physical prowess that left him dumbfounded. As his gaze inadvertently shifted downward, he was taken aback by the considerable size of his manhood. Where once he might have been considered average, he now possessed a prodigious endowment that defied comparison.

A mix of disbelief, confusion, and a touch of self-consciousness washed over Jett. It was an unexpected aspect of his transformation, one that added another layer of complexity to his already bewildering journey.

With a newfound sense of anticipation and excitement, Jett slowly rose to his feet, eager to catch a glimpse of his transformed appearance. He navigated his way toward the mirror, situated near the bathroom sink, each step filled with curiosity and a hint of trepidation.

As he lifted his gaze, he was confronted with a reflection that seemed almost alien to him. The image staring back was that of a young adonis, a vision that left Jett momentarily speechless. His once midnight black hair, now slightly longer than before, cascaded down to the tip of the origin crystal nestled at the base of his neck. He silently resolved to trim it, favoring a more refined gentleman's cut.

The most striking change, however, was in his eyes. What were once warm brown orbs had transformed into captivating pools of absolute blackness. The alteration was noticeable, yet it only served to accentuate his ruggedly masculine physique. His facial features had become more chiseled and defined, imparting a cowboy-esque ruggedness that resonated with Jett's preferences. He had no desire to resemble a delicate pretty boy.

However, he couldn't help but notice the absence of his facial hair. It seemed to have vanished along with his previous self. Although he hoped it would grow back in due time, he embraced this clean-shaven visage as a new aspect of his evolving identity.

'It seems that the old man wasn't all that bad after all. I…I wonder,' Jett thought to himself. His mind rushed to put pieces together. The revelations he had experienced left him wondering about Liam's true nature and purpose. In an attempt to validate his emerging conclusions, he decided to voice his thoughts, hoping to find some clarity.

"What if those individuals mentioned by the voice were connected to Liam's organization?" Jett pondered aloud, his voice filled with uncertainty. "Could this energy be what they were referring to? How did they come to possess this knowledge? It's all so bizarre. Does this mean I've already evolved? And if so, what are my limits? I don't feel any special abilities yet. And this Method... can others use it now? Will it surpass the one we're about to receive?"

Suddenly, Jett's attention was drawn to the time displayed before him. He desperately hoped he had enough time to alert everyone and prepare them for what was to come. Maybe he could even share his newfound knowledge and teach them. However, as he glanced at the clock, he realized it was too late. The moment had arrived, and there was no turning back. All he could do was hope that his loved ones would endure whatever lay ahead.


Unbeknownst to Jett, his own experience with the energy was far more perilous than anyone could have anticipated. The amount he had received was three times greater than that of the rest of the world. While it might seem insignificant in comparison, he would soon discover the immense difficulty and struggle it took to reach his level. The challenges he would face would test him in ways he couldn't yet comprehend.

With bated breath, Jett braced himself, knowing that the designated moment would usher in a new era for the entire world. Little did he know the immense dangers and trials that awaited him on his extraordinary path.