
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 15: Madman

Chapter 15: Madman

scandal! super scandalous!

After Degan actually scored a goal in the warm-up match against Barcelona, ​​he scolded AC Milan's coach Ancelotti and all his teammates.

The most serious thing is that this game will be broadcast to the whole world. His cursing words will soon be broadcast on TV and spread all over the world. At that time, AC Milan, a giant team, will really Becoming a laughing stock.

Degan doesn't care what the consequences will be. He only knows now that he's happy, and that's enough.

Since returning to Milan, Degan has not been happy for a day. In this team known as a warm family, Degan can't feel any sense of home. Apart from being squeezed out by his teammates, what he faces is the suppression of the head coach.

The reason why Degan was patient before was that he didn't want people to think that he was a coward who couldn't face setbacks and adversity. Now, when the whole team of AC Milan had nothing to do with Barcelona, ​​Degan made a shocking shot. He smashed the gate of Barcelona, ​​and at this moment he didn't need to be patient anymore, but after the outburst of anger, Digan felt that he had never been so happy before.

"You must be responsible for your actions today!"

Ancelotti glared at Degan with a livid face. If he could, he really wanted to burn the universe now, blast Degan into scum, and be scolded by his players during the game by pointing at his nose. Chelotti can also be called unprecedented.

Although Ancelotti has always emphasized his influence in the team and tried his best to improve his presence, he is now famous, and he is still famous, but this way of becoming famous is obviously not what Ancelotti wants. need.

Digan can face criticism without changing his face, even saying that he is shameless, but Ancelotti can't do it.


As a human being in two lifetimes, Degan has never regretted doing things. Of course, there was one time when he gave up football in his previous life. That was the only decision he regretted. Now that he is reborn, he has a healthy body and a With a strong heart, he was about to enjoy the joy brought by football, but he did not expect that AC Milan would face such a situation.

Since you want to exclude and suppress, why should I regret it?

Just to take care of your faces and make me unhappy all day long?


"I don't care!"

When Ancelotti heard this, his face turned black with anger. He turned around and said a few words to Tassotti, and soon Inzaghi stood in front of Degan.

Do you want to change someone?

Digan has already thought of it!

Inzaghi's eyes looked a bit complicated, looking at Digan, although Digan scolded him just now, he didn't mean to be angry at all, he even felt a little regretful, regretting that he shouldn't have done it because of Vier So they squeezed out Digan together.

"Feel sorry!"

When passing by Degan, Degan clearly heard Inzaghi say such a word, and couldn't help being stunned. Looking back at Inzaghi, he smiled.

This is the Super Pipo whom he regards as an idol.

Degan didn't even return to the bench, just leaning on his upper body and walked towards the players' aisle. Suddenly, there was a burst of loud applause from the stands, which caught Degan a little unprepared.

What do Americans like?

What they like most is to challenge authority. This can be seen from the fact that several presidents in the history of the United States were killed by ordinary people. Deegan pointed at his coach, and his teammates scolded him. Not only was he not disgusted, but he felt that Degan's behavior was so cool.

"Is he doing this to destroy his own future!" Anne Hathaway said to Avril Lavigne worriedly, she has nothing to do with Digan, and she doesn't need to worry about Digan, but who made that lunatic the man her best friend likes ?

It took a long time for Avril to react, and cheered together with the fans, shouting until her voice was hoarse, before she said to Hathaway: "Annie! Don't you think Rhodes was handsome just now? Coach, this is so cool."

After finishing speaking, he waved his fist at Digan and shouted: "Good job! Rhodes! Get rid of that fat man! Get rid of him! Get rid of that bastard!"

Hathaway watched, only to feel that her world view was about to collapse.

Such a shocking incident happened during the game. In the following time, neither side could concentrate on the game. AC Milan didn't want to fight, and Barcelona didn't want to rub salt in other people's wounds. After the game was over, he quickly left the field.

Digan had already finished his shower and was waiting in the locker room. Of course, he could go back to the hotel early so that he would not have to face the anger of his teammates, but escaping was not in his character.

In the dressing room of AC Milan, many teammates glared at Degan. Obviously, they attributed all the responsibility for losing the game to Degan.

