
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

"Coach Vilanova replaced Digan at this time. This decision is too risky. Maybe he should consider the frontless tactics used by Barcelona before, and simply push Messi to the front line. This effect should be better than Paddy Gan playing!"

Degan had just played, and he hadn't done anything yet, but he had already been denied by the Catalan commentator. Who made Degan not his own?

And I'm leaving soon!

The Barcelona fans at the scene also booed for a while, as if they were going to blow Degan back to the bench. They still had some sympathy for Degan at the beginning, but as he made a public statement and threatened the team, they There was nothing but disgust for Digan.

In the hearts of these self-righteous Barcelona fans, Barcelona has always been the only one who drives people away, and even the players who are cleared will be grateful to Barcelona after they leave. After all, they have played for the best club in the world.

To think of Degan threatening the club like this is simply rebellious. At that moment, they completely forgot what kind of treatment Degan had encountered in Barcelona.

But who made this world have so many cheap bones, which distorted the thoughts of Barcelona fans, such as Rivaldo who was played around by Barcelona.

In 1997, the wealthy Barcelona team called up Rivaldo at the last moment before the transfer market closed, and signed a six-year contract in one go, with an unprecedented liquidated damages of 92 million U.S. dollars.

Because of this transfer, Rivaldo has been regarded as a traitor by many Deportivo fans so far. In the Spanish football world, it is even rumored that the Brazilian brought a tape recorder to negotiate with Barcelona Chairman Nunez to prevent the latter from going back on his word.

Rivaldo firmly denied this: "This is simply a myth. The fact is that Nunes had already reached an agreement with Deportivo. I said: 'If you don't say yes, go back to Deportivo.' How could I ever go back then! It took Minghella two full years to get me what I deserved."

Although Rivaldo said so, everyone knows that he wanted to join Barcelona with all his heart at that time, and he did not hesitate to hurt the feelings of Deportivo fans for this reason.

In the first season of playing for Barcelona, ​​Rivaldo scored 19 goals and won the title of the best foreign aid in the Spanish League that year.

In the following season, Barcelona won the championship again, and Rivaldo ranked second in the scorer list. After that, Rivaldo not only won the Spanish League Championship for Barcelona, ​​but also was elected as the top scorer in the Spanish League with 24 goals.

Then Barcelona began to sink. In Barcelona's bleakest years, Rivaldo carried the banner of Catalonia alone.

Rivaldo can be said to have done everything for Barcelona, ​​but how did Barcelona reward him?

Following Van Gaal's entry into the Nou Camp in 2001, the Dutch coach with a weird personality quickly became incompatible with Rivaldo. Gaspart, who was the chairman of Barcelona at the time, finally chose Van Gaal.

FC Barcelona simply issued a communiqué announcing that they and Rivaldo had terminated their contracts.

Although Rivaldo was 30 years old at the time, he was still one of the best stars in the world, but why did the Barcelona team let him go without taking any money at this time? This seems counterintuitive.

Rivaldo's decline in form is one of the main reasons. Rivaldo moved from Deportivo to Barcelona in 1997. In that season, Rivaldo was amazingly good, but since then, his form has gone from bad to worse.

If the Barcelona team does not terminate the contract with Rivaldo, then before the expiration of the contract between the two parties in June 2003, the Barcelona club will also pay Rivaldo about 7.5 million US dollars in salary. Termination of the contract means that the Barcelona club can save this expense.

Rivaldo's departure also solved the problem of a "non-EU player quota" for the Barcelona team. According to the regulations of the Spanish First Division, each club can only register four non-EU players, including Rivaldo. There have been five non-EU players.

What's more, since the day Rivaldo came to Barcelona, ​​his side was full of blame and distrust, especially at the time Barcelona's chairman Gaspart always backtracked and treated Rivaldo first by improving his contract. Then he recruited his rival Van Gaal as coach, and finally terminated the contract with Rivaldo. Even a week before the termination, Gaspart kept saying that Rivaldo would stay in Barcelona next season, and the fans could continue Appreciate his skills.

This is Barcelona, ​​which claims to be full of humanity, and they are even more hypocritical than AC Milan.

