
1- Pixelated Tutorial 1

Alex opens his eyes and finds himself in an infinite void of distorted white and blue atmosphere, and looks down to see an unending platform of pure white below him. The message panel pops up in front of him again, and shows a very familiar message which prompts him to start being a little happy and less apparently dead inside.

[Welcome to Pixel Hell 2.0 {tutorial}, you will learn the basic mechanics and rules here.] T-1: Introduction (active)

T-2: ? (Pending)

T-3: ? (Pending)

Alex then immediately checked every single window to proceed with the tutorial before it began. Example skills, items, stats, and settings.

[First, you will n3ed t0 l5371### -youve been temporarily given endless mana and stamina for T-1.1: Introduction. Try casting a fireball!]

Being used to breaking the tutorial text, it didn't phase him much. However, he was still clueless as he had only done this on a keyboard before. On impulse, he decided to first try the generic casting stance with his palm facing the newly materialized target.

"... uh, FIREBALL? "

[Would you like to enable voice activation?]

"Oh, shit..."

After several moments of silence, he denied the option and tried other ways. Movements, thoughts, feelings, he tried everything until he was left with one last untested option. He opened the skills tab and examined the description of [Fireball].

"... a chant? No, there's more... oh- that should be easy"

He imagined the feeling of fire and heat condensing within his hand and he watched as a light orange glow began to shine through his hand. After a few moments, a fireball was flying towards the target at the speed of a rising balloon. When it finally hit the target, everything vanished and a wooden dummy with artificial sentience appeared in front of him along with a small collection of items and equipment on a table.

[Choose your beginning equipment and accustom yourself to battle!]

On the table was a heavy and light dulled sword, two identical dull daggers, a leather shield, leather gauntlets, leather armor, leather boots, a wooden staff, and a single bandage covered with holes and dirt.

Having played through the 1.0 tutorial countless times, he took the bandage and equipped it as a weapon. It wrapped around his right hand and glowed a light red color for a moment to specify that it's a weapon. He then approached the wooden dummy and the table vanished since the tutorial considered him finished with choosing.

The dummy takes a perfect boxing stance at halved speed, and throws a dodgeable punch as the tutorial entity. Alex sighs and counterattacks with a kick behind its knee and a downward punch to the dummy's face at full force in order to end the 'fight' early.

[Congratulations! You've finished T-1: Introduction!]

T-1: Introduction (completed)

T-2: Introductory obsticle course (active)

T-3: ? (Pending)


Alexander P [Lv.1]

[Main character]



also I don't mind someone directly copying my story long as you finish the story for me :/

Chris_Clarycreators' thoughts