
Planes of War: Survive, Evolve, and Conquer[Dropped]


GH0ST_ · History
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20 Chs

Chapter 11- Necklace

After several hours of deep slumber, Jett stirred awake, his eyes slowly adjusting to the surrounding darkness. The harrowing events he had experienced earlier had taken a toll on him, leaving an indelible mark on his psyche. Little did he know, the forces at play, both seen and unseen, were far beyond his grasp and influence.

As Jett groggily rose from his bed, he couldn't shake off the lingering sense of unease that clung to his thoughts. His mind replayed the mysterious voice's message, its weight and significance sinking deeper into his consciousness. Yet, he remained oblivious to the intricate web of hidden agendas and rival powers that sought to manipulate the unfolding events.

Unbeknownst to Jett, a vast tapestry of hidden and unhidden forces swirled around him, their motivations and intentions converging in a complex dance. While he grappled with his own personal challenges, the world outside his immediate perception teetered on the brink of upheaval.

Little did Jett realize that he was but a pawn in a grand cosmic chessboard, where the moves of powerful entities shaped the destiny of nations and the lives of individuals. As he ventured forth into the unknown, the secrets of the world would gradually unravel, revealing a tapestry of power, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of control.

With each passing moment, the veil of ignorance that shrouded Jett's understanding would be lifted, exposing him to the true extent of the forces vying for supremacy. It was a world where hidden powers and visible machinations clashed, a battleground where the fate of humanity hung in the balance.

But for now, as Jett rubbed his temples and steadied his resolve, he had no inkling of the profound impact his journey would have on the intricate web of power that spanned far beyond his comprehension.

He stumbled towards the restroom, his feet heavy with exhaustion. As he caught his reflection in the mirror, he couldn't help but take a moment to assess his appearance. At just twenty-one years old, Jett still bore the hallmarks of youth on his fair skin. His neatly trimmed hair and well-kept beard gave him a gentlemanly appearance, befitting his profession in the finance industry where he had to maintain a certain level of poise.

However, in that moment, all of those things seemed trivial and insignificant. What value did youth, power, and wealth hold if he couldn't ensure the safety of his loved ones, or even his own survival until tomorrow? Jett found himself grappling with the harsh reality unfolding before him, a stark contrast to his usual stoic and aloof nature. It was as if all his past endeavors and accomplishments had lost their meaning, leaving him with a profound sense of helplessness.

"Alright, Jett, pull yourself together," he muttered under his breath, admonishing his own momentary weakness. The world wouldn't come to a halt just because he was feeling overwhelmed. He glanced at the countdown timer, eager to know how much time was left until the evolution.


"I must have been more exhausted than I realized," Jett realized, acknowledging the need for rest. Ivan and Nicole should have returned by now, and his mother would likely be awake as well.

Determined to check on Marcia and his cousins, Jett swiftly changed his clothes and made his way towards the hallway on the second floor, where Marcia's room was located, opposite to Marcus's.

Jett gently pushed the door open, careful not to make any noise in case Marcia was still asleep. To his relief, she was already awake, sitting at her vanity and frantically searching through her belongings. The anxiety on her face was palpable, indicating the importance of whatever she was looking for.

"Ma, what are you looking for?" Jett asked, his confusion evident in his voice.

His words seemed to snap Marcia out of her trance. She froze for a moment, as if only just realizing that someone was standing behind her.

"Jett! Oh my God, thank goodness you're okay, my baby boy!" Marcia exclaimed, rushing towards Jett as if it were their last meeting. Tears streamed down her face as she embraced him tightly, explaining how terrified and anxious she had been when everything had happened, even causing her to faint.

Jett comforted his mother, assuring her that he was fine and recounting his own experiences during the chaos. They stayed there for a while, finding solace in each other's presence amidst the uncertainty of the world outside.

"It's going to be okay, Ma. But what were you looking for? You seemed so distracted," Jett asked, his concern evident in his voice.

Marcia paused for a moment, her eyes searching Jett's face before she sighed. "It was a necklace. Your grandfather left it to me when I was just a girl. He told me to present it to my firstborn."

Jett raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "That's odd. You've never mentioned my grandparents before. What's so special about the necklace? And honestly, with everything that's happening, I don't think it really matters anymore."

A wistful look crossed Marcia's face as she gazed at the necklace in her hand. "You're right. I probably wouldn't have told you anyway, but for some reason, as I was sleeping earlier, I had a vivid memory of the day he gave it to me. It was also the last day I saw him. I was just a 10-year-old girl, so I soon forgot about it. Our lives were never easy after he left."

Jett shrugged, trying to brush off the significance of the necklace. "Well, I'm sure it's nothing important. Besides, we have more pressing matters to attend to. I doubt an old necklace would do anything for me now. Maybe I could have sold it for some quick cash. Haha."

Marcia's eyes hardened with determination. "No, Jett. I needed to find it. For some reason, I believe it's linked to the evolution we're about to experience. I think it can help you. I don't know how exactly, but your grandfather once mentioned that if you drop your blood on it, it can aid you greatly in gaining abilities beyond our understanding. Although, at that time I didn't know what he meant, I was too young ."

Jett's expression shifted from skepticism to intrigue. The idea of a hidden power within the necklace intrigued him, even if he couldn't fully comprehend it. "Well, if it can give me an advantage in this chaotic world, then I guess it's worth a shot. Let me take a look at the necklace, Ma. We'll face the challenges ahead together."

His gaze quickly shifted to the black chain attached to the object Marcia was clutching. With a hint of anticipation, she opened her hands, revealing a clenched black fist with intricate details. At the base of the fist, nestled towards the center, was a vibrant red crystal. Its glow, though subtle, caught Jett's attention immediately.

Curiosity taking hold, Jett carefully took the necklace into his hands, examining it with a mixture of awe and bewilderment. He turned it around, studying every inch of its design, until his eyes landed on an engraved name. The style of the engraving seemed erratic, almost as if it were made by a child, but the name itself stood out to him. He murmured softly to himself, "Liam Wu? Was that his name?"

Marcia nodded, a somber look on her face. "Yes, Liam Wu was your grandfather's name. Like I said before, I was young and most times he wasn't really home. Enough to see me and mother, but never long enough for me to know him. He was a mysterious man, shrouded in secrets. The necklace was his most treasured possession, I can only remember that he wore it all the time."

Jett's mind raced with questions as he continued to hold the necklace. He had no memories of either of his grandparents from either side of his parents.

"I never knew my grandfather," Jett admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of wonder and longing. "But if this necklace holds any connection to him, to our family's legacy, then I must uncover its secrets. It could hold the key to unlocking my own potential, especially in this new world of chaos and evolution."

Marcia's eyes sparkled with a mix of hope and concern. "Be careful, Jett. The power within that necklace can no longer be underestimated. Also, don't tell Marcus he might worry as well and we don't need that right now. Please be careful."

Jett proceeded to hug his mother in an attempt to calm her racing mind.

" I know, Ma. You know me, what am I if not cautious. I'll see what this thing holds later. I'm sure Ivan and Nicole are here. I haven't seen them in ages, so I'll go downstairs and give them a proper welcome before checking this thing out."

"Sure, go ahead. I'm sure they're excited to see you too, cousin."