
Plague Maker

Alex died in a humiliating way, but good news or bad depending on how how you look at it, he was reborn with only one mission - Test whether civilizations deserve to live with the use of plagues and monstrosities created by them. Author Note - I'm writing this out of boredom so it is very likely to be dropped like my other one but I will try not to as I have had it stuck in my head for the past month, onto other things first he will have a system called the plague system, second it is very likely that he will go to different worlds every time he accomplishes his goal, if I decide to take this seriously and not just do it for fun I will probably make a second book after I reach 60 chapters that highlights the peoples view of the plague, now obviously there will be times he fails. when he fails the people will most likely celebrate and he will be sent to another world to try again, now one last thing I am making this up as I go so expect plot holes and all kinds of other mistakes especially because I'm using the voice thing on my phone to write this cuz I don't want to tap on letters and type. anyway thanks for reading, even if I do drop in the future I want at least 20 chapters, also finally I will have a random update schedule so I may only upload one a month or one a day it's random. P.S - Finally started rewriting mwahaha

MatrixPrime · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 10 - The New Plague

Alex woke up and decided to start designing the new plague so that when the doctor leaves he can then make him the carrier and bring it to the city, to do this he also decided to add a special upgrade for [The Sleeping Pandemic] called [Carrier] which makes one in ten infected only be carriers of said disease so that he can bring both of them to the city.

He opened the [Plague Designer] and started making this lethal disease.

[Plague Designer

Name: [Dire Scourge]

Level: 1

Method of Spread: [Physical Touch] [Air] [Water] [Cysts/Pus]

Effects: [Age Kill], [Difficult Reproduction], [Child Born Mutant]

Symptoms: [Black Cysts], [Muscle Deterioration], [Anger Outbursts]

Upgrades: ]

This is what I decided on after thinking about some of the most lethal diseases and some movie/tv shows I watched in my past life. It has many methods of spread, and unique effects called [Age Kill] and [Difficult Reproduction]. [Age Kill] kills people who are 30 and up which will decrease any population by a large amount because a lot of the population are either middle aged or old.

The way it kills the user who is 30 or up is through two ways, one is through speeding up the symptom [Muscled Deterioration] and completely destroy the muscular system through the body, After this happens then it starts to shut off organs one by one which leads to the brain, heart and other organs that will shut off all at the same time causing death, total time required is about two weeks.

The other effect [Difficult Reproduction] makes it much harder to have children and if they do, they will have some kind of mutation because it combines with [Child Born Mutant]. I added this one because I don't want to kill them all, I can't just instantly accept killing everyone even if I don't mind killing off 90% of them.

Anyways back on track, [Difficult Reproduction] messes with the fertility of sperm as well as how frequently a woman ovulates making it much harder to reproduce since they may only get one chance every two months. If they do get a child they will have some kind of mutation that is a 50/50 chance between good and bad, they could get something like extreme healing speed or they could get something like two arms that they can't use or if there lucky they might be able to use them.

This will essentially change their species to [Mutant - Human] with both benefits and defects so that's a thing. I got the Idea for the [Black Cysts] from a plague called [The Black Death] and had the idea to turn the cysts into a method of spread.

The [Muscle Deterioration] is so that over the course of 5 - 6 years, starting at the age of 25 the muscles starting the process and when they reach 30 speed it up rapidly so that it kills them quicker, this will also impede reproduction, hard work, and keeping the body healthier (as healthy as they can be with this disease) as they won't be able to move as well if at all.

Now for the final symptom called [Anger Outbursts] this will essentially make people more prone to anger, not much just about 10 - 15% but that will lead to people randomly attacking someone or something which then may lead to self defense and and them either being hurt or killed which helps reduce the Population a bit.

Though back to the Child mutants, I did give them one mercy and that is they are no longer carriers of the plague.....well not all of it, just the [Child Born Mutant] part of it so that it becomes both a defect and a crutch for their survival because it might bring some power houses in the future.

Anyways I now finished the plague called [Dire Scourge] and am now waiting for the Doc to leave town.

Oh?...well that's an interesting decision that I should have expected, silly me!

Here ya go guys!! Thanks for the Ideas, I tried to incorpate what I thought might be possible for now.

Thanks to these guys right here -




Also sorry for not using the exact ideas but I have to make adjustments for the story!! Anyways it might take a couple days for the next chapter but if I can I will try to upload it today or tomorrow, if I can't expect it in like 4 days at the latest.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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