
PJO: Son of a Primordial

Primordials, entities that embody concepts of the universe themselves. First Khaos was born and from it the five original primordials appeared: Nyx, Erebus, Gaia, Tartaru and Eros. From there the universe was built, beings came into existence, wars were fought, now an anomaly exists a being which has never existed since Khaos’ inception a child of a Primordial, this is his story. I don’t own anything from Percy Jackson all rights go to Rick Riordan. Also for Greek mythos nerds out there I am using the primordials from the Theogony so don’t expect either Kronos primordial god of Time or Ananke primordial goddess of Compulsion. Advanced chapters in Patreon/JoanjudoStories

Joanjudo · Book&Literature
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65 Chs

Eating with sorcerers

{Faust Residence, 18th of March 2000}

"Now come on Mom, take the kids to the living room, let me cook dinner for today." Ruby said as she slowly led her mother, father, Sadie and Carter to the living room.

"Just be careful, and don't use the left most frying pan!" Ms Faust yelled from the living room as Ruby swiftly closed the kitchen door behind them. "Well that is one problem gone." Ruby said lightly smiling.

"So what should we make?" I asked Ruby while Julius was eyeing me his back resting on a kitchen wall. "Oh don't worry about that just sit and talk with Julius." She reassured as she pointed at a long table with 8 chairs surrounding it.

"Are you sure?" I asked feeling slightly awkward at having her do the dinner solely by herself. "Yeah I'm sure, I just didn't want you to be with my mother she doesn't necessarily like our world and by extension yourself, she has a slightly different worldview from us." She added.

"Okay." I replied still feeling slightly bad as I saw her turn on the ceramic stove and grabbed a pan. I turned to Julius, he just turned to face me, his mouth shut.

"So Julius, have you faced any monsters recently?" I asked the man awkwardly as the orange aura around him flared slightly. "Is that you trying small talk?" He questioned me arms crossed. "Hey, I am trying here, I don't exactly know much about your society aside from your Gnomes." I remarked.

"Ughh fine, the monsters I mostly recently killed was a pack of Serpopards." He relented probably trying to get the conversation, which I honestly appreciated since while I was alone I didn't mind silence when I was with people staying silent just felt awkward.

"Serpopards what are those?" I asked intrigued by a group of monsters which didn't belong to my pantheon. "Serpopards are half serpent and half leopard; they have the body of a leopard and the neck and head of a serpent, their necks are elongated and scaly and they possess a forked tongue." Julius explained.

"I turned my staff into a giant snake and had it gobble up the monsters." Julius continued an adventurous grin forming on his face as he seemed to be recalling the fight. "What about you kiddo? What is the most recent monster that you have killed?" Julius asked me.

"The most recent monster I killed was a group of Amphisbania, they are, well were huge Saharan snakes with two head at each end that were able to spit two strings of venom kind of like King Cobra's as for how I killed them I used this." I explained as tendrils started appearing from my shadow and I also summoned my spear wanting to look cool.

"Huh that is cool." Julius said intrigued by my sudden display of my powers. "How do you use them?" He questioned me his curiosity leaking out of him.

"Oh I summon my spear from my tattoo." I replied as I unsummoned my spear a tattoo of a Greek helmet appearing on my hand as I showed him. "While my shadow and dark tendrils I don't know it is more like a will thing I tell them what to do and they normally do it." I continued.

"That seems pretty easy to use, but is that all? He asked me, "I mean yeah I can do a few other things but they all have to do with either shadows or darkness." I replied Julius question. "Looks like you demigods are very restrained by your parentage." He deduced.

"Yeah, of course that is the origin of our power, but I wouldn't say I am restrained, like what can you do?" I questioned Julius, the conversation went on as we both kept comparing the different powers each of use could use and the conversation started flowing smoothly the more we conversed.

Ruby worked diligently in the kitchen, the clatter of pots and pans mixing with the sizzle of food as she prepared a feast. The aroma of roasted vegetables and seasoned meat filled the air, signaling that dinner was almost ready. With a satisfied nod at the golden-brown chicken resting on the counter, she called out, "Dinner's ready!"

Ms and Mr Faust entered the kitchen with Carter and Sadie, as they heard Ruby's voice. Julius and I started setting the table and plates for everyone. I sat across from Julius, Ruby at his side Carter and Sadie at my left while Mr and Mrs Faust sat at the edge of the table.

We started indulging in the chicken and I couldn't help but exclaim "Ruby this is amazing it is as good as Camp Half-Bloods, and that is literally made by nymphs and magic so I tip my hat to you."

"Well thank you Odysseus." She replied with a small smile on her face. "Of course, her food would be better than anything made by magic." Mrs Faust spit out. "Mom please not at the table." Ruby said.

The dinner continued with slight chatter crossing the table, Mrs and Mr Faust talking about UK politics, the queen, etc. I on the other hand couldn't help but look at Carter and Sadie Kane the 4 year old boy and 3 year old girl.

Carter was helping her sister eat the chicken, and I couldn't help but think of how sweet it all looked, and if this is what I looked like to the Aphrodite cabin kids when I was young.Finally we finished eating the food, with a flan dessert at the end which was also delicious by the way.

After that everyone made their ways to their respective rooms while Julius who after our monster conversation I had slowly grown on took out the bed from under the coach and I slept in that, my consciousness thinking of the amazing family this was (except maybe for Mrs Faust).

{Odysseus Dreamscape, Time Unkonwn}

"Enjoying yourself?" My godly fatehr's voice reverberated across the infinite space as millions of eyes opened. "Oh what now, father?" I asked at seeing I had once again been brought here.

"You shouldn't stay with them for long, normally I can't talk to you but this is important, while you can know of other pantheons existence, staying too long with people from other pantheons can lead to undesired consequences." Erebus' voice again strung across the space.

"Ok, I will leave them quickly but tell me one thing that has been bugging me for a while, if all pantheons exist then what happens when a beginning of the world starts, does that mean we are all royally screwed." I questioned the biggest eye.

"No, don't worry about that if a pantheon fails and the world is destroyed, that doesn't mean it will be the same to you or mortals." My father explained.

"Now that I have answered your question you need to leave the Kane family understood." My father continued, "Still don't understand why but sure I will trust you I will leave tomorrow." I replied to my father.

"Good, now leave and get some sleep." Erebus finished saying as I sunk into the dark floor and the space around me shattered.

[Greek Mythos Fact: THE KELEDONES are magical, singing automotones crafted of gold by the divine smith Hephaistos (Hephaestus) for the the second temple of Apollon at Delphoi. The Keledones had the form of either beautiful women, wryneck birds, or a combination of the two--Seiren-like bird-women. They are similar to the Kourai Khryseai, the golden attendants of Hephaistos on Olympos.]

*Author Note: I really need power stones so if you guys could send them I will appreciate it a lot*

Hope you enjoyed the chapter now gimme stones XD

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