
pirates x one piece

a guy goes into one piece world struggles his way completes the last task of system goes into got world with his crew mc loves arya stark

avinash_singh_0274 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

next move

I was on the sea for a year many things happened

king renly is dead stannis fleet was defeated by wildfire and jaqen was released by renly well things happened lannistwr won against baratheon

margaery tyrell was engaged with joffery

and their date of marriage was close so was the date of joffery death tyrion had shea with his side but he was too careful to let anyone be close to him cercei started doubting tyrion and here in valyria the population now was nearly 300000 we

the commonfolks who were not spies of varys Or littlefinger and lived a hell life were bought here and trained

meanwhile doffy was angry as sansa was about to marry tyrion I assured him tyrion wouldn't hurt her but he still didn't want to hear me yup what to do

" doffy take ace and 10000 men with you and bring her here "

I gave order and sent ace and 10000 men to help him but the banner won't be of white dragon pirates but it would have a direwolf on it listening about this mission ned and arya wanted to go but were stopped by me as their appearance would bring even grater changes to plot which was all ready changed as tyrion personality changed and danereys had marco with her

the 10000 people were divided in 100 different ships and 100 in each ship

ace took his small boat and doffy sat on a ship like an admiral with black coat just like rosinate

they took of these were marine ships so they will reach there soon these are one of the fastest ships in world well ace was sent due to wild fire this is one of the traps that destroyed stannis fleet

7 days later

ace pov.

I am bored we just came back from a voyage now I am going for other well it was doffy fow whom we came here well it is not everyday you see a pirate fall in love well it's nice now that there is no navy nor celestial dragons we can now have someone we love haha maybe I should also find someone for myself well that wouldn't be bad well it seems now my time has to shine has come

pov over

the kings landing was in front of the ships then

a voice came

" brace for impact"

everyone instantly caught the things nearby then

a greenfire surronded the ships and started spreading at a threatning speed

then ace jumped from his speedboat and said

" hiken"

and his fire surrounded the ships keeping wild fire away after sone time when the wild fire settled down the kings guards and everyone around them were astonished as the wild fire didn't even scratch the ships but they didn't fear as trywin lannister and the lannister army was here with them they didn't knew who the other party was but soon they knew the saw the banner of direwolf without thinking trywin gave the order to attack the ships but the ships didn't come forward nor did the small boat but soon a voice came.

" people of kings landing you might think who I am and why a am trying to attack you well

I am joker and I am here for sansa stark now you have 2 options either kill yourself or hand over sansa stark"

the people of kings landing were angry as how did this person try to threaten them and at that time joffery who was also there said that he is the king and he won't fear no one doffy laughed

listening to it ace frowned but it was clar what they had to do doffy used his threads and the people from lannister army started killing each other this was the cause of chaos doffy jumped from ship

and went at full speed towards sansa and attacked

joffery just a punch and he was unconscious doffy used haki to give joffery some extra pain snd went towards kings landing with his apy network he allready knew where she was guarded by magic Mountain George clegane which was nothing for doffy

doffy saw George controlled his movements and caught sansa before she could say anything he knocked her out and retreated 'it's not time to go for war' these words were said by jake before doffy departed from there doffy told ace using his strings and ace retreated doffy took sansa on warship using his strings and retreated at full speed