

<p>Marco woke with a cry, his hand lashing out at the bright, burning light that had ripped him away from his home, his family. His hand sailed through the empty air and fell limply to the floor. <br/><br/>He was staring into a clear blue sky. On his back, he could feel the gentle embrace of the grass beneath him. His body ached and groaned as he rolled himself over and onto his side. The clothes he had on were different from what he once wore. A plain white set of clothes that sat on him a little loosley. No shoes, though. He took note to get those dogs covered up. <br/><br/>Marco forced himself onto his feet, stumbling at the initial burst of nausea that assulted him, he took some breaths to steady himself and take in the surroundings. It was island, glistening beaches took the frontline to a grass centre, where a single tree stood tall. The air was warm, and light shone through the gaps in the leaves. <br/><br/>Whatever had taken him hadn't killed him outright, which was a small blessing Marco was sure to count. His gaze drew towards a small stand at the base of the tree, his legs wobbled for the first few steps, as it re-adjusted to the motion. </p>