

Alita's hatred for vampires spiked when her entire family was murdered by vampires. Her only mission is to eliminate them from the face of the earth. Her hate simmered down and her revenge mission was put on hold when she met Axel —the man who saved her the same night her family was killed. She gradually opened up her heart to him and with his help, she discovered she was no ordinary human. She finally let go of her hate and decided to enjoy the love Axel was showering on her unreservedly. However, the bubble burst and all hell let loose the day she was killed by the king of vampires. A part of her that she never knew existed –the deadliest weapon against the vampires– woke up. Will love be enough to stop her? Will the vampire race survive?

Veekee_Lee · Fantasy
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164 Chs

I found her

Axel went back to the alley where Alita killed the vampires. It was still strange to him how she had managed to do it. One was understandable, but three at the same time was just unbelievable.

He squatted beside the first man, who was lying farther away from the others. There was a hole on his chest from which blood was still trickling. The hole was big enough for a drinking straw to pass through, but a finger wouldn't fit in it. The vampire's eyes were wide open and completely black, no whites or any other color could be seen. Axel scrunched his face into a disgusted grimace. "This is one strange and painful way to die." He muttered.

He stood up and moved to the next man. That was when he realized that the third man was missing. His thick brows scrunched up in a frown as he quickly looked around for the third man.

"Shit!" He cursed when he saw a trail of blood on the ground, indicating that the vampire had walked away from there. He went back to look at the face of the second man, to realize that the one missing is the same person Alita talked to.

He followed the trail of blood until the spot where it stopped. He guessed that he ran with vampire speed from thereon. "Shit." He cursed again, a little louder this time. Putting his hand in his pants pocket, he pulled out his phone. He put the phone back in his pocket and ran his hand through his hair in frustration when he saw that the phone was dead. At the same time, he disappeared from there.

Asher was leaning on the railing of the terrace, looking out at the city while enjoying the cool breeze when Axel appeared beside him, shirtless with tussled hair.

"Whoa... don't tell me she was able to handle four men." Asher acted shocked, but the mischief in his eyes gave away his thoughts.

"Give me your phone." Axel sounded impatient and annoyed, causing Asher to frown. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and gave it to Axel. He watched as Axel put a call across to someone and he wondered what was going on.

"Hey, Ash. What's up?" The person on the other end spoke immediately he picked up.

"It's Axel."

"Your highness. I didn't know it –"

"I have a job for you." Axel cut him off. "I want you to find Oliver Carson. He should be on his way to Havilla right now. When you find him, kill him and take every communication device on him. Don't let him get to his father."

"Consider it done, Your Highness." The man assured and Axel ended the call.

"What has he done this time?" Asher asked. His head turned to look at the quiet and peaceful city. Greenlight City is the second-largest out of five cities in Ariona. Though its main inhabitants are humans, most of the properties and business establishments there are owned by vampires.

"He killed a human and... He knows something he shouldn't." Axel replied as he also leaned against the railing. There was a law in place that forbids vampires from killing humans, and it seems some vampires are having trouble keeping it.

Also, Alita had caught his interest and he doesn't want anyone hunting her down or even knowing about her yet.

"He killed the lady?" Asher asked, but Axel looked at him with a scowl. The sudden thought of someone killing her irked him.

"Okay... that means he didn't kill her." Asher concluded after seeing the look on Axel's face.

"What do you know about the black venom?" Axel's eyes narrowed as he asked. He had heard people talk about it but he never gave an ear to it.

"That it is the only weapon which can cause the entire vampire race to go extinct. Also that it doesn't exist since no one has seen it yet." Asher answered lightly.

"What does it look like and how does it kill?" Axel's voice rang out again and this time, Asher pulled back from the railing. He turned sideways so he was looking at Axel's side profile.

"I don't know what it looks like, but I've heard people say it's a pitch-black liquid. About how it kills, they say if you touch it or it touches you." He answered and his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Why are you asking, Axel? Do you want to find it?" He asked.

"I think I found her already." Axel answered. His countenance depicted that he was contemplating something complex.

"The black venom is a 'she'?" Asher couldn't believe what he just heard. The black venom is supposed to be a liquid according to what he was told so how come Axel is referring to it as if it's a person? "Are you sure of what you are saying? The venom is a person?" He asked just to be sure he heard correctly.

Axel nodded. "Human, hates vampires and can differentiate between them and humans, should be around twenty or twenty-one, inhuman strength and speed, with a deadly symbol on her right palm that can kill any vampire she touches." Axel paused, turned his head to look at Asher, then continued. "She attacked Oliver and his friends. His two friends died instantly, but he somehow managed to escape. I would have gone after him myself if she had not drained and weakened me. What do you make of that?"

With raised brows and slightly parted lips, Asher stared at Axel in bewilderment. "The woman at the bar?" Was the next thing that flew out of his mouth. "And did you say she was able to weaken you?" He added.

Axel nodded his head. "And she happens to be the same girl we saved at Lava town. Should I believe it's a coincidence?" He pushed himself off the railing, went towards a sofa, and plopped himself down on it.

"Your father definitely knows something about it."

"He is not my father, Asher."

"Right. I almost forgot. His Majesty The King knows something about it which we don't. Lest I forget, he called just before you arrived. He wants us to return to Havilla for an important meeting." Asher reported. He watched as Axel filled a glass with blood wine and downed it.

"This won't do. I need blood. Lots of it." Axel said after emptying the glass.

Asher disappeared from there and returned seconds later with a different bottle. Axel's eyes were closed and his head thrown back. Even though he tried to control it, Asher could see that his breathing was ragged. He poured the contents of the bottle —which was thicker than the previous one— into the glass.

Axel opened his eyes and collected the glass. "I can't believe someone is able to weaken you to this extent." Asher commented.

"I wouldn't have believed it too. We will return to Havilla in three days."

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