"Boy! You ruined the game!" Vieri was extremely upset by Degan's scolding, and pointed at Degan and yelled.

Digan just gave Vieri a disdainful look, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, you stupid, incompetent cow, you know what you've done!"

Maldini is also very dissatisfied with Degan's performance today. He is the banner of Milan, the captain, and the leader. In his heart, the honor of AC Milan is more important than anything else.

"Digan! You must take responsibility for your actions today!"

Digan didn't want to speak harsh words to Maldini, but said indifferently: "I'm ready, and I can do whatever I want!"

Digan's attitude made Maldini even more dissatisfied, and said: "In your heart, is the unity of the team so indifferent?"

Deegan smiled and said, "Since I came here, do you think there has been a time of unity? I don't want to blame anyone, it's something a coward would do, I did it myself, I took it on myself, whatever you want, you can do whatever you want. Yes~~~~~~"

Degan stood up in front of Vieri, sneered, and said: "Your performance today is really bad, remember what you said to me at the beginning? I don't deserve to wear AC Milan's clothes." The team uniform, what about you? You're a dragging piece of crap!"

After Degan finished speaking, he pulled Vieri aside and walked out. As for the consequences, it was out of his consideration at all.

At the press conference after the game, Ancelotti sat and felt like a clown, which made him uncomfortable, but what should come will come, the game itself has nothing to say, AC Milan lost , and it was still a complete defeat, a complete loss. The reporters were concerned about Digan.

"I don't know why he did it! Maybe he was unhappy with himself coming off the bench, or maybe he was unhappy with my tactics, but he can't complain, everyone in the team is playing differently. I will only assign roles according to tactics, and Degan's performance today is obviously a big mistake, and I am shocked by his attitude."

"Will Degan still appear in the team in the future?"

Will you still do it?

Of course Ancelotti wanted to ban Degan, the bastard who made him a laughing stock, but he couldn't get out of his mouth. Degan is a player that both Berlusconi and Galliani admire. According to Degan, as long as one of the two is unwilling, there is no way to do it.

Threat of resignation?

Will AC Milan lack a head coach? Even his assistant Tassotti is eyeing his position!

"This matter needs to be studied and decided by the club, but it is certain that Digan will be given the punishment he deserves. He ruined a game that should have been very exciting. I can only say that I am very sorry for this!"

"Mr. Ancelotti, may I ask if you had any conflicts with Degan before, and there were conflicts in the team before, but they couldn't be resolved. Is this the reason why Degan lost control today!?"

"No! I have no conflict with Degan. What happened in the team before was just an accident. Everything is fine. As for Degan's behavior today, I can only say that he has not adjusted his mentality. Too sensitive."

Of course, Ancelotti couldn't admit that there were conflicts within the team. The team is already in a mess. If this incident caused the team to be shocked, then everything would be out of control.

The Internet is always the fastest. What happened in the United States was transmitted back to Milan just after the game. The media reporters who had been whipping Degan before were even more excited.

Degan turned into a lunatic in the United States, insulting his coach and teammates during the game, and now his reputation as a cancer is completely real.

The fans also expressed their dissatisfaction and anger towards Degan: "No matter what happens, he wears Milan's jersey to play and represents the entire team. What he has to do is to win honor for the team, not to cause trouble. , Now Milan has become the laughing stock in the eyes of others, so is he satisfied?"

"He has no sense of honor as an AC Milan player. His heart is not here at all. This incident has completely revealed his true colors. He is a cancer that destroys the unity of the team. I think Gallia Nee should consider kicking him off the team!"

"I can't believe that something like this can happen, but when I think about Degan, I don't think it's a big deal. He refused to play in the Brazil national team World Cup qualifiers before. He likes to cause trouble. , to make himself famous, now he has done it, but what about the honor of Milan? I think the biggest mistake is that Ancelotti put him on the field, we should choose those players who are willing to fight for Milan, not such a asshole!"

Even the head coach of the Brazilian national team, Pereira, followed along to join in the fun, and he simply said: "I've thought of it a long time ago! I'm not surprised at all, he is just such a person, he has no sense of collective honor! "