
Pixie: The Vampire’s Sex Slave

Afari is a Sovereign of Pixies in the backwoods of Xatheral in Hanzuion. They have solid wizardries and are excessively hazardous of her obligation as a Sovereign and never let any other creatures lose her at the opposition or even a problematic condition. Yet, it changed when those Vampires attempted to take the entire world and turn each of the ladies to be their sex slaves. They even objective to have the Xatheral Woodland be their region — Vampires killed many people to lead the world calmly. Be that as it may, the Pixies are overprotective and don't believe their territory should be taken since they accept that Xatheral exists to be with them. The powers of Pixies Junior Leader can't win rivalry with the three Incredible Older folks. Particularly the mighty lord named Knight Lorcan. He poured everything he could and utilized his powers to seduce Afari and fool her.

Yeshia_Arat · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Bad News

At the point when Madeleine went into the room, Pixie Afari, the sovereign of Xatheral Milan, read the paper and feigned exacerbation as she read about the vampire news all over the planet in her novel mystical pink seat with a tea on her table. Madeleine grinned and bowed to Afari before setting an enchanted spell and a book on her table.

To make the world theirs, they're so frantic. Afari expressed this to herself as she gulped a beverage of her little cup, then, at that point, tossed it into the rubbish and flew through her window in Xatheral Milan to review the woodland.

Pixie Afari was entertained by two youngsters snickering and getting blossoms, one of which she had loved since she was a kid, and the adolescents were ridiculing her. Furious and mocking, her face reshaped into a scowl as she sank to the ground to terrify them. However, they continued to snicker as they gazed at her.

"I don't know what you're doing on my patio." With a deep tone, Pixie Afari asked, and the two young ladies held each other's hands because of their trepidation while respecting her delightful heels. "Get out at this point!"

Even though Pixie Afari shouted, the two sneering understudies didn't care much about what she needed to say. Fari was unafraid to utilize her enchanted stick to change both the young ladies into a completely new sort of blossom that people can find in the Xatheral Milan, and she did it while keeping her eyes open and giving them an evil-looked look.

Before the blossoms, Afari bowed and took a gander at them, his hair light with a blend of ruby from the young woman's make-up. It's been some time since she saw numerous young people behaving like vacationers in the timberland with a place with her, and she was shocked by the idea. Then again, she wasn't ready for the incredible experience with Silas, the sovereign's just child, who had only kicked the bucket at as old as her.

In the expressions of Sovereign Afari, "You repeated the experience." Silas murmured faintly, his temple wrinkled and his eyes wide with rage at Afari for having assumed control over the position he had held for such a long time.

"No, I don't think that you should be my ruler." she grinned as she flew; Afari's eyes were loaded up with pink kinks as she articulated what she needed to say.

Nonetheless, the previous sovereign, Amanda Louis, sincerely committed to all that no men would be pioneers on their planet, and that is why she vowed to all that her girl would be the main one to be the top dog. However, she had no more youngsters. When it came to picking the new sovereign, Amanda went with Pixie Afari due to her better height and capacity than ordering different pixies of the Xatheral.

"Gee" After hearing the pixies' melody, Pixie Afari traveled to the earth and saw a canine that seemed to have lost all of its dark hair because of its wounds.

Even though she was a couple of months old, Pixie Afari went ahead and down and stood up to the powerless doggy. She grinned and utilized her enchanted stick to make him sound once more. Afari's positive response pulled in consideration of Pixie Fayette, who was additionally taking a look at the door, and she gave the canine a treat before he took off with it.

"Sovereign Afari, I am so glad for you," at that point, Fayette murmured to Afari, and Afari gestured her head cheerfully.

"Truly, I don't know about it. To the extent that

Everybody hates me for being an extraordinary individual, yet hearing this from you astounds me. Kindly acknowledge my genuine appreciation."

Afari talked from the profundities of her spirit. However, she and her mates were similarly amazed when they saw an impossible-to-miss, obscure scent on the ground. In a hurry, Sovereign Afari flew back to their central living place to meet with the fairies as a whole.

"Now is the right time to be warier. Ensure you've made every last trace of progress!" Afari shouted with her eyes open and appeared to be harmed by the backwoods' scent as Silas moved toward her.

"Stop, I will investigate it" When Afari acknowledged Silas would take off from her without expressing anything to them, she and Silas both stopped at a tree.

"I will kill you," Afari mumbled in a low voice as she fixed her look unequivocally on Silas'.

"I don't have any idea what you're on about. You're seriously jeopardizing yourself, so how could you need to hurt me?" When Afari thumped Silas to the ground, he wasn't able to complete what he planned to say. In any case, remaining to one side, suddenly, is a man dressed in the dark.

Afari changes Silas into bloom while the man dressed in dark watches on. Afari realizes that a Vampire has proactively attempted to control their locale. However, the man can't see her since she turns her body like a butterfly and shouldn't be visible to his red-shaded eye. The second she utilized her sorcery to transform him into stone. Nonetheless, he disappeared and was not in that frame of mind vision.

"Who's that?" Afari mumbled and held feigning exacerbation to the opposite side, where she saw a man gnawing at a gathering of youngsters as they entered his space.

Yet again, Afari fears the Vampires, gifted at stowing away and taking off, maybe more significant than she is. Hence, she zooms around her room and beverages every one of the enchanted beverages she can find. Ainslee ventured into the room, and she's just a Pixie who might be their slave for quite a while.

"I realize you know this. However, I have some awful news for you, Sovereign Afari. Who can say for sure where this will lead us." In reply to a request from Pixie Ainslee, Afari opened the window however wouldn't perceive the reality that they had another foe that needed to assume control over their domain.