Degan is not Rivaldo, and he will not fire at Barcelona after leaving. What he wants to say and do has been done. Now he wants to win this game and walk out with his head held high. Camp Nou, then go to a new place and start revenge against Barcelona.

For his wasted two years!

After playing, Degan naturally pushed to the front. Although the relationship between him and the other players in Barcelona was very tense, everyone knew that it was a game and winning was more important than personal grievances, so when Degan ran out of space Sometimes, they are still very willing to pass the ball.

However, Degan's condition seemed to be very bad. After taking the ball, he was not as sharp as before. After Digan came on the field, Di Matteo immediately arranged for Mikel to be in charge of marking. Behind Mikel there was a special Li is ready.

"Oops! Degan was intercepted again. I really don't understand why coach Vilanova sent him. He is not even comparable to Bojan who was loaned to Rome. Look at his movements, clumsy Almost like an elephant."

After Degan came on the field, he caught the ball three times. Although Mikel couldn't help him, Terry, who was always able to assist the defense at the first time, was a big problem in front of Degan. For three consecutive times, Degan was caught by Terry Poked the ball away, perhaps, Digan is really dead!

Digan's lightning speed and weird technical movements seemed to disappear all at once.

"God! Stop passing the ball to him, yes! He used to be the best player on the planet, but now, there is no doubt about it, he is no longer, absolutely no!"

But Degan didn't seem to react at all, he was still actively running, and then shouted for the ball, it seemed that until now, everything about his performance was very normal.

"Boy! You really shouldn't appear in this arena. Look at you, you're dead, dead!" Terry activated his taunting skills, constantly stimulating Digan's nerves.

But Digan didn't care at all, and immediately shot back: "You shouldn't appear in Bridge's wife's bed, I hope Bridge's wife won't tell you, a soft-legged shrimp, you can't do it, you can't do it! "

Depend on!

Terry's white face instantly turned red, and his fists were clenched. If the referee wasn't nearby, he would definitely have swung an iron fist.

However, if Terry really dares to do this, no one knows who will fall in the end.

no more!

To make a conclusion so early is to make clear the rhythm of asking for a slap in the face. When dealing with any player, before he decides to retire, don't say so early-he is dying!

Just like the German star Klose, who shined in Lazio this season, in 2007, Klose moved to Bayern at a price of 12 million euros, but after only two seasons, his state began to decline.

In order to realize the ideal of catching up with Muller, especially to participate in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, Klose made a bold decision to switch to Serie A last summer, regrouping in this place where Völler and Bierhoff had successively succeeded. .

The subsequent story became an inspirational blockbuster. Klose scored 5 goals in the first 7 rounds of the league, and his scoring efficiency was catching up with the legendary Lazio star Signori. After the end of the season, he surrendered 13 goals in 23 games 6 The perfect answer to an assist.

Such a good state naturally cannot escape Loew's eyes. Klose successfully continued his status as a striker in the German team. In the 6 European preliminaries, Klose scored an astonishing 9 goals and became the German team. important hero.

After comparing the downturn in the Bundesliga last season, the German media called Klose's mighty performance in Lazio "the recovery of Rome". With Klose's current state, not to mention the upcoming European Cup, he just hit No problem at the 2014 World Cup.

The old guy Klose can subvert people's understanding, let alone Digan!

"Pass the ball!"

Harvey hesitated for a moment, but still passed the ball. This time, at the moment of receiving the ball, Deegan leaned against Mikel, turned around quickly, and adjusted his vigilance against Deegan to the lowest level in his heart. Kerr was taken aback.

At the same time, those who were still talking endlessly about Digan's complete "failure" quickly shut up!

Countless facts are in front of you, never underestimate the heart of a champion, especially when it comes to dealing with Digan!

If you really think so, then wait to be slapped in the face gorgeously!

"Oppa! Come on!"

Park Zhiyan in the stands waved her fist vigorously. Just now, she couldn't understand the noise around her, but she could guess what those people were talking about. ,

Her own man was looked down upon by others, which made Pu Zhiyan's small universe burn!

Of course Digan couldn't hear Park Ji-yeon's cheers, and he doesn't need any encouragement at this moment, he can handle everything by himself!

It's Deegan's law, especially on his turf!