
Family (2)

"We found it." Sir Andrew said while looking at all of us. His gaze was especially being cast my way several times. I felt a bit uncomfortable as it gave me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was as if something was going to happen. Something I would not like.

"What? We have been searching for so long and we could not find it. Sir, how did you find it?" Mr. Will had a shocked expression on his face as he spoke to Sir Andrew with the same type of serious tone lining each and everyone of his words.

"Yeah, even we have had trouble on our side," Beth responded.

What are they talking about? They keep mentioning this 'it'. Just what are they referring to? My thoughts spiraled through my mind as the three continued their conversation, leaving me a bit confused through the whole thing.

Can they at least tell me something? Even a hint would do, I thought as I looked at Sir Andrew, who once again cast a glance in my direction. Our eyes met and he slowly averted his eyes to look at the other two.

Is this about me? Right as I had that thought go through my mind, Sir Andrew spoke as though he was answering my unspoken question.

"Do not get too excited. We only have a hint. But Rena," he turned towards me mid-sentence as he locked his eyes with mine. I guess this is about me, I thought as he continued speaking. "We may have found your home."

My home? Wait, I have a family?

The news given to me just now was one I could not quite comprehend. I did not know if it was good news or bad news. It was shocking news for sure though.

"Home?" I looked at the three of them as they looked back at me. For me, this was the home I had been longing for. So 'home' for me was right here, with them.

"Isn't that great, Rena! You can finally go home." Beth looked at me with a happy face. It looked as though the news they had found was indeed good news. But was it actually good news? I had yet to find that out.

I nodded, trying to look as excited as Beth did. However, inside, I felt empty as though a part of me was missing. I felt as though I was going to lose something I had finally obtained.

If I had to go to this place that they said is my home, what about where I am right now? Will I have to leave everyone and go? But I just got to meet people that truly care about me. No strings attached.

"How did you find her home, Sir?" Mr. Will said as he seemed to cut through the tense atmosphere with a question that had been on all of our minds.

"Well, you know the reports we get, right?"

"Yes, the missing people's report is what i assume you are talking about."

"Yeah, we found a couple of reports that matched the victims that we found in that house."

"You found Rena's report there?" Beth intercepted their conversation with a question of her own. I stared at Sir Andrew, waiting for his response.

He shook his head slowly as he opened his mouth to speak. "No. It was quite strange, but we did not find her report there."

"Then where exactly was it," Beth asked anxiously. It was not only her that seemed to be anxious at the moment. Even I was nervous and anxious. This was about me and who I was. It was about my family, that I did not know I had. My heart raced as I waited for his response.

"We looked through the old missing children report. And we found a couple of them."

"The old missing children reports? Why would you look for those? The people that we found in that house had only went missing recently, Sir."

"I know, but we were just going through them just to make sure we do not miss anything that could help us figure out where Rena is from. And that's where we stumbled upon a couple of reports." Sir Andrew cast a glance at me as his expression became one of pain. It seemed as though he was conflicted whether he should be telling me this.

"Sir, should we discuss this somewhere else," Mr. Will said as he cast a glance my way as well.

"Yeah, if you want, we can discuss this later on, in my office. It's breakfast time right now, we don't have to have a serious talk so early in the morning," Beth said as she cast a glance my way quickly before looking away to the other two.

Sir Andrew shook his head," No, I think she deserves to know this. Maybe she can confirm whether it is true or not. That way, we can find out if we made a mistake."

A mistake? But seeing as though Sir Andrew is saying this in front of me, it doesn't seem like it could be a mistake. Especially considering that he would have checked multiple times before saying something that could give me false hope.

"Okay, I'm ready," I said as I gathered all of my courage. I'm going to need to be brave considering that they are contemplating whether they should be telling me this or not.

"We found three reports that looked as though they could be yours. They looked to be about your age as well. However, two of them had already been found, which was why they were called the old missing children reports

However, there was one that fit your description. And seeing as it was the only one that had not been found, it made sense. But there was something off about this report." Sir Andrew paused as he exhaled a deep breath before he continued. "This report was three years old."

Three years? I've been missing for three years?